Corporate Volunteering Platforms Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Corporate Volunteering Platforms Statistics 2023: Facts about Corporate Volunteering Platforms outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Corporate Volunteering Platforms, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Corporate Volunteering Platforms Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 90 Corporate Volunteering Platforms Statistics on this page 🙂

Corporate Volunteering Platforms “Latest” Statistics

  • When a match is offered, 84% of survey respondents say they are more likely to donate.[1]
  • Matching gift programs account for 11% of all corporate cash donations to nonprofits.[1]
  • Each year, corporations give nonprofit organizations $26.0 billion in total.[1]
  • If matching funds were available, one in three donors said they would give a larger donation.[1]
  • The typical nonprofit organization only matches 1.31 percent of individual contributions.[1]
  • 97% of donors want to be able to give to causes they care about in a variety of ways and places.[1]
  • 86% of donors would like to be able to make their initial donation directly to a nonprofit organization via the organization’s website.[1]
  • Six percent of donors wish to transfer their initial donation to the nonprofit through a workplace giving platform.[1]
  • 8 percent of donors did not specify a preferred method of donation.[1]
  • 78% of donors don’t know if their company has a matching gift program or what it is all about.[1]
  • 16 percent of donors are aware that their organization has a program, but they are unsure if they are eligible or how to submit a matching gift request.[1]
  • 8 percent of donors are aware that their company has a program, that they are eligible, and that they know how to submit a request for a matching gift.[1]
  • Between $500 and $10,000 per employee annually, the matching gift maximums of 80 percent of businesses are found.[1]
  • A minimum match requirement of $50 or less is required by 93% of businesses.[1]
  • According to America’s Charities (2018), nearly 60% of businesses offer paid time off (PTO) for employees to volunteer.[2]
  • According to America’s Charities (2018), workplace giving was identified by more than 49% of nonprofits as a crucial component of their growth strategy.[2]
  • Corporate giving increased by 8.0% from 2019 to 2021, reaching $20.77 billion.[3]
  • In the next two years, 39% of the companies surveyed plan to expand workplace giving programs.[3]
  • Workplace giving was identified as a growth strategy by more than 49% of nonprofit respondents.[3]
  • The number of Russell 1000 companies that provide corporate matching gifts has increased by 11.8% over the past three years.[3]
  • Through corporate giving programs, 97% of donors want flexibility in where and how they give to causes they care about.[3]
  • 93% of nonprofits believe they can increase their corporate giving revenue.[3]
  • Double the Donation’s new auto-submission functionality is expected to boost matching gift revenue by 80% for organizations that use its tools.[3]
  • Despite the fact that over 10% of individual donations are eligible for corporate matching, the average nonprofit matches only 1.31 percent of individual donations.[3]
  • 78% of donors don’t know if their company has a program for matching gifts.[3]
  • 16 percent of donors are aware that their organization has a program, but they are unsure if they are eligible or how to submit a matching gift request.[3]
  • 8 percent of donors are aware that their company has a program, that they are eligible, and that they know how to submit a request for a matching gift.[3]
  • In employee handbooks, training materials, and on their websites, only 19% of businesses include more than one paragraph on their matching gift programs.[3]
  • With limited staff and resources, 80% of nonprofits reported having trouble developing robust corporate partnerships and workplace giving strategies.[3]
  • Matching gift programs are offered by 67% of Fortune 500 companies, and this percentage has increased over the past three years.[3]
  • Nearly 27 million people are employed by businesses that provide matching gift programs.[3]
  • Every year, workplace giving raises approximately $5 billion, with employee matching gift programs accounting for more than half of that total.[3]
  • Corporate matches of employee donations made up 12% of total corporate cash contributions, with an estimated $2-3 billion donated annually through matching gift programs and $4-7 billion not claimed.[3]
  • Effective employee engagement programs, according to 88% of HR executives surveyed, help recruit and retain employees.[4]
  • When they have opportunities to make a difference in society, 88% of Millennials consider their jobs to be more fulfilling.[4]
  • Employees who participate in corporate giving programs typically stay with the company for 75% longer.[4]
  • 71% of those surveyed agree that working for a company that encourages charitable giving and volunteerism is crucial.[4]
  • Even if it meant earning less money, 55% of employees would prefer to work for a socially responsible company.[4]
  • A sense of purpose is one of the reasons 77% of Millennials chose their current employer.[4]
  • In employee handbooks, training materials, and their websites, only 19% of businesses include more than one paragraph about their matching gift programs.[4]
  • The middle representative investment rate for matching gift programs is 9%.[4]
  • Matching gift programs are used to raise between $2 and $3 billion each year.[4]
  • Every year, between $4 billion and $7 billion in matching gift funding goes unclaimed.[4]
  • Matching gift programs account for 11% of all corporate cash donations to nonprofits.[4]
