Board Management Statistics

Steve Bennett
Steve Bennett
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Board Management Statistics 2023: Facts about Board Management outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Board Management, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Board Management Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 15 Board Management Statistics on this page 🙂

Board Management “Latest” Statistics

  • 49% of respondents stated they engaged with management to understand their efforts in crisis preparation, but only 50% indicated that board members and management had particular dialogues about crisis prevention.[1]
  • 95% of corporate executives believe that they need to enhance their crisis management skills.[1]
  • The percentage of women in top executive positions worldwide increased to 31% in 2021, the highest amount ever recorded.[2]

Board Management “Other” Statistics

  • Businesses that have previously experienced a crisis report that 28% of them would interact with consumers more effectively in the future.[1]
  • Only 45% of company communicators acknowledge having a written crisis communications plan, despite the fact that 59% claim to have a communications strategy in place.[1]
  • Over a five-year period, 69% of company executives reported going through a crisis, with an average of three crises.[1]
  • 75% of respondents said that technology had made it easier for their organization’s crisis response team to coordinate.[1]
  • The primary components of crisis communication strategies among companies that reported having them were outreach to workers (71% ), and outreach to customers (63% ).[1]
  • Benchmark gender diversity distribution among applied mathematics and statistics portfolio editors is based on 34% of responding editors.[1]
  • Only 32% of respondents claim that scenario role-playing or crisis simulation is a component of their crisis response plans.[1]
  • According to a Deloitte poll, just 49% of respondents said their firms have playbooks for potential crisis situations4.[1]
  • Only 20.2% of executives and 78% of CEOs in the biggest publicly traded firms in the European Union in 2021 are female.[2]
  • Women made up slightly more than a third of all managers in Canada (35.6% ) and senior managers (30.9%).[2]
  • Medical and health services made up the majority of their managerial share in some other businesses; 61.5% in marketing, 48.5% in food service, and 75.1% in medical and health services.[2]
  • In the EU, women are underrepresented in management; women make up 46.3% of the workforce, yet as of 2021, only 35.3% of managers were female.[2]

Also Read

How Useful is Board Management

One of the biggest benefits of having a board of directors is the diverse perspectives they bring to the table. A well-rounded board will ideally consist of members with various backgrounds, expertise, and skill sets, which can help ensure that the organization is considering all angles when making important decisions. It is this collective wisdom that can be invaluable in guiding an organization through challenges and opportunities.

Another key role of the board is to hold the organization’s leadership accountable. By regularly reviewing the organization’s performance, financial health, and operations, the board can help ensure that the organization is on track to meet its goals and objectives. This oversight also helps to safeguard against potential conflicts of interest or unethical behavior within the organization.

Board management also plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and good governance within an organization. By establishing clear processes and procedures for decision-making, the board can help promote accountability, fairness, and ethical conduct. This can not only help build trust with stakeholders such as employees, customers, and investors, but also help safeguard the organization’s reputation in the long run.

Furthermore, a strong board can serve as a valuable resource for the organization’s leadership team. By providing guidance, mentorship, and networking opportunities, board members can help support the organization’s growth and development. Board members bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, which can be incredibly valuable for organization leaders looking for advice and perspective on key decisions.

Of course, like any system, board management is not without its challenges. Ensuring effective communication and collaboration among board members can sometimes be a hurdle, particularly if there are disagreements or conflicts within the board. Additionally, striking the right balance between oversight and micromanagement can be a delicate dance for board members, who must find the right level of involvement in the organization’s day-to-day operations.

Ultimately, the usefulness of board management comes down to the individuals involved. A dedicated and engaged board can be a powerful force for good within an organization, helping to steer it through challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and uphold its core values. Conversely, a dysfunctional or disengaged board can create more problems than it solves, potentially leading to mismanagement, conflicts, or even legal troubles.

In conclusion, board management is a vital aspect of organizational governance, providing oversight, accountability, and guidance to help organizations thrive. While not without its challenges, a well-functioning board can bring immense value to an organization, helping to ensure its long-term success and sustainability.


  1. webinarcare –
  2. catalyst –

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