Database Security Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Database Security Statistics 2023: Facts about Database Security outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

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Top Database Security Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 100 Database Security Statistics on this page 🙂

Database Security “Latest” Statistics

  • 90% of all data today was produced in the previous two years, or 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day.[1]
  • A mobile threat defense solution is used by 12% of respondents who provide corporate access via mobile devices to safeguard their users and business assets.[2]
  • In August 2020, 120,500 unique sender addresses were recorded, which is over 50% more than the previous record in 2019.[2]
  • Due to widespread problems, including incorrectly configured data sources and missing fields, 15% of SIEM rules are faulty and never go off.[2]
  • A 15.2% compound annual growth rate is anticipated for the worldwide zero trust security market from 2021 to 2028.[2]
  • Only 16% of small organizations claim to have examined their cyber security posture before being attacked.[2]
  • 18% of respondents acknowledged that cyber security was not a top concern for their personnel, and 5% said that their staff members posed a security risk and were unaware of security best practices.[2]
  • Only 9% of firms use techniques to guard against internet-based risks, and 20% don’t utilize any to protect distant users accessing the internet.[2]
  • 21% of businesses claim to have had an incident involving data-sharing providers; a targeted assault results in 22% of users being unable to access customers.[2]
  • Following the WFH change, 24% of respondents had to make an unforeseen financial commitment to fix a security breach or malware attack.[2]
  • Banks and other financial companies were the targets of 25% of all malware attacks compared to all other industries. Malicious applications grew by 102%, credential leaks climbed by 129%, and credit card compromises increased by 212% year over year.[2]
  • In a survey, 26% of respondents admitted to being inclined to preserve duplicates of important firm data just in case.[2]
  • In 2021, 28% of European businesses experienced a supply chain assault, which is unchanged from 2020 but had a greater financial effect.[2]
  • When choosing a cloud provider, security is seen by 28% of businesses as being the most crucial factor.[2]
  • 28% of respondents acknowledged using personal devices more often for work-related tasks than devices provided by their employers.[2]
  • Incorporated AI security solutions are used by 28% of respondents. At the same time, proprietary AI algorithms are used by 30%, and 42% of respondents either already use or intend to use them by the end of the year.[2]
  • Small organizations are more likely to be unprepared for the danger since 29% of them had experience with ransomware.[2]
  • 30% of businesses will use a secure web gateway offered via the cloud.[2]
  • 31% don’t utilize any of the techniques described to stop confidential company information from leaving the company.[2]
  • 25% of businesses had issues with illegal users, while 32% of them had issues with improper individuals having privileged access.[2]
  • Utilizing one compromised organization to break into another is called island hopping, and it is seen in 32% of financial organizations.[2]
  • Social engineering assaults were to blame for 41% of higher education cyber security incidents and breaches.[2]
  • Lack of resources, including money and staff, was cited by 42% of respondents as having the most influence on compliance.[2]
  • 44% of business executives said their company needs assistance in choosing and creating the best zero-trust pilot.[2]
  • 45% of firms reported at least one software supply chain attack in the recent year.[2]
  • 47% of small firms had at least one cyberattack; 44% experienced two to four assaults.[2]
  • To efficiently use massive data sets, 48% of firms employ machine learning, deep learning, data analysis, and natural language processing.[2]
  • According to 48% of industry experts, it is doubtful they would even be able to recognize and differentiate a sophisticated assault.[2]
  • 48% of the CEOs polled said they rely heavily on AI to identify cyber threats, 34% rely on it to make predictions, and 18% use it to react.[2]
  • A cloud-first PKI deployment strategy is ranked third on the priority list by 49%, behind automating the certificate lifecycle (56%) and increasing PKI visibility (71%).[2]
  • 49% of IT executives said they only partly agree with the statement that remote workers follow remote work rules.[2]
  • 31% of users connect to free wifi using VPNs, compared to 49% who select them for overall security.[2]
  • According to 50% of IT experts, the danger posed by ransomware and other cybersecurity concerns is too great for their sector to manage.[2]
  • 50% of all sites were susceptible to at least one significant exploitable vulnerability.[2]
  • NIST was the security architecture that 50% of businesses utilized to protect public cloud systems.[2]
  • According to 69% of the enterprises polled by Capgemini, AI security is critical, and this percentage is projected to increase as more companies are targeted by AI.[2]
  • Mail server compromises account for 50% of online application assaults that result in data breaches, with cloud-based mail servers being targeted in 96% of those incidents.[2]
  • A problem that has plagued many blockchain systems is the 51% of assaults in which hackers obtained more than half of the network’s processing power.[2]
  • According to 51% of respondents, phishing is the most popular way for attackers to get valid cloud credentials.[2]
  • 54% of healthcare business partners state that staff irresponsibility in managing patient information is their biggest threat.[2]
  • 38% frequently update software solutions, 31% check company credit reports, and 54% store billing addresses.[2]
  • By 2025, commercial blockchain implementation will have been used by 55% of healthcare applications.[2]
  • 61% of respondents’ employers didn’t encourage staff to use antivirus programs on their own devices.[2]
  • In order to adopt security technology, 57% of businesses with smaller security teams use the cloud.[2]
  • By the end of 2020, 60% of CIOs were close to implementing blockchain into their infrastructure.[2]
  • Without employing AI and ML, 61% of businesses think they are unable to do intrusion detection.[2]
