Business Instant Messaging Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Business Instant Messaging Statistics 2023: Facts about Business Instant Messaging outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Business Instant Messaging, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Business Instant Messaging Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 307 Business Instant Messaging Statistics on this page 🙂

Business Instant Messaging “Latest” Statistics

  • Consumers said they would switch to a business that provided text messaging to contact 63% of the time.[1]
  • 69% of individuals across all generations say they would rather get a text from an unknown business than a call.[1]
  • Text messages engage consumers more than emails, according to 86% of businesses that utilize them.[1]
  • 98% of all mobile business communications are transmitted over SMS, and this trend is expected to continue even with OTT messaging platforms like Messenger.[1]
  • According to recent research, conversion rates rose by 112.6% when businesses texted clients after the first point of contact had been established via another channel.[1]
  • Delivered business vouchers through SMS these days, text message marketing has an enormous influence on what people buy. 79% of smartphone users base their purchasing choices on SMS or other mobile services.[2]
  • Compared to other coupon kinds, business coupons sent by SMS are around ten times more likely to be redeemed.[2]
  • In fact, 68% of businesses expect that mobile messaging will eventually play a significant part in consumer marketing.[2]
  • Despite having a share of just 6%, phone calls are still used as a mode of business communication, according to projects research from 2022.[3]
  • According to Lexicon, a significant portion of Americans—over 80% —believe that employee communication is essential for fostering trust in businesses.[3]
  • American business languages according to official data, 78.5% of people in the U.S. are Native English speakers.[3]
  • Just 23% of CEOs feel their organizations are effective at coordinating employee objectives with business objectives.[3]
  • According to Gatehouse, 31% of us organizations confess they do not have a comprehensive internal communication strategy, compared to 21% of businesses globally.[3]
  • Particularly, just 13% of businesses that utilize intranets as online communication tools claim to use them every day.[3]
  • According to a 2020 Statista study on workers’ opinions about remote work in businesses with digital output, 86% of them saw remote work as the future of employment.[3]
  • 80% of organizations, according to a McKinsey survey, utilize collaboration technologies to improve their business operations.[3]
  • 37% of the aforementioned managers find it awkward to provide direct feedback during business communications.[3]
  • Professor Rob Cross of Babson’s College and the Institute for Corporate Productivity analyzed 1,100 American businesses and discovered that those that encourage teamwork are five times more likely to claim outstanding performance.[3]
  • Mobile texting is the primary or second method of communication for 66% of customers when contacting a business.[4]
  • Messages are the preferred method of communication for 66% of respondents when contacting businesses.[4]
  • 70% of clients concur that sending SMS text messages to them is an effective technique for businesses to get their attention.[4]
  • 52% of customers say they are more inclined to make another purchase from a business that provides live chat help.[5]
  • When a company’s customer service is better tailored to its customer’s needs and interests, 52% of consumers say they have a more favorable opinion of the business.[5]
  • According to 73% of consumers, the most crucial thing businesses can do to provide excellent customer service is to value their time.[5]
  • It is surprising that just 10% of businesses use live chat as their main or secondary form of communication.[5]
  • The most likely to purchase from and remain loyal to businesses that provide live chat help are 63% of customers who spend between $300 and $400 per month online10.[6]
  • 64% of customers believe businesses that SMS them appreciate their time and would suggest them to others.[6]
  • Consumer confidence in making a purchase increases for 66% of people when a business uses messaging applications.[6]
  • 68% of customers want to contact a business through mobile texting with billing-related queries or issues.[6]
  • 92% of people in the U.S. own text-capable phones. Only 14% of businesses regularly communicate with customers, despite 98% of smartphone users doing so regularly.[6]
  • 97% of businesses discovered that after initiating texting campaigns, they were able to engage with customers more effectively.[6]
  • According to a Gallup study, up to 54% of us employees would quit their present jobs to apply for jobs at businesses that permit remote work.[6]
  • 71% of customers feel text messaging was successful in getting their message through to businesses3.[6]
  • Here are the top 10 business languages in the world, according to Alexika, based on the proportion of global GDP and GDP in U.S. billions.[6]
  • Approximately 175 million individuals send messages to WhatsApp business accounts, according to WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart.[6]
  • Facebook said that over 20 billion messages were sent and received on Messenger by both people and businesses.[6]
  • Statistics show that just 1% of businesses use Facebook Messenger chatbots to interact with their customers.[6]
  • As expected, businesses that provide their staff with cellphones (55%), laptops (55%), or tablets (57%).[6]
  • However, when a business allows for telecommuting, methods like video conferencing (71%), and instant messaging (60%).[6]
  • Its software is particularly well-liked by staff at small businesses with less than 50 workers. 41% of those claim to use it to communicate.[6]
  • According to IBM, 72% of workers don’t completely comprehend the business plans of their employers.[6]
  • According to Workplace Insight, just 15% of Western European and British businesses feel that allowing employees to work from home has clearly harmed their productivity.[6]
  • One particular GMAC Corporate Recruiters poll reveals that, despite their lack of experience, 69% of recruiters are confident in employing business school grads who have the necessary communication abilities.[6]
  • 60% of businesses, according to a workforce survey, lack a long-term plan or vision for their internal communication systems.[6]
  • Only 28% of businesses think their automated consumer interactions are accurate and effective15.[6]
  • Live chat is only used by 9% of businesses on their website. Customers like it, and according to experts, live chat use increased by 87% from 2017 to 2018.[6]
  • The most popular instant messaging service, Skype, which it acquired in 2011, is utilized by 29% of businesses, while Microsoft Lync is used by 19% of respondents.[6]
  • 45% of businesses using chat right now don’t solicit consumer feedback and have no means of understanding how well they treat their clients.[7]

