Mobile Attribution Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
Steve Goldstein runs LLCBuddy, helping entrepreneurs set up their LLCs easily. He offers clear guides, articles, and FAQs to simplify the process. His team keeps everything accurate and current, focusing on state rules, registered agents, and compliance. Steve’s passion for helping businesses grow makes LLCBuddy a go-to resource for starting and managing an LLC.

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Mobile Attribution Statistics 2023: Facts about Mobile Attribution outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Mobile Attribution, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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How much of an impact will Mobile Attribution Statistics have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your LLC Business? How much does it matter directly or indirectly? You should get answers to all your questions here.

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Top Mobile Attribution Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 9 Mobile Attribution Statistics on this page 🙂

Mobile Attribution “Latest” Statistics

  • It is a win-win scenario. Your attributed conversions will rise by up to 30% when you integrate branch into each new channel, and the better user experiences you provide will keep consumers coming back for more.[1]
  • In 2016, Limited Ad Tracking (LAT) was introduced, which allowed Apple users the option to opt out of measurement on their devices. As many as 30% have done so in early 2021.[2]
  • It is predicted that only 2%-20% of users will opt-in, rendering the IDFA all but obsolete.[2]
  • When compared to our Google ads dashboard, the data from an attribution tool, for instance, indicated 20% more installations attributable to Google.[3]
  • Kochava employs fingerprinting logic, which has a 90% accuracy rate, if there is no device identification supplied.[3]
  • In the mobile app market, ad fraud is a massive issue. According to a Juniper Research estimate, fraud across internet, mobile, and in app channels would cost marketers $42 billion of their ad budgets in 2019.[4]
  • A 21% increase from the anticipated $35 billion dollars lost in 2018 indicates that advertising fraud is also on the rise.[4]
  • People were anticipated to spend an average of three hours and 43 minutes per day on their mobile devices in 2019, increasing 3.7% year over year, according to data from eMarketer (via mobile marketer).[5]
  • Conclusion out of 1,100 executives surveyed by Accenture, 53% said they were still in the pilot or early adoption phases and had not yet seen any advantages from their AI initiatives.[5]

Also Read

How Useful is Mobile Attribution

One of the main benefits of mobile attribution is the ability to track user interactions across multiple touchpoints. With the rise of smartphones and mobile devices, consumers have become more connected than ever before. They move seamlessly between different apps, websites, and social media platforms throughout their day. Mobile attribution helps businesses make sense of this complex ecosystem by providing insights into the customer journey and attributing conversions to specific marketing efforts.

Moreover, mobile attribution allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of different marketing channels and campaigns. By identifying which channels are driving the most conversions, companies can focus their resources on the most profitable strategies. This not only helps optimize marketing spend but also enhances ROI by maximizing the impact of each marketing dollar.

Additionally, mobile attribution enables businesses to personalize their marketing efforts at the individual level. By tracking user behavior and interactions, companies can gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ preferences and needs. This data can be used to create hyper-targeted campaigns that speak directly to the interests of each customer, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Furthermore, mobile attribution helps businesses understand the impact of offline marketing efforts on mobile interactions. By tracking offline campaigns such as TV ads, billboards, and in-store promotions, companies can connect the dots between offline and online engagement. This holistic view of the customer journey allows businesses to create seamless multichannel experiences that drive brand loyalty and sales.

Overall, mobile attribution is a powerful tool for companies looking to make the most of their mobile marketing efforts. By tracking user interactions, measuring the effectiveness of marketing channels, personalizing campaigns, and connecting offline and online interactions, businesses can gain a comprehensive view of their customer journey and optimize their marketing strategy accordingly. In an increasingly competitive mobile landscape, mobile attribution is essential for companies looking to stand out and drive results.


  1. branch –
  2. appsflyer –
  3. udonis –
  4. businessofapps –
  5. forbes –

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