  • While 69% of firms think AI will be required to react to cyberattacks, 61% of organizations claim they cannot detect major risks without it.[2]
  • 61% of respondents’ companies gave workers access to work-issued devices as necessary.[2]
  • 66% of firms want to boost their investment in zero-trust projects, especially those involving micro-segmentation.[2]
  • 68% of businesses reported data loss as a direct consequence of a targeted assault on their networks.[2]
  • According to 68% of CEOs, data security and privacy require the most improvement to encourage the implementation of blockchain technology.[2]
  • One or more endpoint attacks that effectively compromised data and/or their IT infrastructure have occurred in 68% of enterprises.[2]
  • Lateral migration is involved in 70% of cybercrimes against assessed financial institutions.[2]
  • Financially motivated assaults are what 70% of financial institutions say they are most worried about.[2]
  • According to 79% of financial institutions, skilled hackers are using highly focused social engineering assaults.[2]
  • Due to a cyber assault, 79% of institutions have had their reputations damaged, and almost 74% have had to cease important research projects.[2]
  • 80% of respondents said adopting a zero-trust policy across a large network would be difficult.[2]
  • 85% of institutions agree that increased financing is necessary for IT security to safeguard important research intellectual property.[2]
  • 90% of APT organizations successfully breach a company’s internal network through spear phishing.[2]
  • 90% of governments worldwide have looked at the possibility of using blockchain technology.[2]
  • 97% of businesses have experienced mobile threat-related intrusions.[2]
  • 52% of participants thought blockchain had a promising future for minimizing fraud and validating client billing instructions.[2]
  • The use of blockchain has led to a 20% decrease in transaction costs for consumer ticket purchases.[2]
  • By 2022, zero-trust network access will be used to access 80% of newly launched digital business apps made available to ecosystem partners.[2]
  • 60% of businesses will discontinue using remote access by 2023.[2]
  • Over 90% of businesses wanting to outsource security will concentrate on detection and response services by 2024.[2]
  • By 2025, service delivery using automation and artificial intelligence rather than human resources will account for more than 50% of the top consultancies’ income.[2]
  • Expenditures for cloud computing are increasing as 32% of IT budgets are anticipated to be devoted to cloud computing over the next 12 months.[2]
  • Data security challenges connected to a lack of competent staff are cited by 32% of businesses that have already embraced IoT as the most important worry for their global IoT ecosystem.[2]
  • Since the start of the pandemic, cyberattacks have increased by 238%, making home workers the main target of hackers.[2]
  • The least costly breaches included hybrid clouds, with average costs of 3.61 million dollars, less than public cloud breaches by 28.3%.[2]
  • Data phishing attempts caused more than 1,506 data breaches, compromising 164.68 million records, a 19.8% rise from 1,258 breaches in 2018.[2]
  • Communities with less than 50,000 population made up 45% of the ransomware activity among those municipal victims, while 24% had fewer than 15,000.[2]
  • Only 14% of small firms consider themselves extremely successful in reducing cyber risks, vulnerabilities, and assaults.[2]
  • Only 19% of respondents said that the cloud security strategy of their firm was unaffected by zero trust.[2]
  • Only 21% of respondents feel their organization’s grasp of zero trust is extremely strong, and only 24% of respondents report difficulties adopting zero trust.[2]
  • The market for advanced persistent threat defense is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 18.2% over the course of the forecast period, reaching 9.6 billion in 2026.[2]
  • Misconfiguration of the cloud platform was regarded as the top security risk to public clouds (68%).[2]
  • The size of the worldwide cloud security market was 578 million in 2019 and is anticipated to grow to 1.5 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 13.2%.[2]
  • In 2021, 43.2% of websites on the internet will be powered by WordPress, up from 39.5% at the end of 2020.[2]
  • The global expenditure would total 170 billion this year and rise to 233 million by 2025, representing an 11% CAGR.[2]
  • 52.9% of businesses presently keep employee records on public clouds.[3]
  • 93% of security experts said their firm sought guidance from the data privacy team while responding to the COVID-19 outbreak.[3]
  • 89% of respondents agreed that rules for linking users to specified resources were essential to zero-trust access control.[3]
  • In 62% of the 23 million homes with children, both adults and children experienced food insecurity.[4]
  • Homes with children experienced food insecurity at a rate of 12.5%.[4]
  • The prevalence of food insecurity in 2021, 10.2%, did not change considerably from that in 2020 and 2019, both of which were 10.5%.[4]
  • There was no appreciable difference in the prevalence of extremely poor food security in 38% compared to 39% or 41%.[4]
  • When working from home, 47% of workers identified distraction as the cause for falling for a phishing scam.[5]
  • 54% of businesses said their IT staff lack the sophistication to combat sophisticated assaults.[5]
  • According to 59% of cybersecurity experts, the responsibilities of their jobs prevent them from keeping up with cybersecurity skills.[5]
  • 69% of businesses think their antivirus protection is ineffective against current online threats.[5]
  • As new GDPR requirements are implemented, 70% of businesses believe that the systems they have in place will not grow.[5]
  • Cybersecurity experts say that the skills gap has an influence on their company in proportion to 70%.[5]
  • Government institutions and nongovernmental groups are the targets of 79% of nation-state attacks.[5]
  • 700 million people, or around 93% of all LinkedIn members, had their personal information compromised in a 2021 LinkedIn data breach.[5]
  • Cybercrime is predicted to cost the world 10.5 trillion dollars by 2025, growing by 15% annually.[6]
  • DDoS assaults increased in the first quarter of 2020 by more than 278% compared to Q1 2019 and by more than 542% compared to the prior quarter.[6]
  • It was expected that between 2017 and 2021, total worldwide investment in cybersecurity would top $1 trillion.[6]
  • In 2021, more than 64% of financial service organizations will have 1,000 or more sensitive files available to every employee.[6]

