Employee Recognition Statistics

Steve Bennett
Steve Bennett
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Employee Recognition Statistics 2023: Facts about Employee Recognition are important because they give you more context about what’s going on in the World in terms of Employee Recognition.

LLCBuddy editorial team scanned the web and collected all important Employee Recognition Statistics on this page. We proofread the data to make these as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resource on the web for Employee Recognition Facts; All are here only 🙂

Are you planning to form an LLC? Thus you need to know more about Employee Recognition? Maybe for study projects or business research or personal curiosity only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Employee Recognition Statistics of 2023.

How much of an impact will Employee Recognition Statistics have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your LLC Business? How much does it matter directly or indirectly? You should get answers to all your Employee Recognition related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any words.

Top Employee Recognition Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 137 Employee Recognition Statistics on this page 🙂

Employee Recognition “Latest” Statistics

  • Employee satisfaction increases almost every business and educational result, increasing revenue by 37%, productivity by 31%, accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a variety of health and quality of life benefits.[1]
  • 85% of workers believe managers and leaders should recognize outstanding performance and provide praise right away, and 81% believe this should happen consistently throughout the year.[1]
  • 34% of senior decision-makers said that they do not believe that frequent employee appreciation and recognition at work significantly impact staff retention.[1]
  • This contradicts the 70% of workers who claim that management praise would boost motivation and morale.[1]
  • 58% of HR experts advise managers to give their staff members more frequent recognition and appreciation in order to boost engagement.[2]
  • 28% of Gallup’s employee recognition poll respondents said that their bosses gave them the most memorable compliments.[2]
  • This suggests that businesses that do not value their staff will probably incur large turnover costs, which may range from 5.8% to 213% of an employee’s income, depending on the position and individual qualifications.[2]
  • 41% of businesses using peer-to-peer recognition have seen an improvement in client satisfaction.[3]
  • 50% of workers think their relationships with their superiors have improved as a result of management appreciation.[3]
  • 79% stated receiving more awards would boost their loyalty to their job.[3]
  • Compared to 43% of women, 50% of males polled stated they got acknowledgment regularly.[3]
  • Companies will see a 24% boost in job quality and a 27% drop in absenteeism if they double the number of workers they recognize each week.[3]
  • Organizations with continuing recognition programs had 28.6% lower levels of irritation than those without.[3]
  • 89% of the 540 HR executives in businesses with recognition programs feel that recognition improves the employee experience.[3]
  • Recognization data associated with business results 44% of workers change employment because they don’t get enough credit for their efforts.[3]
  • 40% of American workers said being recognized more often would motivate them to perform more.[4]
  • 81% of workers think awards should be distributed consistently throughout the year.[4]
  • Considerably more might be done to lessen the negative impacts of the gap, given that 83% of firms don’t make an effort to recognize their employees.[4]
  • 54% of workers desire a vocal thank you, while 31% prefer a written one when it comes to the total proportion of ways they want to be acknowledged.[4]
  • A CEO or other senior management makes up 24% of an employee’s most memorable compliments.[4]
  • 27% of women, compared to just 21% of males, ranked doing acts of service as their top option for how they want to be recognized and appreciated by leaders and peers at work.[4]
  • 77% of employees say they would work more if they were better acknowledged, whereas 39% of workers feel undervalued at work.[5]
  • Consumers who constantly see a favorable staff attitude are 41% more likely to remain loyal to a brand or business, whereas 68% of customers would leave due to a poor employee attitude.[5]
  • Only 12% of workers really earn more at their next job, despite the assumption made by 89% of companies that their employees would quit for jobs paying more.[5]
  • Companies in the top 20% for creating a culture of recognition had voluntary turnover rates of 31% lower.[5]
  • According to a significant 11-year long-term research, businesses with the strongest corporate cultures saw their income increase by 682%.[6]
