EIN for New Hampshire Foreign LLC – Obtaining EIN For Foreign Entity

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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To obtain EIN for New Hampshire foreign LLC one has to follow a few steps. Limited Liability Companies are easier to form than other structures of business. However, it is a bit tricky for the LLCs to form a foreign LLC in any of the states. There can be some restrictions for the Foreign LLCs to form a New Hampshire LLC. Take a look at this article to know about how to obtain EIN for your foreign LLC. It will answer all your questions related to EIN, including the procedure for a foreign entity to obtain EIN, the filing cost, etc.

What is a Foreign Limited Liability Company?

An LLC is always formed in accordance with the state rules. The state where the LLC is formed is often referred to as the main state for the LLC. It is where the LLC has its main operational center. When the LLC business members are trying to expand the LLC & wish to form it in some other states as well, the LLC is a foreign entity in the new state. The LLC is formed in the new state will be referred to as “Foreign Entity” or “Foreign Corporation” or “Foreign LLC.” Forming the New Hampshire Foreign LLC is easier & involves obtaining an EIN.

What is an EIN (Employer Identification Number)?

An EIN or Employer Identification Number works as a Social Security Number for your business. An EIN is a unique 9 digit identification code issued to businesses, by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the U.S.S., for tax filing & reporting purposes.

Are EIN, FTIN & FEIN the same?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also called a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN). So, there is no difference between these three.

Why Does a Business Need EIN?

An LLC will require EIN for the following reasons:

  1. To file Tax returns – EIN makes it easy to file the tax returns with the IRS. The IRS uses EIN to supervise all the business finances of the LLC.
  2. To Hire Employees – To hire employees in the LLC, an Employer will need the EIN. EIN lets the employers set the payrolls of the employee fo every month. IRS tracks the employee’s payroll taxes with the help of the EIN.
  3. To maintain the corporate veil – In an event where someone has sued the LLC or has filed a lawsuit against it, the EIN protects members’ assets. EIN is an essential part of the company’s corporate veil, which differentiates the business entity from its members.
  4. To protect the individual Identity of the member – The Limited Liability Company uses EON for all its taxation & finances. Nowhere in the financial process does an LLC use an individual’s Social Security Number; hence the Identity of individual members is kept safe.
  5. To open a business bank account – Without the EIN, an LLC can’t open a business account. It is essential to get an EIN even for the business credits & business licenses.

When Does IRS Ask for EIN (Employer Identification Number)?

The taxation documents & reports are filed with the IRS, which requires an LLC about its EIN in the following circumstances.

  • An EIN is mandatory for an LLC with employees for tax filing & tax returns.
  • If the LLC is a multi-member business entity, EIN is required for drawing the partnership return files.
  • An EIN is also asked for excise tax filing.

EIN for a Foreign Entity or Foreign LLC

If someone is a foreign person or if the LLC is a foreign LLC, EIN allows them to start the LLC even without the Social Security Number. EIN allows the member of the foreign LLC to collect a payment, distribute the cash in the company & out of the company, hire employees & report or file taxes.

How to Obtain EIN for a Foreign LLC or a Foreign-Owned Corporation?

Following is a step-by-step guide for obtaining an EIN for a Foreign LLC:

  1. Eligibility – Any person applying for the EIN must have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number, e.g., SSN or ITIN; only then can he apply for EIN.
  2. FORM SS-4 – If a foreign entity does not have a Tax Identification Number, it will have to fill-up the Form SS-4, an EIN application. This form is for foreign applicants who do not have a social security number or a physical address
  3. Filing the form with the required information – To be able to apply for the EIN, the following information has to be filled out correctly in the application form:
    – Legal Name & Address of the Business
    – The type of Business Entity
    – Reason for the application for an EIN- The name of the country where the business is incorporated
    – Number of employees
    – The industry in which the LLC does its business
    – Accounting Information
  4. Ways to apply for EIN New Hampshire
    • Online – An EIN can be obtained by applying online on the IRS website.
    • By phone – A foreign entity or LLC can apply for EIN by calling on 267-941-1099, which is NOT a toll-free number.
    • By Fax – An EIN can also be obtained by fax. The LLC willing to obtain the EIN can fax Form SS-4 to 304-707-9471
    • By Mail – A completed form can be mailed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Attn: EIN Operation, Cincinnati, OH 45999.