Business Instant Messaging “Job” Statistics

  • 52% of workers say they remain in a job because they feel respected and supported, according to Achievers Research.[3]
  • Baby boomers are specifically 15% more likely than other generations to apply for remote job employment, according to the findings of recent research.[3]
  • In a similar vein, a recent study report from the Society for Human Resource Management reveals that over 40% of U.S. employees are now actively looking for new jobs.[3]
  • According to the aforementioned Achievers Research, two-thirds of workers are probably going to look for a job in 2022.[3]
  • According to a Gallup study, up to 54% of us employees would quit their present jobs to apply for jobs at businesses that permit remote work.[6]
  • According to Gallup research, motivated workers are 27% more likely to exhibit exceptional job performance.[6]
  • Namely, those who report feeling 46 times more empowered to do their best job when they feel heard by coworkers and superiors.[6]

Business Instant Messaging “Line” Statistics

  • 65% of respondents in a worldwide poll said they are more inclined to make a purchase from a company they can communicate with via a mobile app.[8]
  • Rate push alerts for price decreases are utilized in 79% of online stores. Push alerts for new deals or discounts make up 25% of all e-commerce notifications.[8]
  • Online tools command the highest percentage of workplace communication devices, at 45%, according to Projects communications statistics in 2022.[3]
  • But with a share of 65%, their preference for online communication at home does not entirely apply to the office.[3]
  • Emails continue to be the major form of contact with customers, despite a considerable decline from 65% to 51% last year.[3]
  • Particularly, just 13% of businesses that utilize intranets as online communication tools claim to use them every day.[3]
  • According to remote sources, engaging in digital workplaces and utilizing online collaboration tools may boost productivity by 20%-30%.[3]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms in addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • Statistics on the usage of internet technologies at work online tools command the highest percentage of workplace communication devices, at 45%, according to Project’s Communications Statistics 2022.[3]
  • The Microsoft 2022 work trend index reveals that 43% of workers are somewhat or highly inclined to contemplate quitting employment in 2023, proving that the great resignation is genuine.[3]
  • In addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • When speaking with customers over the phone, the scenario is identical. Compared to the previous year, there was a minor decline in the number of customer phone calls, from 9% to 7%.[3]
  • This demonstrates a dramatic decline in interpersonal contact amongst coworkers compared to the previous year (11%).[3]
  • Educational histories 64% of the second important video calling aspect is income. 69% of higher-paid employees utilize online conferencing services. 57 % of the middle.[3]
  • Video calling and online conferencing services are utilized by 69% of higher-paid employees, making salary the second most important factor. 57% of the middle.[3]
  • One of the most crucial services a website can provide, according to 44% of online shoppers, is the ability to speak with a real person when making a purchase.[5]
  • 52% of customers say they are more inclined to make another purchase from a business that provides live chat help.[5]
  • If they can’t get rapid answers to their inquiries, 53% of consumers are likely to give up on their online transactions.[5]
  • By the end of 2021, a live online chat will likely outcompete conventional assistance methods, according to 71% of executives.[5]
  • In other words, if a website does not provide live chat, 37% of users are less inclined to visit it again.[5]
  • A live person answering their queries, according to more than 44%, is one of the most crucial elements an online store can provide.[5]
  • The most likely to purchase from and remain loyal to businesses that provide live chat help are 63% of customers who spend between $300 and $400 per month online.[6]
  • By the end of 2021, live online chat, according to 71% of respondents, will overtake other help options.[6]
  • Online tools, which account for 28% of all workplace communication equipment, are ranked second by the Project.[6]
  • After engaging in a live chat on a website, visitors are more inclined to return, and 62% of them may even make an online purchase.[6]
  • Furthermore, e-marketers found that 63% of consumers were more inclined to return to a website that provides live chat, thus chat is a wonderful method to get people back.[6]
  • Channel10 one of the most crucial services a website can provide, according to 44% of online shoppers, is the ability to speak with a real person when making a purchase.[6]
  • Today2 the fact that there will be about 20% more users of online chat applications in three years will not come as a surprise.[6]
  • 38% of customers, according to Crazyegg, are more inclined to make a purchase from a firm if they provide live chat help.[7]
  • According to JD Power, live chat has overtaken email and social media or forums as the preferred digital contact channel for online consumers. A startling 42% of customers choose live chat, while just 23% prefer email and 16% prefer social media or forums.[7]
  • A startling 46% of consumers prefer live chat over email, only 29% prefer it over social media, and just 16% prefer it over other digital contact methods, making it the most popular one for online shoppers.[7]
  • 77% of customers who can text and are between the ages of 18 and 34 are inclined to view a firm that provides text capacity favorably.[9]