Also Read

How Useful is Database Security

Database security encompasses various methods and systems designed to protect data stored in databases from malicious threats. These include encryption, access controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and authentication processes. By implementing these security measures, organizations can ensure that their data remains confidential, integrity is maintained, and availability is not compromised.

One of the primary benefits of database security is the protection of sensitive information. Whether we are talking about personal data, financial records, intellectual property, or trade secrets, organizations have a responsibility to safeguard their data from unauthorized access. A breach in database security can have dire consequences, such as financial loss, reputation damage, legal complications, and even business closure. By investing in robust security measures, organizations can mitigate these risks and protect themselves from potential threats.

Moreover, database security is crucial for regulatory compliance. Many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding the protection of sensitive data, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare organizations or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for businesses operating in the European Union. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties and legal repercussions. By ensuring that their databases are secure, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to data protection and compliance with relevant regulations.

Another important aspect of database security is the prevention of cyber attacks. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, it is essential for organizations to have strong defenses in place to ward off potential attacks. Hackers and malicious actors are constantly looking for vulnerabilities in databases that they can exploit for financial gain or malicious intent. By implementing encryption, access controls, and monitoring tools, organizations can fortify their defenses and protect their data from unauthorized access.

In conclusion, database security is a crucial component of modern-day business operations. It is not only a matter of protecting sensitive information and ensuring regulatory compliance but also of safeguarding against cyber threats that can potentially harm organizations of all sizes. Investing in robust security measures is a proactive step that can help organizations mitigate risks, enhance their reputation, and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative for organizations to prioritize database security as an essential part of their overall cybersecurity strategy.


  1. google –
  2. purplesec –
  3. techbeacon –
  4. usda –
  5. varonis –
  6. varonis –

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