DevOps Platforms Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Devops Platforms Statistics 2023: Facts about Devops Platforms outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Devops Platforms, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Devops Platforms Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 30 Devops Platforms Statistics on this page 🙂

Devops Platforms “Latest” Statistics

  • 23% of respondents to our poll claimed that the DevOps platform is used by everyone in their firm, not just Dev and Ops.[1]
  • 20% of respondents to the poll claimed to devote between 11% and 20% of their time just to toolchain integration and maintenance.[1]
  • According to almost 12% of survey respondents, a DevOps platform has helped them deploy software more quickly.[1]
  • According to Global Industry Analysts, the DevOps industry had a value of $6 billion in 2020, and depending on the company, five-year growth projections vary from $17 billion to $23 billion.[1]
  • With long-lasting handoffs as a result of integrations and maintenance, teams must spend around 10% of their monthly time simply attempting to keep the toolchains operating, which Forrester refers to as the DevOps cost.[1]
  • 18% assesses a candidate’s familiarity with important tools in the organization’s automation pipeline.[2]
  • Organizations with a structured upskilling program make up 31% of businesses.[2]
  • DevOps is being used at the project or multiple project level by 42% of worldwide organizations.[2]
  • 49% of respondents identify outdated technology as a problem, while 46% think that reluctance to adapt is a big problem.[2]
  • When assessing the effectiveness of DevOps initiatives, 53% of competent DevOps teams claimed to have included measures for sales and revenue to enhance client retention and customer satisfaction.[2]
  • Microservices and containers are also used by 71% of DevOps adopters.[2]
  • 86% of businesses believe it’s critical for their business to swiftly create and start producing new software.[2]
  • Compared to just 46% of low-evolved teams, 91% of highly developed teams report clearly understanding their obligations to other teams.[2]
  • According to a Codefresh poll on DevOps, just 1% of businesses have fully automated more than half of their workloads.[2]
  • Even four years ago, 60% of businesses in the IT industry were looking to fill DevOps engineer roles, according to DevOps 2017 Statistics.[2]
  • By 2023, a startling 90% of DevOps programs will have fallen short of expectations.[2]
  • 63% of IT professionals who stated they planned to change professions this year cited higher pay as their primary motivation.[2]
  • While 69% of experts said they use virtualized containers for microservices, just 15% of those who attempted using this architecture claimed to have had considerable success.[2]
  • According to Gartner, 5% of DevOps programs through 2020 have failed to achieve their goals due to issues with learning and modifications.[2]
  • Software engineers, quality assurance analysts, and testers are expected to have employment rise by 22% between 2020 and 2030, which is substantially faster than the average for all jobs.[2]
  • Workflow automation will be handled by platform teams at low DevOps evolution levels in 53% of cases in 2020.[2]
  • 90% of those who responded and had highly developed DevOps methods said their team had automated the majority of repetitious jobs.[2]
  • Puppet discovered that outdated architecture is one of the primary obstacles to improved DevOps practices for 28% of respondents in this year’s state of DevOps survey.[2]
  • 7% of survey respondents still report having expertise in mainframes.[2]
  • Only 10% of businesses claim to be highly effective at developing and deploying software quickly.[2]
  • 78% of businesses have distinct divisions for managing operations and development.[2]
  • MABL, a test automation firm, polled five hundred software testers, and 53% indicated their team employs continuous integration, 38% support continuous delivery, and just 29% have embraced continuous deployment.[2]
  • From 2021 to 2031, it is anticipated that the employment of software engineers, quality assurance analysts, and testers will expand by 25% overall, which is substantially faster than the average for all jobs.[3]
  • Data quality professionals consume about 40% of their time on inefficient data quality practices.[4]
  • According to Gartner, continuous testing eliminates expensive mistakes, predicting that 50%-80% of data analytics initiatives fail.[5]

Also Read

How Useful is Devops Platforms

One of the key benefits of DevOps platforms is their ability to automate various stages of the software development lifecycle. This automation can help to reduce the occurrence of human error and improve the overall efficiency of the development process. By automating tasks such as testing, deployment, and monitoring, teams can focus more of their time and energy on actually building and improving their software.

Additionally, DevOps platforms can also help to foster greater collaboration and communication between different teams within an organization. By providing a centralized platform for sharing code, tracking changes, and monitoring progress, DevOps platforms can help to break down silos and facilitate greater cross-team collaboration. This can lead to faster development cycles, reduced bottlenecks, and ultimately, better quality software products.

Another important aspect of DevOps platforms is their scalability and flexibility. With the ability to integrate with a wide range of tools and technologies, DevOps platforms can easily adapt to the specific needs and requirements of different projects and teams. This scalability and flexibility make it easier for organizations to grow and evolve without having to completely overhaul their existing development processes.

Furthermore, DevOps platforms can also help to improve visibility and transparency across the software development lifecycle. By providing real-time insights into the status of different tasks and projects, DevOps platforms enable teams to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies more quickly and make data-driven decisions about how to improve their processes. This increased visibility can lead to faster iteration cycles and more successful outcomes for software projects.

Despite all of these benefits, it’s important to recognize that DevOps platforms are not a silver bullet solution for all of the challenges that organizations face in their software development efforts. While they can certainly help to streamline processes and facilitate collaboration, they are just one piece of the larger puzzle that is building high-quality software.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a DevOps platform will depend on how well it is implemented and integrated into an organization’s existing processes and culture. Teams that are resistant to change or lack the necessary skills and expertise to leverage a DevOps platform effectively may not see the full benefits that it can offer.

In conclusion, while DevOps platforms can be incredibly useful tools for organizations looking to improve their software development processes, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important for organizations to carefully evaluate their needs and objectives before implementing a DevOps platform and to ensure that they have the necessary support and commitment from their teams to make the most of this technology.


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