Business Instant Messaging “Instant” Statistics

  • Instead of making phone calls or sending emails, 70% of users said instant messaging saved them time, and 21% reported a moderate to a considerable boost in productivity.[10]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms in addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • In addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • Businesses that gave staff access to instant messaging programs were more likely to also provide them access to mobile devices, including tablets and laptops, 75% and 47%, respectively.[6]
  • WeChat figures show that it currently has 11 billion active monthly users, making it the most widely used instant messenger in china2.[6]
  • Despite the fact that 28% of employees use instant messaging services, just 8% of respondents said it was their first option for communicating with coworkers.[6]
  • In addition to video calling services for virtual conferences additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[6]
  • However, when a business does allow for telecommuting, methods like video conferencing (71% ), and instant messaging (60%).[6]
  • Applications for instant messaging, according to 14% of respondents, enable users to send fewer emails, while 12% appreciated the tools’ versatility and 10% found them to be simple to use.[6]
  • Despite the fact that choosing an instant messaging program may significantly affect how employees communicate with coworkers and outside contacts, only 3% of companies consult their communications department before making this decision.[6]
  • Meanwhile, 45% of frequent users claim that instant messaging makes them more productive than they would be without it.[6]
  • It should come as no surprise that 71% of workers in the IT sector use instant messaging extensively.[6]
  • The most popular instant messaging service, skype, which it acquired in 2011, is utilized by 29% of businesses, while Microsoft Lync is used by 19% of respondents.[6]
  • Statista reports that more Finns use social networks (70%) than instant messaging services like WhatsApp (82%).[11]
  • With 87% of all German instant messenger users using the app frequently in 2022, WhatsApp will continue to rule the messaging game in Germany.[11]
  • Once again in terms of instant messengers, messenger by meta is rated second with 51.1% of users, followed by telegram with 45.3%.[11]
  • Surprisingly, with a use rate of 76%, SMS is outpacing all other forms of instant messaging in Sweden.[11]
  • According to the most recent statistics provided by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of the firm, WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by Meta, is currently sending around 100 billion messages each day.[11]

Business Instant Messaging “Minute” Statistics

  • 90% of individuals read texts during the first three minutes. Eight marketing pieces with a 98% read rate and ten more eye-catching statistics operators of the code broker mobile survey target the 26 billion business messaging market8.[6]
  • According to statistics, workers who work from home tend to delay for 10 minutes less every day and are 47% more productive.[6]
  • A tweet has a half-life of roughly 24 minutes and receives 75% of its interaction in under three hours.[6]
  • Mobile phone use accounts for 41.8% of the overall daily internet usage time, or five hours and 22 minutes, with two hours and 14 minutes.[11]
  • People now spend 14 minutes more every day on social media than they did a year ago or 10.2% more.[11]
  • In Denmark in 2022, the daily time spent on social media climbed by 17.8% with an additional 18 minutes per day.[11]
  • According to statistics, 98% of all text messages are read, and 95% of SMS are read and answered within three minutes of delivery.[12]

Business Instant Messaging “Second” Statistics

  • 13.3% of women in the 24-34 women’s cohort could be reached by advertisements, making them the second most targeted category.[13]
  • Emails that are opened—of which we choose to open 70% —are still a productivity killer since they are often opened within six seconds of being received.[3]
  • Educational histories 64% of the second important video calling aspect is income. 69% of higher-paid employees utilize online conferencing services. 57% of the middle.[3]
  • Mobile texting is the primary or second method of communication for 66% of customers when contacting a business.[4]
  • Live chat customer happiness is second only to phone assistance, which has a 91% satisfaction rating.[5]
  • It is surprising that just 10% of businesses use live chat as their main or secondary form of communication.[5]
  • Online tools, which account for 28% of all workplace communication equipment, are ranked second by the Project.[6]
  • A staggering 2.7 billion people are active on Facebook each month as of the second quarter of 2020, an increase of 12% from September 2019.[6]
  • Once again in terms of instant messengers, messenger by meta is rated second with 51.1% of users, followed by telegram with 45.3%.[11]

