Foodservice Distribution Statistics 2023: Facts about Foodservice Distribution outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.
LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Foodservice Distribution, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂
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Top Foodservice Distribution Statistics 2023
☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 15 Foodservice Distribution Statistics on this page 🙂Foodservice Distribution “Latest” Statistics
- The sector is extremely fragmented in the U.S., with Sysco controlling 17% of the market and Gordon food service, U.S. foods, and PFG each accounting for 9% to 5% of the market.[1]
- In the U.S., according to Food Industry Research Company, Technomic, 225 million meals are consumed daily away from home.[1]
- According to the FE&S 2021 Distribution Giants study, sales among the top 100 food service equipment and supply dealers reached $9.4 billion in 2020, down 14.37% from 2019’s total of $10.92 billion.[2]
- Then the nation had a rude awakening as a result of the political instability in the nation’s capital and the extreme February weather, which at one point covered as much as 70% of the country in snow.[2]
- From 2021 to 2031, it is anticipated that the employment of those who serve food and beverages and other associated jobs would increase overall by 9%, which is faster than the average for all professions.[3]
- According to the Convenience Store News 2012 Foodservice study, over two-thirds of convenience store owners anticipate higher food service revenue this year compared to 2011.[4]
- Sysco’s international division’s sustained recovery was equally promising, as seen by its sales growth of 42.6% and return to profitability.[5]
- Core-Mark in Performance Food Group reveals that the average sales for the Big 3 were 31.9% and the overall case volume was 14.8%.[5]
- As a result of business simplification and optimization of SKUs, U.S. Foods claimed a 15% drop in assortment.[5]
- Standard diesel systems’ energy efficiency is reduced by more than 400%.[6]
- 45% of students believe it is crucial that their school be open about where its materials are produced, while 69% of students say they dine off campus at least once a week.[6]
- According to a study by The Hale Group, Danvers, 79% of all operator purchases will be conducted via an unified buying organization in 2020.[6]
- According to a poll performed by Kuebix Maynard Mass, over 44% of respondents named driver scarcity and capacity congestion as the main concern for supply chains in 2019.[6]
- According to a recent research published on July 21 by the International Foodservice Distributors Association, the average yearly salary for Class A CDL delivery drivers working in foodservice distribution is now little under $70,000.[7]
- At BiRite foodservice distributors, White people make up 41% of the workforce, followed by Hispanic or Latino people (34%), and Asian people (14%).[8]
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