Texas Bullying Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
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Texas Bullying Statistics 2023: Facts about Bullying in Texas reflect the current socio-economic condition of the state.


LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Texas Bullying, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Texas Bullying Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 13 Texas Bullying Statistics on this page 🙂

Texas Bullying “Latest” Statistics

  • According to UEA Texas, 14% of the 77% bullied had a serious or negative response to the harassment.[1]
  • 20% of students between the ages of 12 and 18, according to the 2017 School Crime Supplement from the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice, experienced bullying.[2]
  • According to a 2017 National Center for Education Statistics survey, nearly 20% of pupils aged 12 to 18 said they had experienced bullying at school that year.[3]
  • According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, data shows that an estimated 15.7% of high school students were electronically bullied in the 12 months prior to the survey.[4]
  • 36% of harassed students reported the bullying, with 64% of them not reporting it at all. High school kids experience cyberbullying at a rate of 15.5%, and on campus bullying at a rate of 20.2%.[5]
  • Verbal bullying is the most common type of bullying, with about 77% of all students being bullied verbally in some way or another, including mental bullying or even verbal abuse.[1]
  • According to Wallet Hub, Texas was ranked 27 in terms of the states with biggest bullying problems, with a score of 42.62 and a bullying prevalence of 39.[6]

Texas Bullying “Bully” Statistics

  • Accounting to PRN, 10 U.S. studies have been conducted on the connection between bullying and developmental disabilities, all of these studies found that children with disabilities were 2-3x more likely to be bullied than their nondisabled peers.[7]
  • According to data on bullying suicide, 77% of students have acknowledged being the target of bullying of some kind.[8]
  • 24% of middle school kids experience cyberbullying, and 45% are physically assaulted on school grounds.[5]
  • One of the most regrettable aspects of the data on bullying at schools is that, in around 85% of instances, no action is taken to halt the bullying by a teacher or member of the school administration.[1]
  • Teenagers in grades 6 through 10 are most likely to engage in bullying related behaviors, according to a recent safe study by UEA Texas.[1]
  • According to the CDC National Statistics report in 2016, 70.4% of Texas school staff have seen bullying in their schools, 62% of school staff witnessed bullying 2 or more times in the last month, and 41% of school workers at least once every week.[9]

Also Read

How Useful is Texas Bullying

One of the supposed benefits of bullying is that it toughens individuals up and prepares them for the harsh realities of the world. Proponents argue that encountering bullies builds resilience and character, helping individuals develop coping mechanisms and learn to stand up for themselves. However, this argument falls flat when we consider the devastating toll that bullying can take on a person’s mental health.

Victims of bullying often experience feelings of isolation, fear, and worthlessness. They may struggle academically, have difficulty forming relationships, or even resort to self-harm as a way of coping with the pain. While some individuals may indeed emerge stronger from bullying, many more suffer long-term consequences that can have a lasting impact on their lives.

Furthermore, the notion that bullying helps to weed out the weak is fundamentally flawed. Bullying does not discriminate – it can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Victims of bullying are not weak; they are individuals who have been subjected to unwarranted cruelty and abuse. To suggest that they somehow deserve or need to be bullied in order to “toughen up” is not only callous but also completely misguided.

Another argument often used to justify bullying is that it fosters a sense of competition and drives individuals to excel. However, the reality is that bullying creates a toxic environment where fear and aggression thrive. Instead of promoting healthy competition, it undermines trust, destroys confidence, and perpetuates a cycle of violence and aggression.

Moreover, the idea that bullying is a natural part of growing up is deeply concerning. While conflict and disagreements are a normal part of human interaction, bullying is not. Bullying is a deliberate and harmful behavior that goes beyond the realm of typical childhood disputes. It is a form of abuse that should never be tolerated or dismissed as just a rite of passage.

In conclusion, the usefulness of bullying in Texas, or anywhere for that matter, is highly debatable. While some may argue that it toughens individuals up or fosters competition, the reality is that the negative consequences far outweigh any perceived benefits. Bullying is a destructive force that can have lasting effects on victims and create a toxic climate within schools and communities. It is essential that we take a stand against bullying and work towards creating safer, more inclusive environments where every individual is valued and respected.


  1. ueatexas – https://www.ueatexas.com/duty-prevent-bullying/
  2. kvue – https://www.kvue.com/article/news/education/schools/central-texas-bullying-in-schools-youth/269-8a0b02ec-f209-478d-ad8b-1d48e525b8d0
  3. texasbar – https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=articles&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=51964
  4. uth – https://med.uth.edu/psychiatry/2021/03/12/the-impact-of-bullying-on-mental-health/
  5. txabc – https://www.txabc.org/
  6. nih – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5363950/
  7. prntexas – https://prntexas.org/top-10-facts-about-bullying-and-harassment-of-students-with-disabilities/
  8. ueatexas – https://www.ueatexas.com/educators-know-bullycide/
  9. texaspsyc – https://www.texaspsyc.org/page/ChildrenBullying/Mental-Health-Needs-and-Options-Children-in-Schools.htm

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