Business Instant Messaging “Inst” Statistics

  • Instead of making phone calls or sending emails, 70% of users said instant messaging saved them time, and 21% reported a moderate to a considerable boost in productivity.[10]
  • For instance, in North America, just 34.1% of emails are actually opened, indicating that people are less interested in interacting as a result of the plethora of emails.[3]
  • In actual statistics, this equates to 52% of workers who did not get communication training against 65% of those who did.[3]
  • In place of it, they choose a team communication app in 55% of instances. Email is used in 28% of situations.[3]
  • In 48% of situations, they depend on emails instead. 20% of incidents include mobile phones. Desk phones are used in 10% of situations.[3]
  • Fortunately, research from the University of Minnesota demonstrates that students who participate in listening instruction significantly increase their capacity to comprehend what is stated.[3]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms, besides video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • In addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • Businesses that gave staff access to instant messaging programs were more likely to also provide them access to mobile devices, including tablets and laptops, 75% and. 47%, respectively.[6]
  • According to 67% of U.S. smartphone users, banks and financial institutions should send them services.[6]
  • WeChat figures show that it currently has 11 billion active monthly users, making it the most widely used instant messenger in China.[6]
  • Despite the fact that 28% of employees use instant messaging services, just 8% of respondents said it was their first option for communicating with coworkers.[6]
  • In addition to video calling services for virtual conferences additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[6]
  • However, when a business does allow for telecommuting, methods like video conferencing (71% ), and instant messaging (60% ).[6]
  • Applications for instant messaging, according to 14% of respondents, enable users to send fewer emails, while 12% appreciated the tools’ versatility and 10% found them to be simple to use.[6]
  • Despite the fact that choosing an instant messaging program may significantly affect how employees communicate with coworkers and outside contacts, only 3% of companies consult their communications department before making this decision.[6]
  • Meanwhile, 45% of frequent users claim that instant messaging makes them more productive than they would be without it.[6]
  • It should come as no surprise that 71% of workers in the IT sector use instant messaging extensively.[6]
  • The most popular instant messaging service, Skype, which it acquired in 2011, is utilized by 29% of businesses, while Microsoft Lync is used by 19% of respondents. 11.[6]
  • Third 36% 2 of users of messaging applications have installed two or more apps. 16% use three or more applications, compared to 20% who use two.[6]
  • For instance, the least involved industry is manufacturing, where just 25% of workers are engaged.[14]
  • Statista reports that more Finns use social networks (70% ) than instant messaging services like WhatsApp (82%).[11]
  • With 87% of all german instant messenger users using the app frequently in 2022, WhatsApp will continue to rule the messaging game in Germany.[11]
  • Once again in terms of instant messengers, messenger by Meta is rated second with 51.1% of users, followed by telegram with 45.3%.[11]
  • Surprisingly, with an use rate of 76%, SMS is outpacing all other forms of instant messaging in Sweden.[11]
  • According to the most recent statistics provided by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of the firm, WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by Meta, is currently sending around 100 billion messages each day.[11]
  • Against 4% emails and 1% of Facebook real estate is the industry most often using SMS marketing (17.9%).[12]
  • For instance, according to research by Kayakor, 79% of firms indicated that using live chat enhanced customer loyalty, sales, and income.[7]
  • Over the course of q1 2016, 17% of individuals got or sent a text message from an educational institution.[9]
  • Sms for two-factor authentication a use case for text messaging that social media cannot supply is 2FA, such as those from financial institutions for approving transactions, which represented 20% of traffic or roughly 300 billion messages in 2017.[9]

