Endpoint Management Statistics

Steve Bennett
Steve Bennett
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Endpoint Management Statistics 2023: Facts about Endpoint Management are important because they give you more context about what’s going on in the World in terms of Endpoint Management.

LLCBuddy editorial team scanned the web and collected all important Endpoint Management Statistics on this page. We proofread the data to make these as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resource on the web for Endpoint Management Facts; All are here only 🙂

Are you planning to form an LLC? Thus you need to know more about Endpoint Management? Maybe for study projects or business research or personal curiosity only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Endpoint Management Statistics of 2023.

How much of an impact will Endpoint Management Statistics have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your LLC Business? How much does it matter directly or indirectly? You should get answers to all your Endpoint Management related questions here.

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Top Endpoint Management Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 36 Endpoint Management Statistics on this page 🙂

Endpoint Management “Latest” Statistics

  • 91% of cyberattacks begin with phishing emails, and individuals are most often tricked by them for the following reasons: curiosity (13.7%), fear (13.4%), and urgency (13.2%).[1]
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) was a money waster for 54% of firms because they lacked the resources to run the product effectively.[1]
  • Only 27% of mobile devices and 18% of laptops that are employee-owned or BYOD are centrally controlled.[1]
  • You can block 99% of attacks by adopting business security solutions with AI, according to hundreds of tests.[1]
  • 20% of IT managers who experienced one or more cyberattacks last year are unable to identify the access point used by the attackers, and 17% are unsure of how long the danger persisted in the environment until it was discovered.[1]
  • 94% of malware dissemination techniques come through email.[1]
  • Office documents were utilized in 45% of hacking incidents, compared to 23% of cases using the web.[1]
  • Organizations spend around 41 days each year, or 85% of their time, looking into things that are not problems.[1]
  • From 2020 to 2027, the endpoint security market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 5.9%, reaching $18.6 billion.[1]
  • In 2020, there will be at least $5.8 billion in corporate endpoints in use.[1]
  • In 2019, 68% of enterprises experienced endpoint assaults.[1]
  • In 2021, successful ransomware attacks affected 53% of firms, with around 23% of those being struck more than once.[2]
  • 79% of business travelers who have linked their devices to a public USB connection or charging station have unwittingly let a prospective attacker in by doing so.[2]
  • In a separate investigation, Check Point discovered that during 2021, the average weekly number of ransomware attacks against business networks rose by 50% from 2020.[2]
  • More than 40% of android smartphones, according to recent Webroot research, are running an os version older than v9.[2]
  • A Ponemon Institute survey found that 68% of businesses had at least one endpoint assault that effectively compromised data or their IT infrastructure.[2]
  • Ransomware is 29% more likely to infiltrate a company via a file download or an email with a malicious link, according to data from Sophos.[2]
  • A Ponemon Institute poll found that 55% of professionals believe cell phones to be one of their most susceptible endpoints.[2]
  • Just 47% of firms monitor their networks 24 hours a day, and only 50% encrypt critical data that is kept on devices, despite the increased security concerns associated with remote working.[2]
  • Ransomware attacks have affected 47% of SMBs with 100–1,000 workers compared to 54% of bigger enterprises with 1,001–5,000 employees.[2]
  • In Q3 2021, more than 80% of ransomware attacks included a data exfiltration threat.[2]
  • Because current endpoint security solutions are insufficient at identifying threats, 51% of IT professionals believe endpoint assaults to be successful.[2]
  • 33% of U.S. workers use a personal computer and smartphone for remote work, compared to 17% who use a computer and smartphone provided by their employer.[2]
  • According to research from Webroot, 83% of malware risks are kept in one of four places desktop, temporary internet files, application data, and cache.[2]
  • According to a Sophos survey, 56% of businesses were able to retrieve their data using backups, compared to 26% of businesses that paid the ransom.[2]
  • The media, recreation, and entertainment sector are the most severely impacted by hackers, with 60% of their firms having suffered a ransomware assault.[2]
  • According to Verizon, password dumpers are the most prevalent malware breach, accounting for 40% of breaches and allowing attackers to obtain the credentials saved on a compromised device.[2]
  • 59% of ransomware attacks involving encrypted data use a public cloud service like Office 365 or Amazon Web Services.[2]
  • Respondents to a Ponemon Institute poll were asked which of these security issues they were most worried about, and 47% of them selected lack of physical security in the workplace.[2]
  • From 2020 to 2027, the worldwide unified endpoint management market is anticipated to expand at a compound yearly growth rate of 32.2%.[3]
  • In the unified endpoint management market in 2019, the solution component accounted for the biggest revenue share with more than 51%.[3]
  • 75% of workers in Zero Trust are working on a project to improve endpoint security in support of zero trust.[4]
  • The cost of data breaches increased by about 10% year over year in 2021, according to IBM and the Ponemon Institute’s cost of a data breach study.[5]
  • Clients report seeing a 20 to 40% decrease in tickets if their endpoints are organized.[5]
  • Significant corporate savings emerge from reducing the risk of a data breach by 30 to 50%, as some clients have calculated, particularly when done as part of the comprehensive Zero Trust strategy.[5]
  • Organizations with 81 to 10% of workers working remotely incur an average cost of a breach of USD 5.54 million, compared to USD 3.65 million for those with less than 10% of employees working remotely.[5]

