Clinical Decision Support Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Clinical Decision Support Statistics 2023: Facts about Clinical Decision Support outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

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Top Clinical Decision Support Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 37 Clinical Decision Support Statistics on this page 🙂

Clinical Decision Support “Latest” Statistics

  • 57% of qualified clinicians had achieved their version of that objective, which included reminding patients to engage in therapies or screenings under clinical recommendations.[1]
  • Most CDSSs were incorporated into already-in-use software platforms of 47/55 (85.5%) based on recommendations for particular disorders, sole doctors were the only audience for 49/55 (89.1%) counsel, which was given at the precise time and point of clinical necessity 52/55 (94.6%).[2]
  • Except for remote device alerts, clinic sizes with 4 doctors were linked to a slightly to somewhat higher chance of usage for all CDS functions, ranging from 2.1% genomics profiles utilized in orders to 10.2% clinical recommendations or protocols.[3]
  • The largest rates of utilization in 2016 were for preventive medicine (57%), clinical recommendations and protocols (54%), and basic drug screening (61%).[3]
  • The most focused clinical duties of doctors, according to a different research group led by berlin et al., were related to medication dosage 46% and drug treatment 22%.[4]
  • The order-entered trigger is by far the most often utilized trigger, accounting for 94% of all clinical rules investigated and 38% of all clinical rule types.[4]

Clinical Decision Support “Other” Statistics

  • The University of Harding and Health-White County Medical Center readmissions may be cut by 52% and emergency room visits could be cut by 42%.[1]
  • Only 12.4% of otherwise eligible articles reported uptake, although it is the first and most important step in any behavioural or patient.[2]
  • Developers of the CDSS composed 87.3% of the study authors; see full study characteristics additional file.[2]
  • Only 12% of trials that otherwise matched the eligibility requirements to include in the models reported uptake, if and when uptake reporting improves over time, it is feasible that new significant predictors of CDSS uptake may emerge.[2]
  • Adults made up most of the studies, 41/55 (74.6%), which were done in outpatient settings and were done in the USA 36/55 (65.5%).[2]
  • The total adoption of CDSS, according to the meta-analysis of 60 CDSS research arms including 373,608 patients and 3,607 providers, was 34.2%.[2]
  • Conclusion if a practice is wholly based on the EMR/EHR, a CDSS is regularly utilized between 68% and 100% of primary care in the USA, primarily under the categories of basic preventative reminders and medication interaction warnings.[5]
  • 62% of ambulatory clinics connected to a health system used one or more of the seven CDS functionalities that were assessed.[3]
  • 64% of clinics offered primary care, and 72% of them were connected to a multi-hospital network.[3]
  • The number of reported health systems decreased by 113 (7%), most likely as a result of mergers and acquisitions.[3]
  • Of the clinics in our sample of 980, 4.85% reported using a cds capability in one year and not using it in the next year.[3]
  • Commercial goods make up virtually all of the systems that doctors will utilize, although accounting for just 21% of the systems assessed.[6]
  • To deem a system effective in the absence of a main result, at least 50% of reported outcomes required to be significant.[6]
  • Effective systems are those that enhance the primary or 50% of secondary reported outcomes of the process of care or patient health, according to the main outcome metrics.[6]
  • Prescribers did not continue with the medicine order in 57% of the cases after the computer alert, compared to just 13% in the control group.[6]
  • In 52-64% of studies across all six analyses, computerized systems enhanced the delivery of medical treatment, while only 15-31% of those assessed for their effect on patients’ health shown a beneficial influence on usual surrogate patient outcomes.[6]
  • They judged a system successful when it improved 50% of all reported measures in either the process of care or patient outcomes category when no outcomes were explicitly pre-specified.[6]
  • Since the cooperation began, there has been a 25% increase in patient visits because of these modifications, which have improved clinic workflow.[7]
  • Using antidepressants and antipsychotics with strong anticholinergic characteristics for three years increases the risk of dementia by 50% .[8]
  • 10% of healthcare expenditures are spent excessively, causing more damage than good.[8]
  • Mistakes in drug-drug interactions up to 65% of inpatients are exposed to one or more potentially hazardous combinations, making DDI prevalent and avoidable.[9]
  • Up to 95% of CDSS warnings, according to studies, are unimportant, and doctors often disagree with or mistrust notifications.[9]
  • 91.6% of 202 medication consultations could be switched automatically by the CDSS without any mistakes. Enhancing safety while decreasing effort and providers’ costs.[9]
  • With up to 93% accuracy, this was done for grading and predicting recurrence of urinary bladder tumors.[9]
  • Only 48% of Dutch hospital pharmacies reported employing an advanced CDSS in a recent survey that was sent to all of them.[4]
  • Physicians ignore 49-96% of the most recent drug safety warnings from both basic and sophisticated CDSS linked to medications due to alert fatigue.[4]
  • Reminders led to 51.5% of patients obtaining recommended osteoporosis therapy at 6 months after a fracture, compared to 5.9% of controls.[10]
  • 22% of intervention patients began practice consultations with their doctors compared to 34% of controls.[10]
  • Compared to the control physician group, intervention doctors ordered the suggested tests 46.3% of the time, as opposed to 21.9% of the time.[10]
  • Blocker prescriptions were written for 74% of the patients in the reminder group and 66% of the patients in the control group.[10]
  • 70% of the time, treat recommended the proper administration of antibiotics, compared to 57% of the time for doctors.[10]

Also Read

How Useful is Clinical Decision Support

The concept of CDS may seem like a straightforward tool, but its impact on patient outcomes cannot be underestimated. One of the key benefits of CDS is its ability to reduce medical errors and improve the quality of care delivered to patients. By alerting clinicians to potential drug interactions, recommending appropriate treatments based on a patient’s medical history, and helping prioritize essential diagnostic tests, CDS tools can significantly reduce the likelihood of adverse events and improve patient safety.

Furthermore, CDS is a powerful tool for standardizing care across healthcare organizations. By presenting clinicians with best practices and clinical guidelines, CDS tools can help bridge the gap between research evidence and real-world practice. This standardization not only ensures that all patients receive high-quality, evidence-based care but also helps healthcare organizations achieve better outcomes and lower costs.

In addition to improving patient safety and quality of care, CDS can also boost efficiency in the healthcare setting. With the increasing complexity of medical knowledge and the growing volume of patient data, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for clinicians to stay abreast of the latest developments in healthcare. CDS tools automate the process of synthesizing and analyzing vast amounts of information, allowing clinicians to make faster, more informed decisions at the point of care.

However, as with any technology, the effectiveness of CDS tools ultimately depends on how they are integrated into clinical workflows and how well healthcare providers adopt and utilize them. While CDS has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, its impact can be limited if clinicians do not trust the recommendations made by the system or if they do not consider it user-friendly.

Furthermore, CDS tools are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different healthcare settings have different needs, and CDS tools must be tailored to the specific requirements of each organization. Implementing CDS effectively requires collaboration between healthcare providers, IT departments, and vendors to ensure that the technology aligns with clinical workflows and meets the unique needs of each organization.

Despite these challenges, there’s no denying the potential of CDS technology to transform healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes. As the volume of medical knowledge continues to grow and the healthcare landscape becomes increasingly complex, CDS tools will play an increasingly critical role in helping clinicians navigate this complexity, make more informed decisions, and ultimately provide better care to their patients.


  1. healthitanalytics –
  2. biomedcentral –
  3. ajmc –
  4. nih –
  5. nih –
  6. bmj –
  7. cdc –
  8. healthcatalyst –
  9. nature –
  10. nih –

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