How to Amend Articles of Organization in Florida

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Amend Florida Articles of Organization

Amend Articles of Organization in Florida: When you start an LLC in Florida, you must file the Articles of Organization. This document records all the details of your LLC, such as name, address, name and address of the Registered Agent, and other business-related information. If you make any changes to the LLC, you must file Articles of Amendment. Any changes you make to the Articles of Organization must be properly documented and filed with the Florida SOS.

To amend your Florida Articles of Organization, you will need to follow a specific process, which typically involves filling out a form, paying a fee, and submitting the amended articles to the Florida SOS. The process is not a lengthy one. In this article, I will share how to amend Florida Articles of Organization easily. I recommend you read the article till the end to learn everything about the process.

What is Articles of Organization in Florida?

The Articles of Organization is a document that is required to form an LLC in Florida. The document must be submitted to the State SOS online or by mail. There are certain details that need to be added while filing the Florida Articles of Organization. The following are the points to be added to the formation document at the time of LLC registration-

  • Name of your Florida LLC
  • Principal address of the LLC
  • Name and address of the Florida Registered Agent
  • Names of all the members and managers of the LLC
  • Summary of the LLC’s operation
  • Start date of the LLC
  • Purpose of the LLC
  • Signature of all the members and managers of the LLC

Why Amend Articles of Organization?

There are six reasons why you need to file the Articles of Amendment in Florida. Following are the six points to note-

Change of Florida LLC Name: If you change the name of the LLC, you must file it with the SOS. LLCs do not often change the names, but in some cases, if they change it, they immediately have to inform the Florida SOS through Amendment.

It is recommended to check if the name change is absolutely necessary. Because it can affect the whole business. In some cases, it is better to start a new LLC than change the name of an existing one.

Tip from LLCBuddy

Change of Florida LLC Address: Like the business name, if the principal address of the LLC is changed or the company is moved to another place, then Florida LLC has to file the amendment certificate.

Change of Registered Agent: A Registered Agent is the most important person in the LLC. However, when you change or remove the Registered Agent, you must file the amendment with the Florida SOS.

Change of Florida LLC Management: This is another important reason why one should file the Amendment Certificate. If the managerial structure changes in your LLC, it must be filed with the SOS. The new structure, manager, or change in ownership must be filed.

Change of the Purpose of Florida LLC: The purpose of the LLC is mentioned in the Articles of Organization when it is filed. If the purpose is changed at anytime, for example, non-profit changes to a for-profit organization, or vice-versa, it must be filed with the SOS.

Change of Florida Tax Structure: The Florida LLC classification of taxes is mentioned in the Articles of Organization at the time of registration of the LLC. Later, if the LLC wants to change the tax structure, it must file the amendment certificate with Florida SOS.

How to Amend Florida Articles of Organization

It is easy to amend the Articles of Organization in Florida. There are three prominent steps to follow. The steps are as follows-

Step 1: Determine What Changes You Need in Florida LLC

The first step is to determine what changes you need to make or if you need any changes. For some business experts, it is good to make structural or some other changes to upgrade your LLC after a point of time. For example, managers can change, LLCs can be restructured or move to other places, cities, or states, and you can also change the registered agent.

These changes are common and often take place in Florida LLC. If you think your LLC needs such changes and you determine to make those changes, then you must proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Draft the Florida Articles of Amendment

The next step is to draft the Amendment. To Amend the Articles of Organization, you need the following-

  • Name of the LLC
  • Purpose of the LLC
  • Entity filing number
  • Amendments
  • Members and Managers’ signature.

Along with these details, LLCs must submit more documents to the Florida SOS.

Step 3: File Florida Articles of Amendment

The final step is to file the Articles of Amendment. One has to submit the Articles of Amendment (PDF) online or by mail to the Florida Secretary of State. If there is a name change, the business name change form should be attached to the Amendment form.

  • Filing: To file it by mail or online, the Articles of Amendment form must be submitted to the Articles of Amendment or uploaded to the Florida SOS website.

Important Information

Cost to File Florida Articles of Amendment

The cost of filing the Amendment Certificate in Florida is $25. For other types of filing costs, please visit the official website of Florida Secretary of State.

Penalties for Not Filing Articles of Amendment

Failure to amend Florida Articles of Organization can lead to legal issues against the LLC. Not filing the amendment certificate means non-compliance with the LLC in Florida. Another consequence of not filing an amendment in Florida is facing legal issues by violating state laws. For example, if a member-managed LLC becomes a manager-managed one in the future and LLC does not file an amendment for that, it will be considered a violation of state law. Hence, the LLC might face legal issues.


