Online Community Management Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Online Community Management Statistics 2023: Facts about Online Community Management outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

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Top Online Community Management Statistics 2023

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Online Community Management “Latest” Statistics

  • The degree distributions of 60% of the networks that developed without integrating dark blue test poorly for H1.[1]
  • The degree distributions of 20% of the networks that grew without integrating dark blue test poorly for H1.[1]
  • Only 50% to 60% of the interaction network in-degree distributions from the treatment group matched the power-law model that is optimal for k min≤2, compared to over 80% of those from the control group.[1]
  • People are typically not worried about not knowing someone’s true identity on the internet, according to 40% of respondents who say anonymity in online organizations is a positive thing.[2]
  • Internet communities produce money indirectly, therefore it is often impossible to gauge their influence, according to 44% of respondents.[2]
  • 45% of users of social media expressed frustration with the bullying and derogatory words that permeate many of these channels.[2]
  • Over the next 12 months, 65% of community professionals say their companies will increase their community budgets.[2]
  • 75% respond more quickly 60% of communities that promote new ideas provide significant member value.[2]
  • Cooperation (76%), community practice (72%), and networking (70%) are some of the key benefits of branded online communities.[2]
  • More and more inquiries are being answered through social networks and online forums, which serve as free channels of contact between consumers and companies, according to 80% of customer success teams.[2]
  • People want to connect with the brand community, and 4/5 are prepared to join them right away, according to 82% of community site users who indicated they would welcome businesses that chose to participate in communities.[2]
  • 60% of budgets authorized by senior executives have a good view, 62% have seen an improvement in executive participation, and 67% include executives in strategic choices.[2]
  • 85% of business owners think that their community has a favorable influence on their company.[2]
  • Environmentally friendly products without animal experimentation, and the absence of gender, racial, or age bias are all still on the agenda, according to 86% of U.S. residents.[2]
  • By 43%, advanced communities generate value; branding and awareness branded online communities may be a wonderful touchpoint for leads and potential customers since they operate at the top of the funnel.[2]
  • By 48%, advanced communities generate value; one of the advantages for businesses is the lower support costs of established infrastructure inside online community platforms.[2]
  • One of the key benefits of online communities is that advanced communities generate 49% more value than basic communities do in terms of communications efficiency.[2]
  • One of the advantages of an online community for business is that advanced communities produce generative value by 54% organizational and cultural transformation increase in employee commitment to a company vision and objectives.[2]
  • One advantage of participating in an online community is that advanced communities generate 67% more value via customer loyalty, customer retention, and word-of-mouth.[2]
  • Customer success is now increasingly significant and no longer an organizational silo since almost 99% of customer success teams collaborate with different teams throughout the firm.[2]
  • Investments in the growth of the community have a high ROI indicator, with an average of 1,967% for internal communities and 6,130% for external communities.[2]
  • Relevance continues to be the primary motivator for users to interact on social media, with people 44% more likely to click on postings that speak to a specific personal interest.[2]
  • The market for online communities was predicted to expand its revenues at a compound annual growth rate of 24.3%, or 1/4 times annually.[2]
  • Gen Zers and millennials, who make up 62% of the population, think that businesses have the ability to form communities based on shared interests and passions.[3]
  • 64% of users of online communities claim to visit them more often today than they did a few years ago.[3]
  • 36% wished for a more sincere relationship with people while 45% expressed frustration with bullying or abusive language.[3]
  • In the seven days after the introduction of a video campaign through social email and in their online community, PETA reported an overall increase in visitors to donation transaction sites of 30% and 41% of online contributions.[3]
  • The number of people using online communities increased last year as 44% responded that having an online member community in 2020 was more significant.[3]
  • 28% of users said they did so because they thought they received greater respect in an online group, and 24% said they could be themselves there.[4]
  • Because they think they may have more meaningful talks there, 36% of users prefer online groups.[4]
  • The importance of their community is shown through monitoring client retention, according to 54% of community professionals.[4]
  • Mobile devices account for 55% of social media interaction, indicating that the popularity of online communities is greatly influenced by the rise in mobile device use.[4]
  • According to 66% of professionals, their online network has helped them retain customers; 55% report seeing an increase in sales, and 68% claim it has helped them create new leads.[4]
  • Only 12% of community workers think it’s simpler to expand offline communities than online ones.[4]
  • 90% of professionals claim to utilize community feedback to enhance their goods and services, and 78% claim that communities have assisted them in developing new goods and services.[4]
  • 27.3% of consumers used online forums to research products or services before making an online purchase.[4]
  • 83% of workers who participate in gamified training report feeling more motivated.[4]
  • Helping others by sharing knowledge, ideas, and experiences was the most common motivation given by 78% of participants.[4]
  • Although one of the main goals of having an online community is to increase customer loyalty, only 28% of businesses integrate community data with their CRM.[4]
  • Another issue is the absence of career development possibilities for community workers since only 19% of companies clearly outline a career path for community professionals.[4]
  • Scaling existing online communities is another area of attention for organizations, with 59% of community professionals admitting that this is their main priority.[4]
  • The most crucial quality that community members look for in a brand is reliability, with 57% of users anticipating that.[4]
  • Monthly active users are the indicator that 57% of firms use to gauge the performance of an online community.[4]
  • Getting senior management backing was the most effective strategy, according to 56% of online community specialists, for procuring financing for online communities.[4]
  • While 40% of businesses claim that all or portion of their plans have been greatly expedited 35% of businesses claim that it has put their plans on hold.[4]
  • 39% of Gen Z shoppers claim that what they see on TikTok directly influences their shopping choices.[5]
  • More than 50% of marketers will be using LinkedIn by 2021, and 16.2% of consumers will do so daily.[5]
  • Instagram’s engagement rates are around six times greater than those of Facebook, which range from 0.83% to 0.13%.[5]
  • Google is responsible for 28.9%, whereas Facebook is only liable for 25%. All digital ad expenditure in 2020 will be made up of 10.3% by amazon and 35.6% by others.[5]
  • Marketers paid 60% more on Facebook and Instagram advertisements in Q1 2021 than they did in Q1 2020.[5]
  • In 2021, LinkedIn ad income increased by 37% to reach $1 billion, while organic session engagement increased by a record 22%.[5]
  • For 52% of social media users, privacy and data protection are very essential and have a big influence.[5]
  • When compared to other platforms, shoppers on Pinterest have 85% bigger shopping carts and spend twice as much monthly.[5]
  • Over 30% of the participants in a survey on online communities said their branded community had an impact on their organization’s income.[6]
