Martial Arts Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Martial Arts Statistics 2023: Facts about Martial Arts outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

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Top Martial Arts Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 38 Martial Arts Statistics on this page 🙂

Martial Arts “Latest” Statistics

  • The World Health Organization calculated that mental health issues cost the world $2.5 trillion annually.[1]
  • 15% of clients who use martial arts studios do so for requirements related to personal training or small group instruction.[2]
  • Children who practice martial arts make up 28% of families with annual incomes of at least $50,000.[2]
  • 73% of those who engage in martial arts training or attend studio courses do so to improve their physical fitness.[2]
  • At the same time, just 5% of U.S. adults claim to have taken a class at least once in the previous year.[2]
  • In the last year, boys are three percentage points more likely than females to have tried out marital arts.[2]
  • Even though they are the biggest franchise, their overall market share for the us industry is just 1.8% .[2]
  • Only 4% of American studios that advertise themselves as fitness centers provide martial arts instruction.[2]
  • When compared to teenagers that engage in sports other than martial arts, those numbers are 10% higher.[2]
  • The results were consistent with the increased popularity of MMA with 52% (adolescent males = 73%, adolescent females = 39%) enjoying watching MMA and 24% (adolescent males = 39%, adolescent females = 13%) practicing professional fight moves with friends.[3]
  • Decision tree (raw: 71.8%; rate-scaled: 76.3%) and DFA (raw: 71.4%; rate-scaled 71.2%) achieved similar classification accuracies.[4]
  • 2% is the average number of students that go on to become black belts 6 years is the average length of time it takes for a person to earn a black belt 3 times a week.[5]
  • Simmone Market reports that 28% of American adults claim they practice martial arts whenever they get the opportunity.[5]
  • According to the study, 18.1 million Americans, including 9.4 million adults, 5.5 million teens, and 3.2 million children, performed martial arts at least once between 2010-2011.[5]
  • 20.7% of all Martial Arts Instructors are women, while 79.3% are men.[5]
  • The highest sample size suggested was (n=293) since randomized controlled studies often have participant drop out rates of 20% .[5]
  • When a character’s encumbrance percentage is at or near 0% and they are sent sprinting across the map, they may develop their athleticism the quickest.[5]
  • We discovered that the typical martial arts instructor likes their employment for 2 years, which is a proportion of 23%, after reviewing the resumes of 3,234 martial arts instructors.[5]
  • 90% of what males earned in 2021 was obtained by women. Martial arts instructors in the top 10% of earners may expect to make up to $76,000 or more every year.[5]
  • It’s interesting to note that martial arts instructors make up 59% of the population and have an average age of 40+.[5]
  • Statistical power calculations assumed baseline post test expected effect size gains of d = 0.3, and were based on 90% power with alpha levels set at p < 0.05.[5]
  • Accordingly, martial arts are the third most probable physical activity that kids in the 12 year old age group will engage in this year.[5]
  • The Martial Arts Studios industry grew strongly for the majority of the five years leading up to 2020,at a rate of 5%, but the good trend was abruptly reversed when the COVID 19 pandemic struck in 2020.[5]
  • There are no firms with more than 5% market share in the U.S market for Martial Arts Studios, which has low market share concentration.[5]
  • The most common ethnicity of Martial Arts Instructors is White (66.5%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (14.7%) and Black or African American (9.3%).[5]
  • In the U.S, the number of enterprises in the martial arts studios sector increased 14.2% year on average over the five years between 2017.[5]
  • Over 3.9 million Americans actively engage in the martial arts sector each year, according to Statista.[6]
  • According to history, a Chinese emperor named Wu Di invited an Indian monk named Bodhidharma to visit China in 527 A.D. to assist monks in improving their health and physical abilities.[6]
  • According to another Simmons Market Research Statistic, two out of every three adolescents who practice martial arts believe that sports play a significant role in their social lives. 77% of teenagers claim that martial arts training keeps them healthy.[6]
  • Despite being the most successful franchise, their overall market share in the U.S is merely 1.8%.[6]
  • Comparing such numbers to teenagers who engage in sports other than martial arts, they are 10% higher.[6]
  • According to Ibis World research, growth increased by 4.2% between 2012 and 2017 and is expected to continue in the next years.[7]
  • The Martial Arts Studios industry has experienced growth over the five years to 2022.[8]
  • About 2% of those who begin training at the Japanese Martial Arts Center go on to earn their black belt.[9]
  • More than 60% of more recent papers and reports that were analyzed, addressed youth, whereas less than 20% of the studies conducted before the mid ’90s examined this issue.[10]
  • According to the study, performing a cut kick while leading with the ball of the foot was not particularly effective, but utilizing the heel resulted in points 90% of the time.[11]
  • As of 2018, approximately 72.1 percent of 5 to 15-year-olds have participated in a competitive sport in or outside of school.[11]
  • Among children aged 5 to 10, it ranks at place six for most popular sports participated in every month.[11]

Also Read

How Useful is Martial Arts

One of the most obvious benefits of studying martial arts is the physical fitness and self-defense skills it provides. Training in martial arts involves rigorous workouts that enhance strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. This kind of physical conditioning can not only improve overall health but also increase one’s ability to defend themselves in dangerous situations. Martial arts teaches practical techniques for blocking and striking opponents, as well as strategies for staying calm under pressure and making quick decisions.

Moreover, studying martial arts can also have a positive impact on mental health. The discipline and focus required in training can help practitioners develop better self-control, concentration, and stress management skills. In a world where distractions and worries abound, the structured environment of a martial arts class can provide a much-needed outlet for mental clarity and relaxation. Additionally, the camaraderie and sense of community that often come with training in martial arts can help individuals build friendships and support systems that contribute to their overall well-being.

In a broader social context, martial arts can serve as a valuable tool for promoting cultural understanding and unity. Many martial arts disciplines have origins in specific countries or regions, each with its own unique history and traditions. By learning about the roots of different martial arts styles, practitioners can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity and richness of the world’s cultures. This kind of cross-cultural exchange can foster mutual respect and cooperation among people of different backgrounds, helping to break down barriers and build bridges across divides.

Beyond the physical, mental, and social benefits of martial arts, the practice itself can also be an art form in its own right. The grace, rhythm, and precision of martial arts movements have inspired creativity and beauty in countless performances and demonstrations. From the graceful spins of tai chi to the explosive power of Muay Thai kicks, martial arts encompass a wide range of styles that each have their own unique appeal. Through dedicated practice and discipline, martial artists can achieve a level of mastery that borders on the sublime, captivating audiences and inspiring awe.

In conclusion, the usefulness of martial arts extends far beyond mere combat techniques. While the physical fitness and self-defense skills that martial arts offer are undoubtedly valuable, the mental discipline, social connection, cultural enrichment, and artistic expression that come with practicing martial arts are equally important. Whether for personal development, community building, or artistic expression, martial arts can be a powerful tool for growth and enrichment in many aspects of life.


  1. biomedcentral –
  2. brandongaille –
  3. nih –
  4. nih –
  5. webinarcare –
  6. bookeeapp –
  7. glofox –
  8. ibisworld –
  9. japanesemartialartscenter –
  10. nih –
  11. scientificamerican –

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