Also Read

How Useful is Endpoint Management

One key benefit of endpoint management is its ability to centralize the management of devices across an organization. Instead of having to manually update, deploy, and configure each device individually, endpoint management allows administrators to remotely manage multiple devices from a single interface. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistency and security across all devices.

Endpoint management also plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of devices and data. With the growing number of cyber threats targeting endpoints, organizations need to have effective measures in place to protect their devices. Endpoint management allows administrators to enforce security policies, monitor for any suspicious activities, and quickly respond to any potential threats. This proactive approach to security helps organizations minimize the risk of data breaches and maintain compliance with regulations.

Another significant benefit of endpoint management is its role in improving operational efficiency. By automating routine tasks such as software updates, patch management, and asset tracking, organizations can streamline their processes and free up IT resources to focus on more strategic initiatives. This not only reduces the burden on IT staff but also improves overall productivity within the organization.

Furthermore, endpoint management enables organizations to gain valuable insights into their device landscape. By collecting and analyzing data on device usage, performance, and user behavior, organizations can make more informed decisions regarding their IT infrastructure. This data-driven approach allows organizations to identify areas for optimization, track trends over time, and make proactive adjustments to improve performance and user experience.

However, despite its many benefits, endpoint management does come with its challenges. One of the main challenges is ensuring compatibility across a diverse range of devices and operating systems. With the proliferation of mobile devices, IoT devices, and cloud-based applications, organizations need to ensure that their endpoint management solution can effectively manage and secure these varied endpoints.

Another challenge is ensuring proper configuration and monitoring of devices. With the increasing complexity of IT environments, organizations need to have robust processes in place to track and manage all devices effectively. Failure to do so can lead to outdated software, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities that can expose the organization to security risks.

In conclusion, while endpoint management is undeniably useful in enhancing security, efficiency, and visibility into the device landscape, organizations need to be mindful of the challenges that come with implementing and managing these solutions effectively. By addressing these challenges head-on and implementing best practices, organizations can reap the full benefits of endpoint management and stay ahead in today’s digital age.


  1. cybriant – https://cybriant.com/endpoint-security-solutions/
  2. expertinsights – https://expertinsights.com/insights/50-endpoint-security-stats-you-should-know/
  3. grandviewresearch – https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/unified-endpoint-management-market
  4. ibm – https://www.ibm.com/security/digital-assets/maas360/path-to-uem-smartpaper/?utm_medium=OSocial&utm_source=Blog&utm_content=MASWW&utm_term=30BIB&utm_id=uem-smartpaper
  5. microsoft – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2022/04/19/the-business-case-for-endpoint-management-modernization-according-to-microsoft/

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