Nebraska Bullying Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Nebraska Bullying Statistics 2023: Facts about Bullying in Nebraska reflect the current socio-economic condition of the state.


LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Nebraska Bullying, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Nebraska Bullying Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 10 Nebraska Bullying Statistics on this page 🙂

Nebraska Bullying “Latest” Statistics

  • According to studies of Melton et al.(1998) and Nansel et al. (2001), 15-25% of U.S. students report being bullied at least sometimes, while 15-20% report being bullied at least occasionally themselves.[1]
  • According to Farrington & Tfofi (2011), bullying at age 14 predicted violent convictions between ages 15 and 20; drug use at ages 27-32, and unsuccessful life at age 48.[1]
  • An extra 1% of residents of the state are given some protections against discrimination based on gender identity in private employment, housing, and public places to assemble.[2]
  • Protection against discrimination based on gender identity is provided to 25% of the state’s population in private employment, housing, and public facilities (full protection).[2]
  • Victims and bully-victims are more depressed and have lower self-esteem than non-victimized youth.[1]
  • Studies have shown that about 20% of 11-18 year old students have been cyber bullied (Hinduja & Patchin, 2010).[1]
  • Suicide was the second-leading cause of death among those ages 10-24 and 25-34 in 2020.[3]
  • 18.8% of high school students seriously considered attempting suicide and 8.9% actually attempted suicide, according to the 2019 Youth Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.[3]
  • Persistent mental distress arise to 58% from 11.7% to 18.5% of women ages 18-44 between 2014-2015 and 2019-2020.[3]
  • Bullying has been connected to both homicidal and suicidal behavior; however, greater variance is explained by depression (Swearer et al., 2016).[1]

Also Read

How Useful is Nebraska Bullying

The effectiveness of Nebraska’s anti-bullying initiatives can be examined through several lenses. First and foremost is the impact on those who have experienced bullying firsthand. For victims, having resources and support systems in place can make a significant difference in their ability to address and overcome the trauma of being bullied. Programs that promote empathy, understanding, and kindness can also help foster a culture of respect and inclusivity, making it less likely for bullying incidents to occur in the first place.

Additionally, the availability of avenues for reporting and addressing bullying behavior is crucial. Schools and organizations must have clear protocols for responding to and resolving instances of bullying, as well as mechanisms for monitoring and documenting such incidents. By holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring that consequences are enforced, the message is sent that bullying will not be tolerated, thereby deterring future occurrences.

Education and awareness are also key components of anti-bullying efforts in Nebraska. By equipping students, parents, teachers, and community members with the knowledge and tools to recognize, intervene in, and prevent bullying, we empower them to be proactive agents of change. Teaching individuals about the various forms of bullying, as well as the warning signs and consequences, can help create a more vigilant and informed populace that is better equipped to address the issue.

Moreover, the role of technology in bullying cannot be overlooked. With the proliferation of social media and digital communication platforms, bullying now extends beyond the confines of the physical environment and into the virtual realm. Nebraska’s anti-bullying campaigns must adapt to address this new frontier, educating individuals on safe online practices, promoting cyberbullying awareness, and collaborating with tech companies to develop tools and policies that prevent and combat online harassment.

Finally, the success of Nebraska’s anti-bullying efforts hinges on the collaboration and coordination of various stakeholders. Schools, government agencies, youth organizations, law enforcement, and community leaders must work together to promote a unified front against bullying. By fostering partnerships and pooling resources, we can create a cohesive and comprehensive approach to tackling the issue at all levels of society.

Ultimately, assessing the usefulness of Nebraska’s anti-bullying initiatives requires a multifaceted evaluation of their impact on individuals, communities, and the broader social fabric. While progress has been made in raising awareness and implementing preventive measures, there is always room for improvement and innovation in our approach to addressing bullying. By continually reassessing, adapting, and expanding our efforts, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for all Nebraskans.


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