  • 46% of respondents said that branded communities altered how businesses saw their consumers.[6]
  • Executives in marketing and IT claim that social processes have increased cooperation in 58% of cases.[6]
  • 38% of companies have exclusively digital communities, while 58% have both online and offline communities.[6]
  • 96% of businesses recognize the value that consumer collaboration offers the marketing department.[6]
  • A customer community or comparable assistance channel is used by 81% of organizations.[6]
  • 23% of businesses claim that their branded communities have increased by at least 10% in the last year.[6]
  • 86% of marketers feel that having a branded online community enhances core company operations.[6]
  • 44% of brand community builders, out of 533 community builders, do not identify a brand community in their business as having quantifiable goals and objectives.[6]
  • 40% of firms utilize online forums to get consumer feedback.[6]
  • Less than 20% of professionals say they struggle with the community budget, and 65% say their organization would boost the budget if they could.[6]
  • 82% claim they have improved their capacity to listen and unearth new questions, and 86% say they have gotten a deeper, richer understanding of client demands.[6]
  • 43% of those surveyed wanted community managers to engage in social networks as well as brands.[7]
  • Out of 30 job descriptions for community managers, writing abilities ranked highest (83%), followed by customer interactions through regular online channels (76%), and collaborating with other departments (53%).[7]
  • 80% of parents report that their kids watch YouTube. India is the country with the highest percentage of male YouTube users (54%) and female users (46%).[8]
  • 24% of Gen Z renters want to extend their current lease, while the remaining 19% are concerned about their financial security and the state of the economy.[8]
  • 36% more users of community websites believed that communities might foster meaningful dialogue.[8]
  • Compared to YouTube and Instagram, TikTok experienced the biggest rise in brand investment plans for new platforms in 2022, rising by 84%.[8]
  • The property managers themselves eventually control 39% of the national industry market share.[8]
  • 79% can directly connect community and commercial results, and 88% can compute community value.[8]
  • 66% of brand communities say that connection development is how they identify their brand community inside their firm.[8]
  • 59% have a direct effect on company goals; 74% have a favorable influence on brand and culture.[8]
  • 60% of community workers are concerned about growing the current communities.[8]
  • According to 61% of customers, recommendations from friends and family are more reliable than those from celebrities and influencers.[8]
  • 70% of internet users who have not recently visited community websites at least know what they are.[8]
  • 70% of viewers made a purchase from a company after viewing it on youtube, and ads that are intently tailored to consumers increase buy intent by 10%.[8]
  • Over the last two years, 71% of communities have seen an increase in visibility, and 67% of them have experienced an increased sense of urgency as a result of the covid19 pandemic, which has severely impacted planning.[8]
  • A professional community manager oversees 76% of branded communities.[8]
  • 77% of Americans own smartphones; 77% of Americans have rapid access to broadcast messages to the world.[8]
  • Communities play a crucial part in attaining the goals of their companies, according to 88% of community professionals, and 64% say online communities have improved their ability to make business decisions.[8]
  • 90% of Instagram users adhere to a company, and 2 out of 3 users claim that Instagram enables them to interact with companies.[8]
  • 90% claim that consumers’ shopping choices are influenced by favorable internet evaluations.[8]
  • 97% of popular Pinterest searches online pinboards are used by around 11% of internet users between the ages of 64 for the brand.[8]
  • A branded online community, in the opinion of 85% of marketers and community builders, would enhance the consumer experience and boost trust.[8]
  • By 2025, 72.6% of all internet users will only access the internet using smartphones.[8]
  • When making a purchase choice, 27.3% of buyers consult an online forum devoted to the good or service.[8]
  • 22% use a sophisticated tactic explaining community management the need for community management in relation to online communities is expanding.[9]
  • 86% of companies agree that the community has value, but at least 45% are having difficulty identifying that value and putting it to use.[9]
  • 70% of communities have a beneficial influence on culture and brands.[10]
  • 77% of advanced external community initiatives affect customer loyalty, a top-line complicated goal being sought adamantly in the current business environment for communities that can link involvement to commercial value.[10]
  • In 51% of cases, 70% can directly connect community and commercial results, and 88% can compute community value.[10]
  • While a lower number of external communities are located in external communications operations, more than 50% of external communities are either in the customer support marketing or product divisions.[10]
  • Top three business results for the typical internal community cultural and organizational transformation (54%), 49% of communications, and 43% of effective branding and awareness.[10]
  • Businesses that actively engage their workforce have a 233% greater percentage of customer loyalty.[11]
  • 77% of respondents indicate that since starting a community, their capacity to increase follower counts has also increased.[12]
  • 86% of respondents said they had received new insights into client demands and 82% said they had developed greater understanding of those needs.[12]
  • 77% of businesses feel that online communities significantly increase brand visibility, awareness, and trust, according to inversoft’s study.[12]
  • After speaking with more than 1,600 content producers who get paid for their work, 93% of them said that being a creator has added stress to their life and caused major emotional lows for 45% of them.[12]
  • 57% of artists saw direct money from subscriptions and memberships as being more important to their future than revenue from social network.[12]
  • 65% of the artists we spoke to said they were overworked and underpaid for the amount of effort they put into their businesses.[12]
  • 24% of artists have a website where fans may pay to take part in challenges or activities that the creators design.[12]
  • Over 58% of businesses use both offline and online networks to expand their reach.[12]
  • 46% of respondents believe branded communities have altered how businesses see their clients.[12]
  • 77% of artists said that since they started a community where followers pay to join and engage with one another as well as the creator, their capacity to make money has increased.[12]
  • Out of 100,000 monthly subscribers, 70% of the producers who provided premium memberships were earning a median of $1,000 per month from only 26 users spending $39.55/month.[12]
  • 85% of marketers and community managers agreed that having a branded online community enhances the consumer experience and builds brand trust.[12]
  • 41% of participants said they spend the most of their online time with coworkers in professional networks, followed by friends, family, and experts.[12]
  • Observe the 80/20 rule; give valuable information 80% of the time and encourage others to review your actions 20% of the time.[13]
  • 86% of consumers are prepared to pay extra for superior customer service, and this willingness to pay increases with the cost of the item.[14]
  • 59% of international organizations now do their market research using online forums.[14]
  • 46% of users of online communities believe that online groups have become more important to them over time, and 64% of visitors to these platforms feel as if they visit them more often now than they did a few years ago.[14]
  • 57% of community members believe that their online communities are aware of them, 78% of members have asked questions, while 63% believe they have been heard, and 70% often do so.[14]
  • Only 61% of the population still trusted the most reputable organization in business in 2021.[14]
  • With 31% of internet users mistrusting material posted on social media sites, confidence in these networks is declining.[14]

