EIN for South Carolina Foreign LLC -Obtain EIN For Foreign Entity

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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To obtain EIN for South Carolina foreign LLC one has to follow a few steps. Limited Liability Companies are easier to form than other structures of business. However, it is a bit tricky for the LLCs to form a foreign LLC in any of the states. There can be some restrictions for the Foreign LLCs to form an LLC in South Carolina. Take a look at this article to know about how to obtain EIN for your foreign LLC. It will answer all your questions related to EIN, including the procedure for a foreign entity to obtain EIN, the filing cost, etc.

What is a Foreign Limited Liability Company?

An LLC is always formed in accordance with the state rules. The state where the LLC is formed is often referred to as the main state for the LLC. It is where the LLC has its main operational center. When the LLC business members are trying to expand the LLC & wish to form it in some other states as well, the LLC is a foreign entity in the new state. The LLC is formed in the new state will be referred to as “Foreign Entity” or “Foreign Corporation” or “Foreign LLC.” Forming the South Carolina Foreign LLC is easier & involves obtaining an EIN.

What is an EIN (Employer Identification Number)?

An EIN or Employer Identification Number works as a Social Security Number for your business. An EIN is a unique 9 digit identification code issued to businesses, by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the U.S.S., for tax filing & reporting purposes.

Are EIN, FTIN & FEIN the same?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also called a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN). So, there is no difference between these three.

Why Does a Business Need EIN?

An LLC will require EIN for the following reasons:

  1. To file Tax returns – EIN makes it easy to file the tax returns with the IRS. The IRS uses EIN to supervise all the business finances of the LLC.
  2. To Hire Employees – To hire employees in the LLC, an Employer will need the EIN. EIN lets the employers set the payrolls of the employee fo every month. IRS tracks the employee’s payroll taxes with the help of the EIN.
  3. To maintain the corporate veil – In an event where someone has sued the LLC or has filed a lawsuit against it, the EIN protects members’ assets. EIN is an essential part of the company’s corporate veil, which differentiates the business entity from its members.
  4. To protect the individual Identity of the member – The Limited Liability Company uses EON for all its taxation & finances. Nowhere in the financial process does an LLC use an individual’s Social Security Number; hence the Identity of individual members is kept safe.
  5. To open a business bank account – Without the EIN, an LLC can’t open a business account. It is essential to get an EIN even for the business credits & business licenses.

When Does IRS Ask for EIN (Employer Identification Number)?

The taxation documents & reports are filed with the IRS, which requires an LLC about its EIN in the following circumstances.

  • An EIN is mandatory for an LLC with employees for tax filing & tax returns.
  • If the LLC is a multi-member business entity, EIN is required for drawing the partnership return files.
  • An EIN is also asked for excise tax filing.

EIN for a Foreign Entity or Foreign LLC

If someone is a foreign person or if the LLC is a foreign LLC, EIN allows them to start the LLC even without the Social Security Number. EIN allows the member of the foreign LLC to collect a payment, distribute the cash in the company & out of the company, hire employees & report or file taxes.

How to Obtain EIN for a Foreign LLC or a Foreign-Owned Corporation?

Following is a step-by-step guide for obtaining an EIN for a Foreign LLC:

  1. Eligibility – Any person applying for the EIN must have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number, e.g., SSN or ITIN; only then can he apply for EIN.
  2. FORM SS-4 – If a foreign entity does not have a Tax Identification Number, it will have to fill-up the Form SS-4, an EIN application. This form is for foreign applicants who do not have a social security number or a physical address
  3. Filing the form with the required information – To be able to apply for the EIN, the following information has to be filled out correctly in the application form:
    – Legal Name & Address of the Business
    – The type of Business Entity
    – Reason for the application for an EIN- The name of the country where the business is incorporated
    – Number of employees
    – The industry in which the LLC does its business
    – Accounting Information
  4. Ways to apply for EIN South Carolina
    • Online – An EIN can be obtained by applying online on the IRS website.
    • By phone – A foreign entity or LLC can apply for EIN by calling on 267-941-1099, which is NOT a toll-free number.
    • By Fax – An EIN can also be obtained by fax. The LLC willing to obtain the EIN can fax Form SS-4 to 304-707-9471
    • By Mail – A completed form can be mailed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Attn: EIN Operation, Cincinnati, OH 45999.

