Personalization Engines Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Personalization Engines Statistics 2023: Facts about Personalization Engines outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

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Top Personalization Engines Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 61 Personalization Engines Statistics on this page 🙂

Personalization Engines “Latest” Statistics

  • Custobar clients who have created abandoned cart email automations have a conversion rate up to 40% from those messages alone.[1]
  • According to Harvard Business Review, although it has received glowing evaluations from users and industry experts, its market share is barely 2% compared to more well known systems like ADT, Google Nest, and Ring.[2]
  • Over the past five years, Harvard Business Review, have seen increases in their revenue of 6% to 10% and an increase in net incremental revenue attributable to personalization initiatives of anywhere from 40% to 100%.[2]
  • In the U.S, the app enabled sweetgreen to surpass Starbucks’s percentage of digital engagements in 2021, with 68% of sweetgreen sales coming from digital channels, compared with only 52% for Starbucks stores.[2]
  • 31% of shoppers say they would want a far more customized shopping experience than what they presently get.[3]
  • 32% believe that customized communications from companies violate their privacy, hence they don’t like them.[3]
  • Within an hour of providing their information to a merchant, 32% of customers anticipate receiving a personalized discount.[3]
  • 40% of CEOs believe that initiatives to personalize consumer experiences have negatively impacted e commerce sales and earnings.[3]
  • As long as the offers are relevant to their past interactions with the company, 41% of respondents feel it’s appropriate for firms to utilize their purchase history to provide targeted offers through mobile.[3]
  • After having a customized shopping experience with a specific business, 44% of customers think they are inclined to make more purchases.[3]
  • 50% of businesses believe that improving email engagement between subscribers can be accomplished by increasing customization.[3]
  • Only 15% of executives who were not as dedicated to the strategy report exceeding yearly revenue goals, compared to 54% of those who were.[3]
  • 54% of customers expect a customized discount from a store within a day of providing their information.[3]
  • Machine learning is either successful or extremely effective, according to 58% of marketers, in facilitating email personalization.[3]
  • Realtime data in emails, according to 60% of marketers, is either successful or very effective.[3]
  • If a brand provided them with more useful, interesting, or relevant material, 63% of customers indicated they would think more favorably of it.[3]
  • 63% of respondents find it very annoying that businesses still use the antiquated tactic of continuously blasting basic ad messages.[3]
  • Dynamic content, according to 65% of email marketers, is their most successful personalization strategy.[3]
  • 74% of marketers said that personalized emails and targeted communications increase client engagement rates.[3]
  • 75% of customers are more inclined to make a purchase from a merchant that knows their name, suggests alternatives based on previous purchases, or has access to their purchase history.[3]
  • Seventy seven of customers have selected, endorsed, or paid extra for a company that offers a customized service or experience.[3]
  • 78% of US internet users said that companies’ personally relevant material increased their propensity to buy.[3]
  • 79% of customers said they will only connect with an offer if it is tailored to take into account their prior encounters with the business.[3]
  • 8% of individuals agree that being called by their first name would inspire them to interact with a retail brand.[3]
  • 80% of consumers are more inclined to make a purchase from a business that provides individualized experiences.[3]
  • Customers want companies to get to know them and know when to contact them and when not to, according to 81% of consumers.[3]
  • 87% of customers agree that personally relevant branded material impacts their opinions of a brand in a good way.[3]
  • More than half of US marketers that used customization said it resulted in demonstrable increases saw an increase of more than 10%.[3]
  • Personalization is either very important or very vital, according to 94% of customer insights and marketing experts from various sectors, for achieving their current marketing goals.[3]
  • Personalized promotional marketing emails increase unique clickthrough rates for brands by 27%.[3]
  • By 2020, 51% of customers predict that businesses will foresee their requirements and provide useful solutions before they get in touch.[3]
  • Compared to mailings without personalization unique open rates for tailored promotional mails are 29% higher.[3]
  • Securing internal resources to carry out customized marketing initiatives is one of the biggest problems with customization for 66% of marketers.[3]
  • On average, internal marketers that can measure the improvement in their online experiences see a 19% increase in revenue.[3]
  • In the typical marketing effort, lack of content relevance results in response rates that are 83% lower.[3]
  • Nearly one third of tier 1 retailers report having minimal or no competence to assist personalization initiatives, and less than 10% of them feel they are extremely successful at it.[3]
  • As long as a website is for their advantage and uses personal information responsibly, more than half of customers (57%).[3]
  • Businesses who use email customization increase their campaign income by 17% above the typical marketer.[3]
  • While customized shopping cart suggestions persuaded 92% of online buyers, tailored homepage promotions inspired 85% of customers to make purchases.[3]
  • Compared to standard marketing communications, segmented tailored automated email messages have average open rates that are 46% higher.[3]
  • By using smart personalization engines to understand client intent, digital firms will be able to improve their earnings by up to 15%.[3]
  • An email’s average open rate is 5.9%, but its average click rate is .2% when the message and subject line are tailored.[3]
  • According to the business, even today, these individualized suggestions account for close to 35% of its sales.[4]
  • Evident from the fact that 57% of buyers say Amazon gives them more information about products, including their features and quality, which improves their whole purchasing experience.[4]
  • The inability to use the proper technologies to tailor experiences was cited by 53% of digital experience delivery experts.[5]
  • 60% of customers claim that they are inclined to make another purchase from a certain business after a tailored shopping experience.[5]
  • 22% of B2B clients claim that their most recent online experience was entirely tailored to their needs.[5]
  • 80% of consumers are more inclined to make a purchase from a business that provides individualized experiences.[5]
  • Segment consumers who like brands that provide individualized services or experiences have selected such brands more often or paid more for them (78%).[5]
  • According to studies, 73% of B2B buyers want customized experiences that are comparable to those of B2C customers.[5]
  • For 48% of surveyed retailers, developing and sustaining internal analytics and data science talent is proving to be a top issue.[6]
  • 23% of customers think that shops are succeeding in their attempts to personalize their offerings.[6]
  • Given the success stories, it is not surprising that, according to a Periscope by Mckinsey poll of merchants attending world retail congress, 95% of retail CEOs think that focusing on the individual needs of customers is a strategic goal for their businesses.[6]
  • Over 80% are still formulating a personalization strategy or have started experimental projects.[6]
  • The collection, integration, and synthesis of consumer data is the biggest customization problem, according to more than two thirds of study respondents (67%).[6]
  • 67% of survey respondents acknowledge that they lacked the necessary capabilities to implement mass personalization.[6]
  • Only 15% of merchants have completely embraced customization tactics.[6]
  • Accenture found that 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them, meaning that some understanding of an individual’s personal preferences is beneficial to all.[7]
  • According to Boston Consulting Group, businesses that are able to deliver personalized, relevant experiences to customers at multiple moments across the purchase journey achieve cost savings of up to 30% and revenue increases of as much as 20%.[7]
  • The importance of suggesting the right item to the right user can be gauged by the fact that 35% of all sales are estimated to be generated by the recommendation engine.[8]
  • Using genetic algorithms and machine learning, Virgin Pulse can forecast a person’s requirements, risks, and receptivity with up to 90% accuracy.[9]