Restriction In Business For Foreign Entities In New Hampshire

According to New Hampshire’s LLC Act, for a foreign LLC to conduct its business operations in the State of New Hampshire, it must foremostly register itself with the New Hampshire Secretary of State Office.

Transacting Business In The State of New Hampshire

After the incorporation of LLCs, the subject of taxation must be addressed. According to state rules, foreign LLCs must collect state sales taxes in their home state. For the business LLC to collect taxes on sales to its residents in New Hampshire, it must have a physical presence in—or a connection with—the State. A foreign LLC is regarded to have a physical presence in New Hampshire in cases, such as if it opens a store, an office, or a warehouse there, or if it hires a salesperson there.

Registering The Business

The foreign business LLC must file a New Hampshire Application for Certificate of Authority with the New Hampshire Department of State, Corporation Division, to register their foreign corporation.

The Secretary of State Office requires a Certificate of Good Standing or Existence from the home state to approve a foreign qualification application. The foreign LLC must also hire a registered agent in New Hampshire to act as their official communicator in the State.

Effect Of Non-Registration

  • Such a foreign LLC that does business in this State without being registered is accountable to the State for the years or portions of the year it did business without being registered.
  • The foreign LLC shall be barred from bringing any action, suit, or proceeding in the State until it has registered and paid all fees for the time it performed business in the State without being registered.
  • Under the terms of this section, the attorney general may file a lawsuit to recover any sums owed to the State.
  • However, failing to register the LLC does not invalidate its contracts or prohibit it from defending a lawsuit in New Hampshire.
  • Under the terms of this section, the attorney general may file a lawsuit to recover any sums owed to the State.

New Hampshire Deceptive Trade Act

New Hampshire’s State laws ban a wide range of deceptive trade activities by business entities. State laws ban false advertising, passing off second-hand products as new, and other deceptive trade activities. Such acts to promote products or services and do not sell them as advertised are considered to be in violation of State laws.

The Attorney General can enforce a legal action on behalf of the State against anybody who engages in trade or commerce that is prohibited by this chapter.

How Fast Can You Obtain EIN for Foreign LLC in New Hampshire

An EIN for foreign LLC in New Hampshire can be obtained by immediately if applying online and by mail or fax it may take up to 1 week.

Title: Braving the Bureaucracy: Charting the Path to Obtaining an EIN for Foreign LLCs in New Hampshire

Efficiency and expediency hold great significance for entrepreneurs embarking on business ventures worldwide. In the context of establishing a Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the state of New Hampshire, one critical concern surfaces prominently – How fast can an EIN (Employer Identification Number) be obtained? Navigating bureaucratic hurdles and ascertaining the speed of obtaining an EIN verification effectively puts entrepreneurs’ ease-of-doing-business to the test.

The obtention of an EIN holds paramount importance as it essentially serves as a unique identifier for a business entity, enabling access to essential privileges, such as opening business bank accounts, hiring employees, and addressing tax obligations in the United States. Undertaking this process as a foreign LLC can sometimes amplify the complexity involved.

Considering the intricacies involved, timing expectations must be set judiciously by foreign entrepreneurs seeking to establish an LLC in New Hampshire. Various factors impact the speed at which an EIN can be obtained, including responsiveness of government agencies, completeness of application documentation, and underlying requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Firstly, it is essential to gather and submit the necessary documentation promptly. Form SS-4, the official document to be completed for obtaining an EIN, requires meticulous completion with accurate business details. Precise disclosure of required information such as the name, address, and responsible party details is crucial to avoid unnecessary delays. Entrepreneurs should make certain that their application contains no errors or misprints that could potentially cause processing delays.

Secondly, the responsiveness of government agencies and the efficiency of their review processes significantly impact the speed at which an EIN for a Foreign LLC is issued. In the case of New Hampshire, foreign LLC owners may initially contemplate the time taken by the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office for LLC registration, which paves the way for EIN application. The timeliness and turnaround for LLC registration can vary depending on workload and other factors. Ensuring strict compliance with mandated registration requirements is key to streamlining subsequent EIN acquisition steps.

Next, it is necessary to delve into the role played by the IRS in the process. As Federal regulations require foreign LLCs and entities to obtain an EIN from the IRS, engaging with this agency becomes an inevitable step. The IRS reviews applications and assigns EINs, with the official timeline largely dependent on their internal processing capability. While the IRS aims for efficiency, varying caseloads and unexpected administrative roadblocks may occasionally pose challenges to timely EIN issuance.