Restriction In Business For Foreign Entities In South Carolina

The foreign LLCs in South Carolina are required to mandatorily register themselves with the State of South Carolina if they are “transacting business” in South Carolina, according to South Carolina’s LLC regulations.

Transacting Business In South Carolina

Further ahead, post the incorporation of foreign LLC, their position with regards to the subject of taxation must be addressed. According to state rules, foreign LLCs must collect state sales taxes in their home state. For a foreign LLC to be liable to collect state sales tax on sales to its residents, the company must have a physical presence in—or a connection with—the State. If a foreign LLC opens a store, an office, or a warehouse in South Carolina or hires a sales representative there, it is regarded as having a physical presence.

Registering The Business

The South Carolina Foreign LLC must file an Application for Certificate of Authority with the South Carolina Secretary of State, Business Filings Division, in order to register a foreign corporation in South Carolina.

The Secretary of State Office in South Carolina requires a Certificate of Existence or Good Standing issued by the home state to approve a foreign qualification application. The foreign LLC must also hire a registered agent in South Carolina who shall act as the official communicator between the firm and the Secretary of State office.

The Secretary of State requires an initial annual report when filing for-profit corporations alone. The Secretary of State does not require an annual report.

Effect Of Non-Registration

If a South Carolina foreign LLC starts its business operations in the State without registration, then such entity may have to face the following consequences as per the South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 33, Chapter 15, Article 1, Section 33-15-102:

  • Such a business LLC shall be barred from taking any action, filing a suit, or maintaining a proceeding until it has registered and paid all fees for the time it performed business there without being registered.
  • The State’s Court of Law may also stay all the proceedings concerning such a business LLC until the firm obtains the certificate.
  • Such foreign Corporation may also be liable to civil penalties to the tune of $10 per day and upto $1000 in each year. The Attorney General may collect all the penalties and fines imposed on the LLC.
  • However, the LLC’s contracts will not be invalidated or prevented from defending a lawsuit in South Carolina even though it is not registered.

South Carolina Deceptive Trade Act

The South Carolina Unfair Trade Practices Act regulates the business practice standards to be implemented in the State. It strictly prohibits any deceptive behavior, misrepresentation to consumers, fraud, etc. The Unfair Trade Practices Act forbids unfair competition and unfair or deceptive actions or practices during any business activities, and it targets both consumer protection and anti-competitive behavior.

Attorney general, any individual who has suffered a determinable loss, the solicitor, the county attorney, or the city attorney, with the attorney general’s prior consent, may file a lawsuit in state court against the offender.

How Fast Can You Obtain EIN for Foreign LLC in South Carolina

An EIN for foreign LLC in South Carolina can be obtained by immediately if applying online and by mail or fax it may take up to 1 week.

Once business owners have decided to establish a foreign LLC in South Carolina, obtaining an EIN becomes a vital requirement. The EIN is a nine-digit tax identification number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses, enabling them to fulfill several responsibilities such as paying taxes, filing tax returns, and opening bank accounts. It bars the need to use an individual’s Social Security number for business activities, safeguarding one’s personal information.

While the process can vary depending on the circumstances, generally, obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC in South Carolina can be relatively expedient and efficient if one follows the proper procedures. The first step is to gather all the necessary information and documentation required to apply for an EIN. This typically includes the name and address of the LLC, the names and addresses of the responsible parties, the purpose of the business, and any other relevant details.

The IRS allows the applications for EIN to be submitted online, by mail, or through fax. One of the most expeditious and convenient methods for obtaining an EIN is through the online application, also known as the EIN Assistant. This web-based tool provides a simple and intuitive platform for business owners to apply for their EIN. The online application can be completed within a matter of minutes and allows for instant issuance of the EIN upon successful submission.

It is worth noting, however, that there may be instances where business owners are required to apply for an EIN through the mail or fax. In such cases, the processing time may take longer due to additional administrative steps involved. Ensuring that the application is accurately and comprehensively filled out and promptly sent to the relevant IRS office is crucial in expediting this process.

