Conflict Check Statistics 2023: Facts about Conflict Check outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.
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Top Conflict Check Statistics 2023
☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 17 Conflict Check Statistics on this page 🙂Conflict Check “Latest” Statistics
- According to Check Point, cyber attacks on Russian organizations increased by 4%.[1]
- On Ukraine, the overall amount of cyber attacks per organization increased by .2%.[1]
- About 8% of protests in Oregon were met by government action prior to the deployment of pact at the beginning of July, and police seldom employed force against protesters.[2]
- Since July, roughly 28% of protests have been met by government involvement and use of force.[2]
- In comparison to July 2019, when just 17 counter-protests were registered nationwide, or around 1% of all rallies, and only one of them reportedly descended into violence.[2]
- By the end of June, the US was predicted to have 25% of confirmed cases while having just 4% of the global population.[2]
Conflict Check “Other” Statistics
- According to the Brookings Institution, COVID-19 has now become the third largest cause of death amongst the Black population.[2]
- All 50 states have witnessed significant employment losses, and 43 of them have had losses greater than those experienced during the great recession, according to the University of New Hampshire.[2]
- In more than 54% of the protests that have participated in, authorities have utilized force, such as shooting less lethal weapons including tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray or striking protesters with batons.[2]
- Over 360 counter-protests were documented between 24 May and 22 August throughout the nation, making up roughly 5% of all protests.[2]
- More than 9%, or almost one in ten, of the protests connected to the BLM movement have resulted in government action, compared to 3% of all other protests, despite the fact that they have been mostly nonviolent.[2]
- Compared to July 2020, when they interfered in 9% of all protests, or over 170 events, authorities only got involved in less than 2% of all demonstrations in July 2019—less than 30 occurrences.[2]
- In Portland, once federal agents arrived, the percentage of violent protests increased from 53% to over 62% of all incidents.[2]
- More than 93% of all protests associated with the movement have been free of violence or other damaging behavior.[2]
- Compared to less than 1% of all other protests, police have used force against over 5% of all BLM.[2]
- After deployment, the proportion of violent protests increased from under 17% to over 42%.[2]
- The 95% posterior range does not include zero, and the intercept is now computed with considerably more accuracy.[3]
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How Useful is Conflict Check
However, the usefulness of conflict checks is often underestimated or even overlooked by some individuals and organizations. Many may view conflict checks as a mere formality or bureaucratic requirement, failing to recognize the importance of conducting thorough due diligence in ensuring that any potential conflicts are identified and addressed before they escalate into more significant issues.
Whether in the legal profession, where conflicts of interest can have severe consequences on the integrity of the legal system, or in the business world, where conflicts can lead to financial losses and damaged reputation, conflict checks are a critical tool in safeguarding the interests of all parties involved in a transaction.
Moreover, conflict checks serve as a crucial risk management tool for organizations to assess the credibility and trustworthiness of their clients, partners, and employees. By conducting rigorous conflict checks, organizations can prevent fraudulent activities, unethical behavior, and other illicit actions that could jeopardize their operations and reputation.
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, where transactions and relationships are increasingly complex and multifaceted, conflict checks have become more vital than ever. With the rise of globalization and the expansion of digital communication technologies, the risks of conflicts of interest and misconduct have also increased, making conflict checks an indispensable tool in managing and mitigating these risks.
It is crucial for individuals and organizations to adopt a proactive approach in conducting conflict checks, rather than waiting for conflicts to surface and potentially escalate into more significant issues. By integrating conflict checks into their standard operating procedures and decision-making processes, individuals and organizations can stay ahead of potential conflicts, better manage their risks, and safeguard their interests.
In conclusion, the usefulness of conflict checks cannot be understated. Conflict checks are a practical and essential tool for individuals and organizations to identify and address potential conflicts of interest, mitigate risks, and safeguard their interests. By conducting thorough due diligence and integrating conflict checks into their standard operating procedures, individuals and organizations can protect themselves from legal disputes, damaged relationships, and reputational harm. It is imperative for all parties involved in transactions to recognize the importance of conflict checks and make them an integral part of their decision-making process.
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