Business Instant Messaging “Messaging” Statistics

  • Consumers said they would switch to a business that provided text messaging to contact 63% of the time.[1]
  • 98% of all mobile business communications are transmitted over SMS, and this trend is expected to continue even with OTT messaging platforms like Messenger.[1]
  • The moment has come for your company to use chatbots more often in order to promote growth, with 83% of customers indicating that they would shop for or purchase items through messaging discussions.[13]
  • Instead of making phone calls or sending emails, 70% of users said instant messaging saved them time, and 21% reported a moderate to a considerable boost in productivity.[10]
  • According to McKinsey & Company, failing to use corporate messaging applications reduces the productivity of high-skill workers and management by 20-25%.[10]
  • A survey by software advice on close to 150 workers who used enterprise-grade messaging applications for work revealed that 66% of them found it simpler to resolve minor concerns more quickly.[10]
  • In fact, 68% of businesses expect that mobile messaging will eventually play a significant part in consumer marketing.[2]
  • The percentage is greater among advertisers who are aware of the effectiveness of SMS marketing. 53% of marketers use SMS messaging in their campaigns.[2]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms in addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • In addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • Brinks home security saw a 14 percentage point increase in CSAT while converting 10% of their phone calls to text messaging.[4]
  • 36% of users of messaging applications have two or more active accounts. Social networking sites now have 20% fewer active monthly users than messaging applications.[6]
  • Consumers are more likely to pick a certain brand’s product or service over another if they can send mobile messaging, according to 45% of consumers3.[6]
  • 53% of customers claim to have a more favorable opinion of a company that communicates with them through mobile messaging.[6]
  • 71% of customers feel text messaging was successful in getting their message through to businesses3.[6]
  • 43% of Spanish consumers, according to a Statista poll from early 2021, get news via messaging applications.[6]
  • According to wall street journal research, there is a 3 in 4 probability that you possess a smartphone and have one or more messaging applications loaded on it in 2017.[6]
  • Instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Messenger by Meta, and Telegram are the most popular social media platforms in Brazil, with 90% of people using them, according to a recent Statista report from December 2021.[6]
  • Statistics for messaging applications show that there are presently 1.6 billion users of WhatsApp.[6]
  • Despite the fact that 28% of employees use instant messaging services, just 8% of respondents said it was their first option for communicating with coworkers.[6]
  • In addition to video calling services for virtual conferences additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[6]
  • Consumers think they would pay extra for a product if it was backed by a mobile messaging channel up to 66% of the time.[6]
  • 50% of American WhatsApp users visit the messaging app every day, according to AudienceProject data.[6]
  • However, when a business does allow for telecommuting, methods like video conferencing (71% ), and instant messaging (60%).[6]
  • Despite the surge in mobile use figures, 65% of organizations still don’t have a proper bulk SMS messaging plan in place to capitalize on the amount of time we spend on our phones. 3.[6]
  • Applications for instant messaging, according to 14% of respondents, enable users to send fewer emails, while 12% appreciated the tools’ versatility and 10% found them to be simple to use.[6]
  • Despite the fact that choosing an instant messaging program may significantly affect how employees communicate with coworkers and outside contacts, only 3% of companies consult their communications department before making this decision.[6]
  • Meanwhile, 45% of frequent users claim that instant messaging makes them more productive than they would be without it.[6]
  • According to business insider’s messaging apps report, messaging apps have 20% more active monthly users than social networks at the moment.[6]
  • It should come as no surprise that 71% of workers in the IT sector use instant messaging extensively.[6]
  • The most popular instant messaging service, Skype, which it acquired in 2011, is utilized by 29% of businesses, while Microsoft Lync is used by 19% of respondents.[6]
  • According to Statista’s analysis of the most widely used messaging services in the nation, WhatsApp has an outstanding 73% user penetration rate in Saudi Arabia.[6]
  • Statistics show that 64% of consumers desire to make or change a reservation through text messaging3.[6]
  • With 65.11% of swedes using it, Messenger by Meta is the runner-up messaging app. Nearly one million more people, or 11.2% more, used social media in Sweden in 2022 compared to 2021.[6]
  • Over 66% of customers will feel more secure about purchases when a brand is active and accessible on a messaging app, and 55% will feel more connected to the brand.[6]
  • Third 36% 2 of users of messaging applications have installed two or more apps. 16% use three or more applications, compared to 20% who use two.[6]
  • Recalling the data from the google white paper, 53% of employees use messaging services like WhatsApp and messenger whether the firm approves of them, and sometimes they use these services up to six times a day.[14]
  • Alternative messaging services like Telegram line and Viber have a market share of more than 40% in nations including Belarus, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.[15]
  • 43% of Spanish consumers, according to a Statista poll from early 2021, get news via messaging applications. 8% telegram, 35% WhatsApp.[11]
  • Statista reports that more Finns use social networks (70%) than instant messaging services like WhatsApp (82% ).[11]
  • Facebook is the most popular social media platform in Denmark, along with Messenger by Meta (72%), Instagram (59%), and Facebook (70.8%).[11]
  • With 87% of all german instant messenger users using the app frequently in 2022, WhatsApp will continue to rule the messaging game in Germany.[11]
  • In a poll on the frequent usage of social media, 91% of respondents indicated they often used messaging apps like Whatsapp.[11]
  • With 46.6%, messenger by Meta is in the fifth position, indicating a definite affinity for the environmentally friendly messaging program.[11]
  • Surprisingly, with an use rate of 76%, SMS is outpacing all other forms of instant messaging in Sweden.[11]
  • According to the most recent statistics provided by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of the firm, WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by meta, is currently sending around 100 billion messages each day.[11]
  • In 2022, SMS marketing will be more crucial than ever since 98% of us citizens will have access to a mobile device with text messaging capabilities.[12]
  • 33% of customers said they subscribed to a brand’s text messaging to get more insightful information.[9]
  • In order to stay informed, 48% of customers claimed to have subscribed to a brand’s SMS messaging.[9]
  • Smartphone users only utilize email 10% of the time, while they spend 22% of their time messaging on their phones.[9]
  • Sms for two-factor authentication a use case for text messaging that social media cannot supply is 2FA, such as those from financial institutions for approving transactions, which represented 20% of traffic or roughly 300 billion messages in 2017.[9]