Moreover, seeking professional guidance or consulting with an attorney specializing in business formation in South Carolina and dealing with foreign LLCs can be highly beneficial. These professionals can assist in streamlining the entire process, help prepare the necessary documents, and guide business owners through any complexities or unique circumstances that may arise during the application process.

Ultimately, the speed at which the EIN for a foreign LLC in South Carolina can be obtained depends on various factors such as the method of application, the completeness of the submitted information, and adherence to IRS guidelines. By navigating through these steps diligently and seeking appropriate professional assistance, business owners can ensure a seamless and timely acquisition of their EIN, enabling their foreign LLC to smoothly embark on its journey in the business world.

In conclusion, while the process of obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC in South Carolina may initially seem intricate, understanding and adhering to the proper procedures, utilizing online resources, and seeking professional guidance can undoubtedly expedite the process. Acquiring an EIN is an essential step towards establishing a solid foundation for a foreign LLC in South Carolina, allowing entrepreneurs and business owners to focus on their ventures and nurture their success in the vibrant business landscape of the Palmetto State.


How to obtain EIN for foreign LLC in South Carolina?

To obtain EIN for your foreign LLC, you have to apply for it from IRS. Fill up the Form-SS4 and send it via phone, fax mail or submit it online.

Do I need to obtain EIN for foreign LLC always?

If you’re a self-employed individual then you do not have to obtain EIN, you can use your social security number to form an LLC.

Are EIN and TIN the same or different?

EIN and TIN (Tax Identification Number) are the same things. IRS issues both the identification numbers to the businesses. It is an eight-digit identification number issued by the IRS.

Do I need a Third Party Designee to obtain EIN for Foreign LLC?

It is not mandatory to have a third-party designee obtain EIN. A third-party designee is an individual appointed by the LLC. That person will be responsible for fill-up the form SS-4 by answering all the questions and also can receive the issued EIN if applied by phone.

How Fast Can You Obtain Ein for Foreign LLC in South Carolina

In South Carolina, the process of obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC is relatively straightforward, but the timeframe in which it can be acquired can vary depending on various factors. Typically, the quickest way to obtain an EIN is through the internal revenue service (IRS) website, where foreign LLCs can apply online for free and receive their EIN immediately upon successful completion of the application.

For those unfamiliar with the online application process, another option is to apply for an EIN via mail or fax. This process may take slightly longer, as it involves submitting Form SS-4 to the IRS and waiting for a response that can take a few weeks. Additionally, foreign LLCs may opt to apply for an EIN through a third-party service that can facilitate the process for a fee. While this may expedite the application process, it is crucial to ensure that the service provider is reputable and trustworthy.

It is important to note that before applying for an EIN, foreign LLCs must first register their business with the South Carolina Secretary of State. This step is mandatory for all businesses looking to operate legally within the state and includes providing basic information about the company, such as its name, address, and purpose. Once the company is registered with the Secretary of State, it can proceed with applying for an EIN to solidify its status as a legitimate business entity.

While the process of obtaining an EIN for a foreign LLC in South Carolina may not be time-consuming, it is crucial for businesses to prioritize this step to avoid any potential legal ramifications. Operating without an EIN can result in penalties, fines, and other consequences that may hinder the growth and success of the business in the long run. By taking the necessary steps to obtain an EIN promptly, foreign LLCs can ensure that they are operating within the confines of the law and set themselves up for success in the ever-changing business landscape.

In conclusion, the timeframe in which a foreign LLC can obtain an EIN in South Carolina depends on various factors, including the method of application and the efficiency of the IRS processing. However, regardless of the timeline, it is imperative for businesses to prioritize this step to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. By taking the necessary steps to secure an EIN promptly, foreign LLCs can establish a strong foundation for their business operations and pave the way for growth and success in the future.

In Conclusion

Obtaining EIN for any South Carolina foreign LLC is a must. This number is required to conduct business, open up a business bank account, report the Taxes to IRS, and so on. EIN is any business entity’s Social Security Number that is mandatory to transact business.

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