  • 65 percent of Fortune 500 companies will match employee donations by 2021.[4]
  • Through their employers, more than 26 million people are eligible for matching gifts.[4]
  • If a match is available, 84% of donors say they are more likely to donate.[4]
  • If a match was applied to their donation, one in three donors says they would make a larger donation.[4]
  • At the typical nonprofit, individual contributions are only matched by 1.31 percent.[4]
  • 78% of donors are unaware of their company’s matching gift program and its specifics without automation.[4]
  • 16 percent of donors are aware that their organization has a program, but they are unsure if they are eligible or how to submit a matching gift request.[4]
  • Only 8% of donors are aware that their company offers a matching gift program, that they are eligible for it, and that they know how to make a request for it.[4]
  • The open rate of matching gift reminder emails is 53%, which is 2-3 times higher than the average nonprofit email open rate.[4]
  • The response rate to fundraising appeals increases by 71% and the average donation amount by 51% when matching gifts are mentioned.[4]
  • Donations are matched by 91% of participating businesses in a 1:1 ratio.[4]
  • Rather than only matching donations through a CSR platform, more than 96% of employees strongly prefer that their employer match donations made directly to a nonprofit.[4]
  • About 30% of employees give their time to charity.[4]
  • In 2021, volunteer grant programs will be offered by 40% of Fortune 500 companies.[4]
  • Nearly 60% of businesses provide paid time off for employees to volunteer.[4]
  • 82% of businesses say that their employees want to volunteer with their coworkers at an event supported by the company.[4]
  • Volunteer workers make up 93% of all employees who are either somewhat or very satisfied with their employers.[4]
  • Volunteer employees account for 96% of the company’s positive or very positive culture.[4]
  • Each year, volunteers contribute 50 hours, on average, to the greater good.[4]
  • Even though they rarely or never volunteer, 61% of Millennials still consider a company’s commitment to the greater good when choosing a job.[4]
  • 71% of employees polled say that working in a culture that encourages giving and volunteering is essential or very important.[5]
  • Workplace giving was identified as a growth strategy by more than 49% of nonprofit respondents.[5]
  • 69% of respondents report that their organizations have increased sales as a result of CSR initiatives as consumers increasingly choose brands based on CSR values.[5]
  • Employees, according to 86% of business leaders, expect them to provide community involvement opportunities.[5]
  • According to 87% of business leaders, their employees expect them to support causes and issues that are important to them.[5]
  • According to 30% of employee donors, the reason they don’t give in the workplace is that their employer’s giving program doesn’t let them choose the causes they care about.[5]
  • Offering opportunities for employee engagement, according to 77% of employers, is an important recruitment strategy for millennial workers.[5]
  • Effective employee engagement programs, according to 88% of business leaders, help recruit and retain employees.[5]
  • In the 2014 Millennial Impact Study, 53% of respondents stated that their primary motivation for remaining with their current employer is the opportunity to have their interests and skills recognized and developed.[5]
  • Even at a lower salary, 55% of employees would prefer to work for a socially responsible company.[5]
  • 39% of Americans would need to borrow money or sell something to cover a $400 unexpected emergency expense.[5]
  • Volunteering makes 75% of adult Americans feel physically healthier.[5]
  • According to the findings of the survey, 92% of executives in charge of corporate human resources are of the opinion that donating one’s business knowledge and experience to a nonprofit organization can be an efficient strategy for enhancing employees’ leadership abilities as well as their overall professional skill sets.[5]
  • Socially conscious businesses are desired by 71% of American consumers.[6]
  • 81% of Millennials anticipate that businesses will pledge to uphold good citizenship.[6]
  • Only a third of consumers polled believe that businesses are doing enough to address social and environmental issues, despite the fact that 88% of respondents want brands to assist them.[6]
  • A further 21% of businesses intend to offer release time in the next two years, and nearly 60% of businesses provide paid time off for employees to volunteer.[6]
  • According to Independent Sector, the estimated value of each volunteer hour in the United States is $28.54.[7]
  • According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, approximately 8.8 billion hours were contributed by 25.1 percent of adults in the United States in 2017.[7]
  • According to Statista, the average number of hours contributed by each volunteer was 137 in 2017.[7]
  • According to, 74% of nonprofits report that constituents’ desire to participate in their organization’s work has increased over the past five years.[7]
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 72% of volunteers serve only one or two organizations or causes.[7]
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women volunteer 6 percent more than men.[7]
  • Software Advice Volunteer Impact Report found that 34% of nonprofits blamed a lack of resources and tools for their failure to measure volunteer impact.[7]
  • According to Stanford Volunteers, 35% of volunteers stated that one of the reasons they volunteer is to socialize.[7]
  • According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, the state of Utah has the highest number of volunteers (51%) in the United States.[7]