Business Instant Messaging “Message” Statistics

  • 72% of people said they would rather book a trip with a firm that sent them text messages with updates and reminders about their arrangements.[1]
  • Text messages engage consumers more than emails, according to 86% of businesses that utilize them.[1]
  • Consumer satisfaction with appointment reminders is 83%. 67% of consumers would prefer to get appointment reminders and schedule confirmations through text message as opposed to phone call when given the choice.[2]
  • Delivered business vouchers through SMS these days, text message marketing has a big influence on what people buy. 79% of smartphone users base their purchasing choices on sms or other mobile services.[2]
  • Most people read their messages, on average. When a client can’t SMS a company 54% express serious dissatisfaction.[2]
  • When you include in how many individuals currently get text messages from companies, the figure is almost the same at 76% .[2]
  • 16% of the time 5% of the time are desktop phones 82% of people say they prefer text messages over voicemails if they get voicemails because text is simpler to skim for the relevant information.[3]
  • 66% of respondents said they would pay an average of 17% extra for a product or service backed by a message.[4]
  • 70% of clients concur that sending SMS text messages to them is an effective technique for businesses to get their attention.[4]
  • 74% of consumers claim that companies that communicate with them by text message boost their overall perception of them.[4]
  • A typical text message statistic claims that texts have a 98% open rate, however the actual figure is more like 95% .[4]
  • Here are just a few examples of successes increased text message engagement rates to 98% open rates.[4]
  • Because they found them annoying, 52% of customers indicated they didn’t opt in to a brand’s sms messages.[6]
  • Consumers will spend more money with merchants that encourage digitalization and in store interactions with message specialists in 75% of cases.[6]
  • By 2022, 85% of consumers will prefer text messages over phone calls or emails3. 70% of customers want the usage of mobile texting to resolve problems.[6]
  • 71% of customers feel text messaging was successful in getting their message through to businesses3.[6]
  • The number of SMS messages exchanged in the U.S. reached a high in 201.12, according to Statista.[6]
  • Approximately 175 million individuals send messages to WhatsApp business accounts, according to WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart.[6]
  • Will Cathcart tweeted in December 2020 that WhatsApp sends over 100 billion messages daily.[6]
  • This year, Facebook said that over 20 billion messages were sent and received on Messenger by both people and businesses2.[6]
  • According to study done by Greenberg inc. In June 2018, 56% of individuals have sent a message that simply contains emojis.[6]
  • By the year 202.53, 59 billion individuals will be sending and receiving text messages globally.[6]
  • According to a recent Facebook study, 63% of respondents indicated they messaged companies more often in 2019 than they had in prior years.[6]
  • In actuality, since 210.85, the volume of messages exchanged over WhatsApp has grown by 53.84% .[6]
  • According to statistics, 73% of firms anticipate a rise in their spending for SMS short codes and text message marketing in the next year.[6]
  • Russia, where 89% of people send and receive text messages, has the largest rate of mobile users.[6]
  • Even more, 74% of smartphone users don’t have any unread text messages. Consumer satisfaction with appointment reminders is 83% by text message.[6]
  • 80% of Facebook messages from customers to companies inquiring about a product or service before a purchase is made16. Over 25% of WeChat users were born in the 2000s, compared to over 43% who were born in the 1990s16.[6]
  • According to the most recent statistics provided by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of the firm, WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by meta, is currently sending around 100 billion messages each day.[11]
  • Customers would prefer receiving special offers by text message 48% of the time, and these texts have a far higher click-through rate (19%) than other marketing channels like email marketing (4% ) and Facebook (1%).[12]
  • In the USA, the SMS market is at 62% and will reach a value of 31.7 billion in 2022. 48% of customers prefer direct contact from marketers through SMS text messages. By 2023, it is predicted that 82 billion people will use mobile phones globally.[12]
  • Over 50% of customers say they would rather use text messages for customer service than phone calls if given the choice between the two.[12]
  • According to statistics, 98% of all text messages are read, and 95% of SMS are read and answered within three minutes of delivery.[12]
  • Text messages are sent and received by U.S. customers five times more often than phone conversations.[12]
  • Over the course of q1 2015, 15% of individuals either got or sent a text message from their workplace.[9]
  • Over the course of q1 2016, 17% of individuals got or sent a text message from an educational institution.[9]
  • 31% of customers said they signed up for text messages from a brand in order to avoid having to visit a physical place, a website, or an app to get information.[9]
  • Because the texts didn’t include valuable information, 41% of customers stated they didn’t opt-in to get text messages from a company.[9]
  • The previous day, 47% of Americans between the ages of 30 and 49 reported sending or receiving a lot of text messages.[9]
  • Compared to 34% of customers who prefer native SMS to communicate with their family and friends, 47% of consumers prefer native SMS to message companies.[9]
  • The previous day, 68% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 reported sending or receiving a lot of text messages.[9]
  • 77% of customers claimed to have agreed to receive text messages from a brand in order to gain discounts or coupons.[9]
  • According to 78% of U.S. customers, text messages are the quickest method to contact them for crucial service updates and purchases.[9]
  • Compared to 68% of male customers, 83% of female consumers are more likely to get text messages with discounts or other special offers.[9]
  • Sms for two-factor authentication a use case for text messaging that social media cannot supply is 2fa, such as those from financial institutions for approving transactions, which represented 20% of traffic or roughly 300 billion messages in 2017.[9]