How do I amend Florida Articles of Organization?
To amend Florida Articles of Organization, you must file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization with the Division of Corporations. The Amendment must include certain information as outlined in Chapter 607 of the Florida Statutes.
What is included in an Amendment to the Articles of Organization?
An Amendment to the Articles of Organization must include the original name of the LLC, the LLC’s current name, the date of filing, the type of amendment, the amendment’s effective date, and the authorized signature/s of the members or managers.
What are some reasons to amend Florida Articles of Organization?
Some common reasons to amend Florida Articles of Organization are to change the name of the LLC, change the members or managers, or add/remove services that the LLC provides.
Are there any fees associated with amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, there is a filing fee of $35.00 to amend Florida Articles of Organization.
What is the process to amend Florida Articles of Organization?
The process to amend Florida Articles of Organization is to complete and sign the Amendment to the Articles of Organization, and then submit the form along with the filing fee to the Division of Corporations.
How long does it take to amend Florida Articles of Organization?
It usually takes around 7-10 business days for the Division of Corporations to process an Amendment to the Articles of Organization.
Is it necessary to obtain approval from the members or managers before filing an Amendment to the Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is necessary to obtain approval from the members or managers before filing an Amendment to the Articles of Organization.
What happens if I fail to file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization?
If an Amendment to the Articles of Organization is not filed, the LLC may be subject to administrative dissolution.
Can I make changes to the registered agent when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, you can make changes to the registered agent when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Does the Amendment to the Articles of Organization need to be signed?
Yes, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization must be signed by the members or managers of the LLC.
Do I need to publish the Amendment to the Articles of Organization in a newspaper?
No, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization does not need to be published in a newspaper.
Are there any specific formatting requirements when filing an Amendment to the Articles of Organization?
Yes, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization must be in the prescribed format as outlined in Chapter 607 of the Florida Statutes.
What are the requirements for changing the name of an LLC when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
When changing the name of an LLC when amending Florida Articles of Organization, the new name must contain the words “limited liability company” or the abbreviation “L.L.C.”, and it cannot be similar to any other name on file with the Division of Corporations.
Is it possible to make changes to the management structure when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is possible to make changes to the management structure when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Do I need to file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization if I add a new member or manager?
Yes, you must file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization if you add a new member or manager.
How can I make changes to the LLC’s purpose when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
You can make changes to the LLC’s purpose when amending Florida Articles of Organization by including a statement in the Amendment to the Articles of Organization that specifies the purpose of the LLC.
Is it possible to make changes to the registered office when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is possible to make changes to the registered office when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Can the Amendment to the Articles of Organization be filed electronically?
Yes, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization can be filed electronically with the Division of Corporations.
Is it possible to make changes to the LLC’s duration when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is possible to make changes to the LLC’s duration when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Can I make changes to the LLC’s mailing address when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, you can make changes to the LLC’s mailing address when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Are there any special requirements for amending Florida Articles of Organization for foreign LLCs?
Yes, foreign LLCs must comply with the requirements outlined in Chapter 607 of the Florida Statutes when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Does the Amendment to the Articles of Organization need to be notarized?
No, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization does not need to be notarized.
Does the Amendment to the Articles of Organization need to be signed by an attorney?
No, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization does not need to be signed by an attorney.
Do I need to file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization if I remove a member or manager?
Yes, you must file an Amendment to the Articles of Organization if you remove a member or manager.
Is it possible to make changes to the LLC’s principal place of business when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is possible to make changes to the LLC’s principal place of business when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Must the Amendment to the Articles of Organization be filed with the local county clerk?
No, the Amendment to the Articles of Organization must be filed with the Division of Corporations.
Is it possible to make changes to the LLC’s management structure when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
Yes, it is possible to make changes to the LLC’s management structure when amending Florida Articles of Organization.
What documents must be included with the Amendment to the Articles of Organization?
The documents that must be included with the Amendment to the Articles of Organization are the Amendment itself, and the filing fee.
Is there a time limit on amending Florida Articles of Organization?
No, there is no time limit on amending Florida Articles of Organization.
Is it necessary to obtain a letter of good standing when amending Florida Articles of Organization?
No, it is not necessary to obtain a letter of good standing when amending Florida Articles of Organization.

Also Read

Why Florida LLC Amendment is So Important

The Florida LLC Amendment is so important because it aims to modernize and update the laws governing limited liability companies in the state. By making changes to these laws, the amendment will make it easier and more efficient for businesses to operate, grow, and thrive in Florida.

One of the key reasons why the Florida LLC Amendment is vital is that it will provide better protection for business owners. Limited liability companies are popular among small business owners because they offer personal liability protection. However, the current laws governing LLCs in Florida are outdated and do not adequately address the needs of modern businesses. By updating these laws, the amendment will ensure that business owners are better protected from potential risks and liabilities.

In addition to providing better protection for business owners, the Florida LLC Amendment will also streamline the process of starting and managing an LLC. By simplifying the rules and regulations surrounding LLCs, the amendment will make it easier for entrepreneurs to establish and operate their businesses in Florida. This will not only help drive economic growth in the state but will also create more opportunities for individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Furthermore, the Florida LLC Amendment will help attract more businesses to the state. By improving the legal framework for LLCs, Florida will become a more attractive destination for businesses looking to establish a presence in the United States. This will not only benefit existing businesses in the state but will also create new opportunities for job growth and economic development.

Overall, the Florida LLC Amendment is a crucial piece of legislation that will have a significant impact on the business community in the state. By updating and modernizing the laws governing LLCs, the amendment will provide better protection for business owners, streamline the process of starting and managing an LLC, and help attract more businesses to Florida. It is important that lawmakers and stakeholders support this amendment to ensure that Florida remains a competitive and thriving place for businesses to operate.


In conclusion, amending Florida Articles of Organization is a simple process that requires a few steps to report any changes made to an LLC. Filing the Articles of Amendment is crucial, and failure to do so can lead to legal issues and non-compliance with state laws. By following the steps outlined in this article and submitting the necessary documents to the Florida Secretary of State, LLCs can successfully amend their Articles of Organization and maintain compliance with state regulations.

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