  • According to 600 U.S. businesses, 63.3% of them believe that the recruiting process is simpler than the staff retention procedure.[6]
  • According to 3,000 workers, they were happier with their employment (70%) and colleagues (69%) than they were with their managers (64%).[6]
  • Although most workers are not currently seeking work, 81% of them would consider leaving their current jobs if the proper opportunity presented itself.[6]
  • A respectable proportion, 74% of respondents, said they would accept a wage decrease if the new position had a vibrant culture perfect for their development.[6]
  • Only a 166% increase in sales was seen in another group of organizations under supervision during the same time period that had a weak corporate culture and disgruntled employees.[6]
  • Employee engagement increases show that just 10% of workers in Western Europe are allegedly engaged.[6]
  • 37% of workers believe that receiving acknowledgment is crucial.[6]
  • According to the same Gallup survey that showed 34% of U.S. workers are involved, a significant percentage of U.S. workers are classified as unengaged.[6]
  • 24% of respondents identified a bad workplace culture as their primary motivation.[6]
  • If they love their onboarding program, 69% of new workers are more likely to remain in a firm for at least three years.[6]
  • 90% of company executives who were questioned believe that engagement strategies have an effect on business performance.[6]
  • 53% of U.S. employees are already disengaged in some form, according to Gallup, and 13% of them are actively disengaged.[6]
  • According to a Gallup survey, 24% of workers said that the CEO gave them the most memorable acknowledgment.[7]
  • 51% of employees, according to a Sirota Consulting poll, were pleased with the praise they got for a job well done.[7]
  • 90% of workers who got appreciation or acknowledgment from their manager said that they have a high degree of confidence in that person, compared to just 48% of those who did not.[7]
  • The percentage of compliance increased to 90% once computerized devices that immediately praised hand washing were added.[7]
  • According to 47% of workers, receiving new career possibilities is a better approach to recognizing their accomplishments.[8]
  • 92% of employees are more likely to repeat a certain behavior after obtaining acknowledgment for it.[8]
  • Employee polls reveal that 65% strongly agree that gifts of goods and trips are more enduring than monetary payments.[8]
  • An employee who has received recognition is 63% more likely to remain at his or her present position during the following three to six months.[8]
  • 65% of workers hadn’t gotten any kind of appreciation for their hard work in the previous year.[8]
  • According to 83% of HR executives, employee recognition programs advance company principles, and 85% believe they benefit organizational culture.[8]
  • 44% of workers changed occupations as a result of a lack of recognition and engagement.[8]
  • More than 40% of Americans who are working believe they would work more if they were acknowledged more often.[8]
  • According to a recent employee recognition study by Achievers, respondents cited having interesting work to do (74%) and awards and recognition (69%).[8]
  • Over 91% of HR experts think giving workers praise and rewards increases their likelihood of sticking around.[8]
  • 64% of workers feel that employee appreciation is much more crucial in a remote work environment.[9]
  • 22% firmly agree that the way their performance is controlled drives them.[10]
  • 40% of workers who responded to Gallup’s study strongly think that their boss keeps them responsible for achieving their performance objectives.[10]
  • 30% of staff members strongly feel that their boss incorporating them in goal formulation is demoralizing. 27% firmly agree that receiving input from others improves their job.[10]
  • 40% of workers who responded to Gallup’s study strongly think that their boss keeps them responsible for achieving their performance objectives.[10]
  • 53% of respondents to a Quantum Workplace poll of more than 600,000 U.S. workers said they wanted greater recognition from their immediate boss.[11]
  • 82% of working individuals believe that receiving acknowledgment at work is crucial to their happiness, and they report feeling better as a consequence.[11]
  • If their employers had given them additional incentives and recognition, 69% of them would have been more inclined to remain.[11]
  • For 55% of workers who intended to transfer occupations, a lack of recognition was the main factor in their choice.[11]
  • 82% of HR executives in the SHRM research said that employee recognition programs boost employee satisfaction.[11]
  • 57% of workers responded that they would like to be recognized with a financial bonus or increase if given the option.[11]
  • According to 78% of the 33,000+ respondents to Edelman’s 2019 global Trust Barometer, a company’s treatment of its workers is one of the best measures of its degree of trustworthiness.[11]