Business Instant Messaging “Statistics” Statistics

  • In actual statistics, this equates to 52% of workers who did not get communication training against 65% of those who did.[3]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms in addition to video calling, the pew research center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[3]
  • Statistics on in-person encounters at work people spend 12% of their time engaged in corporate communication on in person contacts, citing research from 2022 by Projects.[3]
  • These statistics show that since 2012, a significant number of users have switched from competitive channels to live chat assistance.[5]
  • 90% of individuals read texts during the first three minutes. Eight marketing pieces with a 98% read rate and ten more eye-catching statistics operators of the code broker mobile survey target the 26 billion business messaging market.[6]
  • According to Statista statistics from 2019, Messenger has 1.3 billion subscribers, compared to 1.6 billion on WhatsApp.[6]
  • There are already 40 million active companies on Messenger, according to Facebook statistics.[6]
  • According to App Annies statistics, WhatsApp climbed by 35% while Facebook had 20% year-over.[6]
  • According to GlobalWebIndex statistics, 46.1% of WhatsApp’s global user base are female users5.[6]
  • According to statistics, workers who work from home tend to delay for 10 minutes less every day and are 47% more productive.[6]
  • According to statistics, 73% of firms anticipate a rise in their spending for SMS short codes and text message marketing in the next year.[6]
  • Their 2016 statistics analysis reveals that more than 90% of WeChat users utilize the app daily.[6]
  • When we examine the use statistics for WhatsApp among its active users, 58% of them reported using the app more than once every day.[6]
  • According to Statista’s most recent statistics, as of august 2021, WhatsApp continues to have an 80% market share over messenger by Meta in the UK.[11]
  • According to the most recent statistics provided by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of the firm, WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by meta, is currently sending around 100 billion messages each day.[11]
  • According to statistics, 98% of all text messages are read, and 95% of SMS are read and answered within three minutes of delivery.[12]
  • 98% read rate in marketing, plus ten more compelling statistics operators of the code broker mobile survey plan to capture the 26 billion business messaging market.[9]

Business Instant Messaging “Other” Statistics

  • 58% of customers said they texted a firm after missing a call but were unsuccessful in reaching anybody.[16]
  • Most individuals hardly ever travel without their smartphones, which make up 81% of those phones.[16]
  • Business communications reportedly reached an all-time high in 2020 at 27 trillion, up 10% from the previous year.[16]
  • Facebook advertisements often convert at a rate of 10%, whereas google advertising only converts at a rate of 3%.[16]
  • Retailers may boost their conversion rate to 23% by using SMS marketing to its maximum potential, including customized content, customization, time-sensitive specials, and compelling CTAs.[16]
  • Compared to emails, which have a conversion rate of less than 4%, SMS marketing has roughly a 14% conversion rate.[16]
  • Nearly 20% of Facebook Messenger users are great candidates for receiving messenger adverts.[17]
  • Only 20% and 24% of the population in Canada and the U.S. are theoretically accessible through messenger advertisements, respectively.[17]
  • Given that there are over 46 billion users of the internet, 26% of them, or around 119 million individuals, prefer messenger over Pinterest, Snapchat, and Discord.[17]
  • According to the Hootsuite digital trends report, 82% of us people use messenger the most often.[17]
  • Brazilian and Mexican Messenger advertisements have the ability to reach 11.2% of the population.[17]
  • Instead of making phone calls or sending emails, 70% of users said instant messaging saved them time, and 21% reported a moderate to a considerable boost in productivity.[18]
  • For instance, in North America, just 34.1% of emails are actually opened, indicating that people are less interested in interacting as a result of the plethora of emails.[19]
  • In actual statistics, this equates to 52% of workers who did not get communication training against 65% of those who did.[19]
  • In place of it, they choose a team communication app in 55% of instances. Email is used in 28% of situations.[19]
  • In 48% of situations, they depend on emails instead. 20% of incidents include mobile phones. Desk phones are used in 10% of situations.[19]
  • Fortunately, research from the University of Minnesota demonstrates that students who participate in listening instruction significantly increase their capacity to comprehend what is stated.[19]
  • Statistics on workplace adoption of commercial messaging platforms, besides video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[19]
  • In addition to video calling, the Pew Research Center survey reveals that online conferencing services are also available. Additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[19]
  • Businesses that gave staff access to instant messaging programs were more likely to also provide them access to mobile devices, including tablets and laptops, 75% and. 47%, respectively.[20]
  • According to 67% of U.S. smartphone users, banks and financial institutions should send them services.[20]
  • WeChat figures show that it currently has 11 billion active monthly users, making it the most widely used instant messenger in China.[20]
  • Despite the fact that 28% of employees use instant messaging services, just 8% of respondents said it was their first option for communicating with coworkers.[20]
  • In addition to video calling services for virtual conferences additionally, 57% of respondents like using instant messaging services.[20]
  • However, when a business does allow for telecommuting, methods like video conferencing (71% ), and instant messaging (60% ).[20]
  • Applications for instant messaging, according to 14% of respondents, enable users to send fewer emails, while 12% appreciated the tools’ versatility and 10% found them to be simple to use.[20]
  • Despite the fact that choosing an instant messaging program may significantly affect how employees communicate with coworkers and outside contacts, only 3% of companies consult their communications department before making this decision.[20]
  • Meanwhile, 45% of frequent users claim that instant messaging makes them more productive than they would be without it.[20]
  • According to business insider’s messaging apps report, messaging apps have 20% more active monthly users than social networks at the moment.[20]
  • It should come as no surprise that 71% of workers in the IT sector use instant messaging extensively.[20]
  • The most popular instant messaging service, Skype, which it acquired in 2011, is utilized by 29% of businesses, while Microsoft Lync is used by 19% of respondents.[20]
  • According to Statista’s analysis of the most widely used messaging services in the nation, WhatsApp has an outstanding 73% user penetration rate in Saudi Arabia.[20]
  • Statistics show that 64% of consumers desire to make or change a reservation through text messaging3.[20]
  • With 65.11% of swedes using it, Messenger by Meta is the runner-up messaging app. Nearly one million more people, or 11.2% more, used social media in Sweden in 2022 compared to 2021.[20]
  • Over 66% of customers will feel more secure about purchases when a brand is active and accessible on a messaging app, and 55% will feel more connected to the brand.[20]
  • Third 36% 2 of users of messaging applications have installed two or more apps. 16% use three or more applications, compared to 20% who use two.[20]
  • Recalling the data from the google white paper, 53% of employees use messaging services like WhatsApp and messenger whether the firm approves of them, and sometimes they use these services up to six times a day.[21]
  • Alternative messaging services like Telegram line and Viber have a market share of more than 40% in nations including Belarus, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.[22]
  • 43% of Spanish consumers, according to a Statista poll from early 2021, get news via messaging applications. 8% telegram, 35% WhatsApp.[23]
  • Against 4% of emails and 1% of Facebook real estate is the industry most often using SMS marketing (17.9%).[24]
  • For instance, according to research by Kayakor, 79% of firms indicated that using live chat enhanced customer loyalty, sales, and income.[25]
  • Over the course of q1 2016, 17% of individuals got or sent a text message from an educational institution.[26]
  • SMS for two-factor authentication a use case for text messaging that social media cannot supply is 2FA, such as those from financial institutions for approving transactions, which represented 20% of traffic or roughly 300 billion messages in 2017.[26]

