Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms Statistics 2023: Facts about Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.
LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂
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Top Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms Statistics 2023
☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 15 Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms Statistics on this page 🙂Extended Detection And Response (Xdr) Platforms “Latest” Statistics
- According to ESG Research, 70% of security professionals say their organization is already formally investing in XDR or plans to do so within the next 6 months.[1]
- More than 80% of organizations are planning increased investments in threat detection and response technologies.[1]
- Accenture found that 68% of corporate executives said their cybersecurity risks were rising in 2020.[2]
- According to ESG’s poll, 75% of businesses are unable to fill open positions with skilled analysts to assist security analytics and operations.[2]
- ESG discovered that 75% of businesses find it challenging to combine data from several security technologies to identify threats.[2]
- 75% of businesses have implemented one or more security measures that have fallen short of expectations.[2]
- According to research by Proofpoint, spear-phishing attacks affected 88% of global enterprises in 2019.[2]
- RiskBased reported that data breaches exposed 36 billion records during the first half of 2020.[2]
- The average time to identify a complex breach is over 200 days, according to Spice Works.[2]
- An XDR platform ingests data from SIEM, NDR, EDR, CASB, user entity behavior analysis (UEBA) and other tools and, unlike a SIEM, normalizes these disparate data sets into a common format.[2]
- XDR can automatically identify complex attacks in many cases, often in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months.[2]
- Most companies have spent millions acquiring and learning to use their existing tools.[2]
- SIEM has been the basis of security operations for several years, but it often creates more work with fewer results.[2]
- Within the next 6 months, 70% of security professionals say their organization is already formally investing in XDR.[1]
- According to Spice Works, 75% of companies have a people skills gap, they can’t hire enough experienced analysts to support security analytics and operations.[2]
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How Useful is Extended Detection and Response Xdr Platforms
On the surface, XDR platforms seem impressive. They promise to provide a holistic view of an organization’s security posture by monitoring and correlating data across different security layers, such as endpoint detection and response (EDR), network traffic analysis (NTA), and even cloud workload protection platforms (CWPP). This integrated approach is meant to make it easier for security teams to detect, investigate, and respond to threats more efficiently.
In theory, this all sounds great. But in practice, the effectiveness of XDR platforms can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. For one, the success of an XDR implementation relies heavily on the quality and quantity of data that it receives. If there are gaps in the telemetry data being collected or if the data is not properly correlated or analyzed, then the platform’s ability to detect and respond to threats will be severely hampered.
Additionally, the sophistication of modern cyber threats means that attackers are constantly evolving and finding new ways to bypass traditional security defenses. While XDR platforms may offer advanced threat detection capabilities, they are not foolproof. Cyber criminals are still able to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks that may not be covered by the XDR platform’s range of detection methods.
Another issue to consider is the operational complexity of these platforms. Implementation and management of an XDR platform can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring skilled security professionals who are trained on how to use the platform effectively. Without the right expertise, organizations may struggle to leverage the full potential of their XDR investment.
Moreover, the cost of XDR platforms can be prohibitive for many organizations, particularly small to medium-sized businesses with limited budgets. The initial investment in licensing and implementation, as well as ongoing maintenance and support costs, can add up quickly. And if the platform does not deliver the expected results, it can be difficult to justify the expense.
In conclusion, while XDR platforms have the potential to enhance an organization’s security posture by providing a more comprehensive view of threats and enabling faster response times, they are not a silver bullet solution. Organizations should carefully consider their specific security needs, resources, and expertise before investing in an XDR platform. It’s important to weigh the benefits of increased visibility and automation against the costs and challenges of implementation in order to determine if an XDR platform is the right choice for your organization’s cybersecurity strategy.
- mandiant – https://www.mandiant.com/resources/insights/what-xdr
- spiceworks – https://www.spiceworks.com/it-security/network-security/guest-article/is-extended-detection-and-response-xdr-the-ultimate-foundation-of-cybersecurity-infrastructure/