  • 17% of workers regard employee awards, and 14% value visibility to top executives as their favourite form of appreciation.[11]
  • According to Gallup, praise also has a positive correlation with a team’s feeling of meaning and purpose, with 74% of U.S. workers reporting that their teams get praise and strongly agreeing that they thought their work was worthwhile and helpful.[11]
  • According to 87% of HR experts, supporting data comprise employee appreciation programs and strengthened workplace connections, according to SHRM.[11]
  • Compared to less trustworthy individuals, 83% are much more dedicated and 71% more involved.[11]
  • 83% of senior managers said receiving acknowledgment was important for their job happiness.[11]
  • 29% more likely to seek the development of a favorable employer brand in the talent marketplace, and 33% more likely to concentrate on employee empowerment.[11]
  • 37% of businesses agree that they take into account different worker generations in their incentive programs.[12]
  • 59% of workers claim to have stayed with their present company for more than three years, while 22% of older millennials report having been there for more than seven years.[12]
  • 90% of staff members in companies with successful incentive schemes believe their effort has an impact.[12]
  • 59% of workers believe their managers don’t show them enough gratitude, leaving them devalued.[12]
  • Companies with formal recognition programs see 31% lower voluntary turnover than companies without such programs.[13]
  • 75% of workers who get informal, at least monthly, acknowledgment are content with their jobs.[14]
  • 90% of managers emphasize timely appreciation and yearn for recognition at work, despite businesses worldwide spending a combined 46 billion on employee incentive and recognition programs.[14]
  • Only 26% of managers strongly agreed that their firm commends or thanks workers for their efforts in accordance with their organization’s principles.[14]
  • Organizations that practice recognition outperform those without it by 14% in terms of employee engagement, productivity, and customer service.[14]
  • 22% of managers firmly agree that their organization gives them the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize coworkers successfully.[15]
  • The existing recognition and incentive programs are not as successful as they might be, according to 38% of HR employees.[15]
  • 80% of HR workers asked stated they were likely to invest in recognition and incentive programs.[15]
  • Gallup organizations that practice recognition outperform those without it by 14% in terms of employee engagement, productivity, and customer service.[15]
  • Organizations that practice recognition outperform those without it by 14% in terms of employee engagement, productivity, and customer service.[15]
  • According to 69% of respondents, better incentives and recognition would motivate them to remain employed by the organization.[16]
  • 82% of american professionals believe their contributions are not sufficiently acknowledged.[16]
  • Employees without a shift in work responsibilities only have a 45% chance of being retained after three years.[16]
  • 23% of businesses utilize a decrease in turnover as a benchmark for the effectiveness of their retention program.[16]
  • According to a poll of 472 respondents by WorldatWork, boosting retention and reducing turnover are significant program objectives for 60% of recognition programs.[16]
  • According to 56% of respondents, their businesses saw a return on their investment in employee engagement.[17]
  • According to 57% of HR experts, peer-to-peer recognition programs enhanced employee engagement.[17]
  • 70% of workers said that receiving praise from bosses will increase their motivation and morale.[17]
  • Within the coming year, 79% of hr workers asked stated they were likely to invest in recognition and incentive programs.[17]
  • When highly engaged individuals last went above and above at work, 84% of them were acknowledged, compared to just 25% of actively disengaged employees.[17]
  • Cicero found that 69% of workers would put in more effort if they thought their contributions were more acknowledged.[17]
  • Nearly 47% of remote employees expressed frustration at their efforts being unappreciated.[17]
  • Absenteeism is reduced by 27% when the number of workers who get weekly appreciation is doubled.[17]
  • Employee productivity and performance are 14% greater in businesses with recognition than in those without it.[17]
  • When given a straightforward technique to recognize their coworkers, 44% of remote workers in one study stated they would do so regularly.[17]
  • Only 32% of HR officials said their organization had a recognition program with a D&I component.[17]
  • Nearly 90% of workers who got praise or appreciation from their manager in the previous month had more confidence in that manager.[17]