Also Read

How Useful is Business Instant Messaging

Business instant messaging platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and WhatsApp have revolutionized the way colleagues interact with each other. These platforms enable real-time communication, file sharing, video calls, and project collaboration, all in one place. Gone are the days of waiting for an email response or playing phone tag with colleagues. With instant messaging, employees can reach each other with just a click of a button, making communication more fluid and effective.

One of the biggest benefits of business instant messaging is its efficiency. Instead of wasting time writing lengthy emails or scheduling meetings, employees can quickly convey information and get instant feedback. This not only saves time but also increases productivity and helps employees stay on top of tasks and deadlines. In addition, instant messaging allows for easy collaboration on projects, as team members can share files, discuss ideas, and make decisions in real time.

Furthermore, business instant messaging fosters a more connected and engaged work environment. With the ability to communicate with colleagues across the globe, remote workers or employees in different offices can stay connected and feel like they are part of the team. Instant messaging also promotes a more casual and informal way of communicating, which can help break down barriers and encourage open communication among colleagues. This can lead to better relationships and a more positive work culture within the organization.

Moreover, instant messaging is a great tool for businesses that have a high volume of communication or rely on quick decision-making. For example, customer service teams can use instant messaging to quickly answer customer inquiries or resolve issues, leading to increased customer satisfaction. Sales teams can also benefit from instant messaging by staying connected with clients and sharing information about products or services in a timely manner.

On the other hand, some may argue that business instant messaging can be distracting and lead to information overload. With constant notifications and messages popping up throughout the day, employees may find it difficult to focus on their tasks and be productive. Additionally, the informal nature of instant messaging can sometimes lead to miscommunication or misunderstandings among colleagues.

In conclusion, while business instant messaging has its drawbacks, its benefits far outweigh its limitations. The efficiency, connectivity, and productivity that instant messaging brings to the workplace make it an invaluable tool for organizations looking to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive business landscape. By leveraging the power of instant messaging, businesses can streamline communication, foster collaboration, and create a more engaged and connected workforce.


  1. avochato –
  2. postscript –
  3. pumble –
  4. quiq –
  5. techjury –
  6. webinarcare –
  7. superoffice –
  8. shoppop –
  9. textmagic –
  10. messagenius –
  11. messengerpeople –
  12. smscomparison –
  13. hootsuite –
  14. beekeeper –
  15. businessofapps –
  16. #1
  17. #2
  18. #4
  19. #7
  20. #10
  21. #11
  22. #12
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  25. #17
  26. #18

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