Also Read

How Useful is Personalization Engines

One of the key advantages of personalization engines is the ability to enhance the user experience. By showing relevant products, content, or recommendations, these systems can significantly improve engagement and satisfaction. For example, an online retailer can use a personalization engine to showcase items that align with a user’s style, making the shopping experience more enjoyable and efficient. Additionally, personalized recommendations can lead to increased conversion rates and higher customer retention as users are more likely to return to a platform that understands their needs and preferences.

Personalization engines also play a crucial role in driving sales and revenue for businesses. By delivering targeted offers or promotions to specific segments of their audience, companies can increase the likelihood of making a sale. For instance, a streaming service can recommend relevant movies or TV shows based on a user’s viewing history, leading to higher subscriber engagement and retention. Moreover, personalization can help businesses cross-sell or upsell to customers by showcasing complementary products or services that align with their interests.

Furthermore, personalization engines can contribute to a more efficient marketing strategy. By analyzing user data and behavior, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience, allowing them to tailor their campaigns for maximum impact. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, companies can leverage personalization engines to deliver relevant messages to specific segments of their audience, increasing the chances of achieving desired outcomes. This targeted approach not only improves the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also helps businesses save time and resources by focusing on individuals most likely to convert.

In addition to enhancing the user experience, driving sales, and optimizing marketing efforts, personalization engines can also foster customer loyalty and trust. By demonstrating an understanding of users’ preferences and needs, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers. When users feel that a platform or brand truly cares about their individual interests, they are more likely to remain loyal and advocate for the company. This loyalty can translate into long-term customer relationships and consistent revenue streams for businesses.

Overall, personalization engines offer substantial advantages for both businesses and consumers. From improving the user experience and driving sales to optimizing marketing strategies and building customer loyalty, these advanced systems have become indispensable tools in today’s digital landscape. While concerns about privacy and choice may exist, the benefits of personalization cannot be overlooked. As businesses continue to prioritize customization and relevance, personalization engines will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the future of customer experiences.


  1. frosmo –
  2. hbr –
  3. instapage –
  4. vwo –
  5. bloomreach –
  6. mckinsey –
  7. retailtouchpoints –
  8. spiceworks –
  9. virginpulse –

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