Also Read

How Useful is Corporate Volunteering Platforms

One of the key benefits of corporate volunteering platforms is the convenience they provide for employees. Instead of scouring the internet or contacting various organizations individually to find volunteer opportunities, employees can simply log into the platform and browse a curated list of opportunities that align with their interests and skills. This streamlined approach not only saves employees time but also makes it easier for them to get involved in volunteering on a regular basis.

In addition to convenience, corporate volunteering platforms also offer a sense of structure and accountability. Employees can easily track their volunteer hours and see the impact they are making in real-time. This data-driven approach not only motivates employees to continue volunteering but also provides companies with tangible metrics to measure their corporate social responsibility efforts.

Furthermore, corporate volunteering platforms foster a sense of camaraderie among employees. By participating in volunteer activities together, colleagues have the opportunity to bond outside of the typical work environment and develop stronger relationships. This sense of unity and teamwork can have a positive impact on employee morale and overall job satisfaction.

Moreover, corporate volunteering platforms help companies demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility. In today’s socially conscious world, consumers and job seekers are increasingly looking to support companies that are actively engaged in giving back to their communities. By providing a platform for employees to volunteer and make a difference, companies can enhance their reputation and attract top talent.

However, it is important to acknowledge that corporate volunteering platforms are not a one-size-fits-all solution. While these platforms offer many benefits, they also come with challenges. For instance, some employees may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to volunteer or may not be interested in the available opportunities. Companies should strive to create a diverse range of volunteer opportunities to cater to the varying interests and skills of their employees.

Additionally, companies must ensure that their corporate volunteering initiatives are authentic and aligned with their values. Simply offering a volunteering platform is not enough – companies must actively encourage and support their employees in volunteering and ensure that the impact is meaningful and sustainable.

In conclusion, corporate volunteering platforms have the potential to be a valuable tool for companies looking to engage their employees in social responsibility efforts. By providing convenience, structure, and accountability, these platforms can help companies foster a culture of giving back and make a positive impact on their communities. However, companies must be mindful of the challenges and ensure that their volunteering initiatives are genuine and impactful. Overall, corporate volunteering platforms have the potential to be a powerful force for good when implemented thoughtfully and effectively.


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