Georgia Bullying Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Georgia Bullying Statistics 2023: Facts about Bullying in Georgia reflect the current socio-economic condition of the state.


LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Georgia Bullying, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Georgia Bullying Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 9 Georgia Bullying Statistics on this page 🙂

Georgia Bullying “Latest” Statistics

  • About 30% of students claim to have been bullied, either as a victim of bullying or as a victim of bullying.[1]
  • According to research, 64% of those who have experienced cyberbullying report it. The early adolescence journal cyberbullying may actually boost a student’s impression of their popularity.[2]
  • 25 percent of teen had an online bullying experience that resulted in a physical altercation.[2]
  • Georgia was ranked 25 in anti-bullying laws and 16th for bullying treatment and prevention. The state came in at No. 18 in the nation when it comes to bullying problems.[1]
  • In reference from the National Center for Education Statistics, 19% of bullied students say that they experienced negatively impacted their feelings, 14% said that it has negatively impacted their relationships with friends and family, and 9% reported a negative effect when it comes to their school chores.[2]

Georgia Bullying “Bully” Statistics

  • 91.6% of students said they would be prepared to step in in a case of bullying, either (always 41.2% of the time or sometimes 50.4%) in a bullying situation.[1]
  • According to an article entitled, “An Examination of Bullying in Georgia Schools: Demographic and School Climate Factors Associated with Willingness to Intervene in Bullying Situations”, 27.9% of participants were being involved in bullying incidents as a bully, victim or bully-victim.[1]
  • 19% of students actually intervene and 57% are successful in stopping the bullying within 10 seconds.[1]
  • 19% of students in grades 9-12 said they were bullied on school property in the previous 12 months, and 14.9% of students surveyed said that they were cyberbullied. This is according to the CDC’s 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.[1]

Also Read

How Useful is Georgia Bullying

While it is commendable that Georgia has recognized the importance of combating bullying, the effectiveness of these policies is often limited by a variety of factors. One of the main challenges is enforcement. Even with strict policies in place, it can be difficult for schools to monitor and prevent bullying behavior. This is especially true in cases of cyberbullying, which can be harder to detect and address.

Another issue is the culture surrounding bullying. In many cases, bullying is seen as a rite of passage or even as a normal part of growing up. This mentality can make it harder for victims to come forward and for bystanders to intervene. Changing this culture requires a shift in attitudes and values, which cannot be accomplished through policy alone.

Additionally, the resources available to schools for addressing bullying may be inadequate. Schools often have limited budgets and staff, making it challenging to implement comprehensive anti-bullying programs. This can result in a reactive rather than proactive approach to dealing with bullying incidents.

Furthermore, the root causes of bullying are complex and multifaceted. Addressing bullying requires a holistic approach that takes into account the underlying issues that contribute to this behavior, such as social dynamics, mental health issues, and societal influences. Without addressing these root causes, policies alone may be insufficient in truly combating bullying.

That being said, there are some promising initiatives in Georgia that show potential for addressing bullying effectively. For example, some schools have implemented peer mediation programs, which empower students to resolve conflicts and promote a culture of respect and empathy. By fostering positive relationships and communication skills, these programs can help prevent bullying before it occurs.

It is also important for schools to provide resources and support for both victims and perpetrators of bullying. Victims need to feel safe and supported, while bullies need counseling and guidance to address the underlying issues driving their behavior. By addressing the needs of all students involved in bullying incidents, schools can create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of Georgia’s anti-bullying policies depends on a combination of factors, including enforcement, cultural attitudes, resources, and holistic approaches. While there is still work to be done in this area, it is encouraging to see initiatives that show promise in addressing bullying more effectively. By continuing to prioritize this issue and work towards comprehensive solutions, Georgia can create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students.


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