As foreign LLC owners tackle the EIN application process, proactivity and meticulousness yield significant benefits. Entrepreneurs should allocate sufficient time for their applications and continually monitor progress. Regular updates and persistent follow-ups, through phone or electronic means, may accelerate the EIN attainment process.

Navigating the complexities of securing an EIN for foreign LLCs in New Hampshire undoubtedly presents challenges, albeit not insurmountable. Entrepreneurs intending to streamline the process must exercise diligence at every stage—ensuring error-free applications, allowing reasonable time for processing, and exhibiting persistent interaction with relevant authorities.

A comprehensive understanding of the potential bottlenecks within the system grants entrepreneurs expectation management capabilities. Though an exact timeline cannot be generalized, staying proactive, prepared, and aptly informed allows foreign LLC owners to navigate the bureaucratic landscape with confidence.

In our ever-transforming global marketplace, where time is of the essence, the swift obtention of an EIN for foreign LLCs becomes a defining aspect of a conducive business environment. By equipping oneself with the essential knowledge and maintaining patience amidst bureaucratic hurdles, entrepreneurs in pursuit of their business dreams shall overcome these regulatory complexities and embark on the path to commercial success. The time invested in circumnavigating these obstacles will be richly rewarded in due course, ultimately fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in New Hampshire.


How to obtain EIN for foreign LLC in New Hampshire?

To obtain EIN for your foreign LLC, you have to apply for it from IRS. Fill up the Form-SS4 and send it via phone, fax mail or submit it online.

Do I need to obtain EIN for foreign LLC always?

If you’re a self-employed individual then you do not have to obtain EIN, you can use your social security number to form an LLC.

Are EIN and TIN the same or different?

EIN and TIN (Tax Identification Number) are the same things. IRS issues both the identification numbers to the businesses. It is an eight-digit identification number issued by the IRS.

Do I need a Third Party Designee to obtain EIN for Foreign LLC?

It is not mandatory to have a third-party designee obtain EIN. A third-party designee is an individual appointed by the LLC. That person will be responsible for fill-up the form SS-4 by answering all the questions and also can receive the issued EIN if applied by phone.

How Fast Can You Obtain Ein for Foreign LLC in New Hampshire

The speed at which you can obtain an EIN for your foreign LLC in New Hampshire primarily depends on how well-prepared you are and how quickly you can gather all necessary documentation. The good news is that the process can be relatively quick and straightforward if you have all your information in order. In general, you can obtain an EIN for your foreign LLC in New Hampshire within a matter of days, or even sooner in some cases.

One of the key factors in speeding up the process of obtaining an EIN for your foreign LLC is ensuring that you have all the necessary documentation ready to submit to the IRS. This includes information about your business, such as the legal name, address, and type of entity, as well as information about the owners or members of the foreign LLC. Additionally, you will need to provide a valid taxpayer identification number on any paperwork that you submit.

Once you have all the required documents assembled, you can apply for an EIN for your foreign LLC in New Hampshire online, by fax, or by mail. The online application process is typically the fastest and most efficient method, as you can receive your EIN immediately after completing the online form. If you prefer to apply by fax or mail, you can expect to receive your EIN within a few days, depending on the volume of applications the IRS is processing at that time.

In some cases, obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC in New Hampshire may take longer if there are complicating factors that need to be resolved. For example, if the information you provide on your application does not match the IRS records, you may be required to submit additional documentation or clarify any discrepancies before your EIN can be issued. Additionally, if you apply for an EIN during peak tax season, such as in the months leading up to the April tax deadline, processing times may be slightly longer due to increased demand.

Overall, the process of obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC in New Hampshire is fairly straightforward and can be done quickly if you are prepared. By ensuring that you have all necessary information and documents ready, you can expedite the process and get your business up and running in the Granite State in no time. Whether you choose to apply online, by fax, or by mail, rest assured that obtaining an EIN for your foreign LLC in New Hampshire is a manageable task that should not cause undue delays in your business expansion efforts.

In Conclusion

Obtaining EIN for any New Hampshire foreign LLC is a must. This number is required to conduct business, open up a business bank account, report the Taxes to IRS, and so on. EIN is any business entity’s Social Security Number that is mandatory to transact business.

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