Decision-Making Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
Steve Goldstein runs LLCBuddy, helping entrepreneurs set up their LLCs easily. He offers clear guides, articles, and FAQs to simplify the process. His team keeps everything accurate and current, focusing on state rules, registered agents, and compliance. Steve’s passion for helping businesses grow makes LLCBuddy a go-to resource for starting and managing an LLC.

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Decision-Making Statistics 2023: Facts about Decision-Making outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Decision-Making, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Decision-Making Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 15 Decision-Making Statistics on this page 🙂

Decision-Making “Latest” Statistics

  • 99 of questioned firms are engaging in data efforts, and 96% are reporting demonstrable business benefits, according to the NewVantage Partners’ 2021 Big Data and AI Executive Survey.[1]
  • The Master of Science in Applied Statistics from Michigan Technological University is a 100% online program that focuses on four key areas (Advanced Statistical Methods, Programming and Technology, Real-World Problem Solving, and Communication and Leadership).[1]
  • According to Mckinsey, 37% of respondents claim that choices made by their businesses are quick and of excellent quality.[2]
  • 41% of respondents said their organization’s actions were in line with its business strategy and that it directed resources toward high.[2]
  • More than one quarter of respondents say they spend the bulk of their time making choices, and on average, just over half say they spend more than 30% of their working time doing so.[2]
  • Decision making takes up an average of 37% of respondents’ time, and more than half of the time is believed to be wasted.[2]
  • In general, 57% of respondents agree that their businesses routinely make judgments of excellent quality that are just marginally more likely to succeed than a coin flip.[2]
  • Respondents indicate that large bet choices are of good quality in their businesses 65% of the time, compared to 54% for cross cutting decisions and 46% for delegated decisions. Indicator 3.[2]
  • The most recent significant gamble or cross cutting move at the respondents’ firms resulted in a financial return of at least 20%.[2]
  • 14% of C-Suite respondents claim that making choices takes up more than 70% of their time.[2]
  • Focusing on enterprise level value in this approach increases winning chances by 2.9 times compared to those who don’t.[2]
  • Respondents are 6.8 times more likely to work for a successful business when they claim that choices are made at the appropriate level, which often entails delegating them to lower levels of the organization.[2]
  • Respondents who state that their organizations are devoted to execution—which necessitates that responsible stakeholders be aware that the decision making process was thorough and that these individuals were engaged in it meaningfully—are 6.8 times more likely to work for successful organizations.[2]
  • 68% of middle managers and 57% of C-level executives think that most of their decision making time is inefficient.[2]
  • Respondents are 1.7 times more likely to believe their businesses are successful with delegated choices if they adhere to both kinds of best practices rather than just the basic ones.[2]

Also Read

How Useful is Decision Making

At its core, decision making is the process of choosing between alternatives to reach a desired outcome. It is a skill that we use constantly, and it can have profound effects on our lives. The ability to make sound decisions can lead to positive outcomes, helping us to achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life. On the other hand, poor decision making can have negative consequences, leading to missed opportunities, wasted resources, and even harm to ourselves and others.

One of the key benefits of good decision making is that it allows us to take control of our lives and shape our own destinies. When we make thoughtful, well-informed choices, we are more likely to achieve our desired outcomes and fulfill our aspirations. Decision making can also help us to navigate uncertainty and complexity, allowing us to weigh the pros and cons of different options and choose the best course of action.

In addition, decision making can foster personal growth and development. When we make choices and take responsibility for the outcomes, we are forced to confront our values, priorities, and beliefs. This introspection can lead to increased self-awareness and self-understanding, helping us to clarify our goals and align our actions with our values.

On a societal level, decision making plays a crucial role in shaping the world around us. From government policies to business strategies to social movements, the decisions we make collectively can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and communities. By engaging in a process of collective decision making, we can work together to address complex challenges, allocate resources effectively, and build a better future for all.

Despite its many benefits, decision making is not without its challenges. The process can be complicated by factors such as cognitive biases, emotional influences, and incomplete information. Making decisions under uncertainty or pressure can be stressful and overwhelming, leading to anxiety, indecision, and poor judgment.

Furthermore, decision making is not always a straightforward process, and there is no guarantee that the choices we make will lead to the desired outcomes. Unforeseen circumstances, external influences, and random chance can all impact the results of our decisions, making it impossible to predict the future with certainty.

In conclusion, decision making is a fundamental aspect of human life that shapes our experiences, our relationships, and our futures. While it can be challenging and uncertain, the ability to make sound decisions is a valuable skill that can help us to take control of our lives, achieve our goals, and contribute to a better society. By honing our decision-making abilities and approaching choices with thoughtfulness and care, we can navigate life’s complexities and seize the opportunities that come our way.


  1. mtu –
  2. mckinsey –

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