Also Read

How Useful is Online Community Management

One of the key benefits of online community management is that it gives businesses and organizations a platform to communicate directly with their customers and address their concerns in real-time. By monitoring online conversations, responding to comments, and providing valuable information, community managers can help create a positive online environment that fosters trust and loyalty among customers.

Furthermore, online community management allows businesses to gain valuable insights into their target audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors. By analyzing the data gathered from online interactions, community managers can identify trends, track sentiment, and better tailor their products or services to meet the needs of their customers.

In addition to improving customer relationships, online community management can also help businesses enhance their online reputation and build credibility. By actively engaging with customers, addressing their feedback, and providing timely responses to their inquiries, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and establish themselves as trustworthy and reliable entities in the eyes of their audience.

Moreover, online community management can be a valuable tool for fostering brand advocacy and generating word-of-mouth marketing. By creating a community of loyal customers and brand advocates, businesses can leverage the power of user-generated content and social proof to attract new customers, drive sales, and expand their online reach.

Overall, the benefits of online community management are vast and impactful for businesses, organizations, and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence and build lasting relationships with their audience. By investing time and resources into nurturing their online communities, businesses can not only drive engagement and loyalty but also gain valuable insights, improve their online reputation, and harness the power of brand advocacy to propel their success in the digital landscape.

In conclusion, online community management is a highly effective and invaluable tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals looking to thrive in the digital age. By actively engaging with customers, building relationships, and fostering brand advocacy, businesses can create a positive online environment that drives engagement, fosters loyalty, and ultimately leads to long-term success.


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