  • Only 22% of managers strongly feel that their organization gives them the skills and knowledge to identify colleagues properly.[17]
  • Programs for strategic peer recognition increase the likelihood of strong employee engagement by 48% in organizations.[17]
  • Employees who work remotely are 16% less likely to concur that their management incorporates them in goals.[17]
  • The average level of employee performance may rise by 11.1% as a result of well-designed incentives and recognition programs.[17]
  • 85% of organizations perceive an improvement in engagement when they spend 1% or more of payroll on recognition.[17]
  • 50% of workers think that being praised by managers strengthened their connection with their superiors and helped them trust them more.[18]
  • 69% of workers said they would put out more effort if they thought their job was more recognized.[18]
  • 70% of workers believe that adding gamification to recognition would not be a good idea.[18]
  • When recruiting for WorldatWork, 14% of firms said their company often offers recognition programs. In search of elite talent.[18]
  • Companies with employee engagement-boosting recognition programs saw a 31% decrease in voluntary attrition. Bersin partners.[18]
  • Respondents were asked what leaders might do more to increase participation, and 58% said to provide recognition.[18]
  • 74% more likely to indicate they do not expect to work at the business in one year, 5x more likely to be actively disengaged, and 27% more likely to be suffering.[19]
  • Only 23% of workers firmly believe that they get enough praise for their efforts.[19]
  • Monetary gifts combined with praise are 20% more successful than e thanks alone in lowering turnover.[19]
  • 20% said they get quarterly recognition, 11% say they get acknowledgment once a week, and 2% say it happens every day.[20]
  • According to 37% of workers, employee appreciation is the most crucial thing their boss or employer can do to inspire them to create excellent work.[20]
  • 46% of workers say they would feel more valued if they received an unexpected gift, such as a snack lunch or a thank you card from their managers.[20]
  • According to 69% of workers who planned to leave their employment, being recognized and rewarded would make them decide to remain in their existing positions.[20]
  • A demanding employer or the threat of losing their employment only motivates 40% of employees, but 80% of workers claim they are encouraged to work more when their work is appreciated.[20]
  • Companies in the top 20% of those with effective employee recognition programs see 31% lower voluntary turnover rates than their rivals.[20]
  • Companies often fail to acknowledge the efforts of their employees, as 29% of workers report that they haven’t gotten any acknowledgment for their efforts in over a year.[20]
  • Employee performance engagement and productivity rates are 14% higher in organizations with these programs than they are in businesses without them.[20]
  • High employee engagement rates are 48% more probable in companies with effective employee recognition programs.[20]
  • 80% of workers claim they work harder, and 37% claim they produce better work when they know their superiors will acknowledge their efforts.[20]
  • The majority of workers, or roughly 37%, said that being acknowledged by superiors is the greatest approach to increasing their involvement.[20]
  • Despite the fact that 60% of all workers believe they have gotten enough or too much praise from their employers, just 45% of them indicate they feel this way.[20]
  • Many employee recognition programs provide financial incentives, but 65% of workers would prefer a customized noncash prize.[20]
  • 58% of workers are aware of these initiatives, indicating that many fall short in terms of making employees feel valued.[20]
  • 15% feel that their recognition is nearly sufficient, 42% feel that their recognition is exactly the correct amount, and just 3% feel that their recognition is too frequent.[20]
  • 24% said they would feel more valued if the business held an event, like a Christmas party or a straightforward cocktail hour.[20]
  • Receiving recognition makes employees happier, and contented employees produce 13% more than dissatisfied ones.[20]
  • 40% of workers believe that a demanding employer would recognize them. These workers are 2.7 times more likely to be highly engaged at work.[20]
  • 42% of respondents claim their recognition is precisely the correct amount, while 3% said it is too much.[20]
  • Employee performance engagement and productivity rise by 14% higher in organizations with employee recognition programs than in those without them.[20]
  • The top 20% of businesses with effective employee recognition cultures see 31% lower voluntary turnover rates than their rivals.[20]
  • 87% of firms recognize or honor their staff members who have devoted a significant amount of time to the business.[20]

