Church Presentation Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Church Presentation Statistics 2023: Facts about Church Presentation outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Church Presentation, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Church Presentation Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 16 Church Presentation Statistics on this page 🙂

Church Presentation “Latest” Statistics

  • Grey Matter Research estimates that 17 million Americans who don’t attend church regularly visited a church website.[1]
  • 27% of Christians who practice their faith regularly and 38% of churchgoing adults sometimes visit other churches.[1]
  • Even more generation X individuals attend church, though their rate has declined to 54% from 62%.[1]
  • The majority of Christians value religious attendance, more than 60% of churched adults, say they enjoy attending church, and the same is true for 82% of practicing Christians.[1]
  • 17.7% of the population visited a Christian church on any given weekend, according to data from actual counts of attendees in Orthodox Christian churches (Catholic, mainline and evangelical).[1]
  • According to recent Barna research, just 29% of U.S protestant pastors claim that their church actively combats racism or racial inequality.[1]
  • The Giving Institute said in a 2015 press release that while charitable giving is up in the United States, the percentage of that giving going to churches has dropped from 53% in 1987 to 32% in 2015.[1]
  • The same New York times story that generated this number also highlighted a rise in America’s unchurched population from 16% to 23% between 2007 and 2016.[1]
  • According to, the real number of worshipers each week is closer to Olson’s 17.7% estimate of 52 million people than the pollster’s stated 132 million people, which is 40%.[1]

Church Presentation “Other” Statistics

  • According to an article posted by the site “DataProt”, it appears that “Digital Video Piracy” alone is costing the US economy between $29.2 and $72 billion dollars per year. It’s no surprise that the movie/film industry is such a big driving force of revenue, not to even mention songs or other forms of copyrighted media.[2]
  • The weekend of March 2020 was the height of way maker’s popularity among proclaim users, when the song was played during about 7% of all worship performances.[3]
  • 31% of donors worldwide give to NGOs, NPOs & charities located outside of their country of residence.[1]
  • Active Christians demonstrated a higher devotion, with 71% claiming membership.[1]
  • Seniors are 93% more likely to possess a bible than millennials (82%), while baby boomers are 90% more likely.[1]
  • Almost 66% of people prefer films that are one minute or less, with the exception of sermons, which they anticipate to be longer.[1]
  • Traditionalists, which are the oldest generation polled, came in with the highest religious preference of 89%.[1]

Also Read

How Useful is Church Presentation

The question many have is, how useful are these church presentations? Do they truly add value to the worship service, or are they simply distracting bells and whistles that take away from the true purpose of gathering together to worship God?

On one hand, church presentations can be incredibly helpful in engaging and enhancing the worship experience. When done well, they can serve as visual aids that help to reinforce the message being preached from the pulpit. Visual learners may find it easier to connect with and understand the message when they can see it displayed in front of them. Moreover, church presentations can also help to create a sense of unity among the congregation, as everyone is following along with the same words and images at the same time.

Additionally, church presentations can be a useful tool for reaching out to new visitors or those who may be unfamiliar with the Christian faith. Whether through informational slides about the church’s mission and beliefs, or through videos that share powerful testimonies of faith, multimedia presentations can help to provide context and understanding for those who are exploring their faith or attending church for the first time.

Furthermore, church presentations can also be a means of fostering creativity and artistic expression within the church community. Whether through graphic design, video editing, or music production, those with creative talents can use their skills to contribute to the worship experience and help to communicate the message of the Gospel in new and engaging ways.

On the other hand, there is a danger that church presentations can become a distraction or a crutch that takes away from the true purpose of worship. When the focus shifts from worshiping God to simply putting on a technologically impressive show, it can detract from the authenticity and spiritual depth of the worship experience. In these cases, church presentations can become more about entertainment than about genuine connection with God and with fellow believers.

Additionally, some may argue that church presentations run the risk of promoting consumerism or a “spectator” mentality within the church. When the congregation is more focused on being impressed by the production value of the presentation than on actively participating in worship, it can hinder the development of a deep and meaningful relationship with God.

In conclusion, church presentations can be a powerful tool for enhancing the worship experience and reaching out to new individuals, but they should be used with careful consideration and intentionality. When done well and with purpose, church presentations can help to engage, inspire, and unite a congregation in worship. However, when they become a distraction or a substitute for genuine connection with God, they risk detracting from the true essence of worship.


  1. delmethod –
  2. mediashout –
  3. rushtopress –

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