Also Read

How Useful is Employee Recognition

At its core, employee recognition is about acknowledging the efforts and contributions of individual employees or teams within an organization. This recognition can take many forms, from simple gestures of appreciation such as a thank you note or shoutout during a team meeting, to more formal programs that include awards, bonuses, or other incentives. Regardless of the specific method, the underlying goal remains the same: to make employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions to the organization.

One of the key benefits of employee recognition is its potential to boost employee morale. When employees feel recognized and appreciated for their work, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their jobs. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher levels of productivity, and a greater sense of loyalty to the organization. Recognizing employees for their hard work can also serve as a form of positive reinforcement, encouraging them to continue putting forth their best effort and striving for excellence in their work.

Employee recognition can also have a significant impact on an organization’s culture. By creating a culture of appreciation and recognition, organizations can foster positive relationships between employees and their managers, as well as among colleagues. This can help to build trust and stronger bonds within teams, leading to improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork. In addition, a culture of recognition can help to create a more positive work environment overall, where employees feel motivated and inspired to do their best work.

Another key benefit of employee recognition is its potential to improve employee retention. When employees feel recognized and valued for their contributions, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and more committed to staying with the organization. This can help to reduce turnover rates and save the organization time and resources that would otherwise be spent on recruiting and training new employees. Recognizing employees for their hard work can also help to build a strong employer brand, making the organization more attractive to potential candidates and helping to retain top talent.

In conclusion, employee recognition is a valuable tool that can have a positive impact on the workplace. By acknowledging and appreciating employees for their hard work, organizations can boost morale, improve job satisfaction, build a positive workplace culture, and increase employee retention. While the specific methods of employee recognition may vary depending on the organization, the underlying principle remains the same: employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to their work. As such, employee recognition should be seen as a worthwhile investment for organizations looking to create a positive and successful work environment.


  1. bonus – https://blog.bonus.ly/recognition-statistics
  2. empuls – https://blog.empuls.io/employee-recognition-statistics/
  3. vantagecircle – https://blog.vantagecircle.com/employee-recognition-statistics/
  4. goremotely – https://goremotely.net/blog/employee-recognition-statistics/
  5. baudville – https://ideas.baudville.com/the-baudville-blog/top-12-employee-appreciation-statistics
  6. techjury – https://techjury.net/blog/employee-engagement-statistics/
  7. achievers – https://www.achievers.com/blog/10-hr-stats-that-will-make-you-think-twice-about-employee-recognition/
  8. apollotechnical – https://www.apollotechnical.com/employee-recognition-statistics/
  9. cooleaf – https://www.cooleaf.com/blog/5-employee-recognition-statistics-that-prove-the-power-of-appreciation
  10. gallup – https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236441/employee-recognition-low-cost-high-impact.aspx
  11. netsuite – https://www.netsuite.com/portal/resource/articles/human-resources/employee-recognition-statistics.shtml
  12. proofhub – https://www.proofhub.com/articles/employee-recognition
  13. quantumworkplace – https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/importance-of-employee-recognition
  14. rewardgateway – https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/21-key-employee-recognition-statistics
  15. rewardgateway – https://www.rewardgateway.com/uk/blog/21-key-employee-recognition-statistics
  16. spiceworks – https://www.spiceworks.com/hr/employee-recognition/articles/employee-recognition-and-retention-statistics/
  17. springworks – https://www.springworks.in/blog/employee-recognition-statistics/
  18. tinypulse – https://www.tinypulse.com/blog/sk-employee-recognition-stats
  19. workhuman – https://www.workhuman.com/blog/employee-recognition-statistics/
  20. zippia – https://www.zippia.com/advice/employee-recognition-statistics/

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